Christmas Concert '99



School Concert 1999


Our School Concert took place on Monday 20th December 1999 in Saint Leonards Hall. Everybody in the school took part. The concert began at 8:30p.m.. The first act were 3rd-6th Class with Medleys from The Beatles, Grease and Traditional Irish Music.


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Next were the Junior and Senior Infants with 'The Three Little Pigs' followed by a drama from seven pupils from 5th and 6th Class called 'If I Were Not Upon The Stage'. Then 1st and 2nd Class did an excellent version of 'The Three Wise Men'. They were followed by an Irish Dance by Sharon Cadogan.

Next were 5th and 6th Class played some Old Irish songs on the Tin Whistle. Then, just before the break 3rd and 4th Class recited a poem called 'The Animal Gifts'.

After the break Brigid Sinnott from 2nd Class played some Carols on the keyboard. She was followed by Ethan Fizharris who played 'Ding Dong Merrily on High' on the fiddle. Then 3rd and 4th Class did their play called 'The Santa Clause Twins'. Then came the main drama performed by 5th and 6th Class. It was called 'Cinderella'. But all the children made up their own lines.

Next Danielle Fitzharris from 2nd Class did an Irish Dance. Then Mary Sinnott and Gwendoline Bohanna from 4th Class played 'Roddy Mc.Corley on the Tin Whistle. Last of all the whole school sang Christmas Carols.

When the concert was over, there were sweets and drinks for all. Everybody thoroughly enjoyed the night's entertainment.

Seán C. & William F.

Home Up Christmas Concert '99 Easter concert