Other Limerick Entries…

I strolled from the Imperial to here,


In the company of friends far and near,

We sat in our places,

With bright shiny faces,

And I penned this doggerel from fear.

Ed Gavalek

Didn't stop to drink any beer,

Had good food at Clancys',

Then joined in the dances,

Best time I've had all year.

Yvonne Featherstone

And it wasn't because of the beer.

It was to take part,

And not have faint heart,

And sit at the front - not the rear!

Terry Latter

Compared to the Treasure Hunt,very near

Lots of food and plenty to eat,

Very friendly Americans for us to meet,

Is Tom paying, no fear.

Georgina Baxter

To sample the food and the beer,

I thought I was able,

To dance on the Table

But sadly ended up on my rear.

Sue Derham

Though I was already loaded with beer,

I sat through Toms' spiel,

Partook of a meal,

But I still wasn't thinking too clear.

Jim Werdell

Hoping for a good pint of beer.

They bought me a Guinness,

I knew I'd not finish,

So I passed it to Ed who was near.


I was late, but Tom I didn't fear,

I've got it on Tape,

His guilty little jape,

Besides I'll just buy him a beer.

Peter Boswell

In company full of good cheer,

We guessed at the route,

And made it by fluke,

To be welcomed and offered a beer.

Elaine Logan

With the intention of drinking some beer,

But the Brewer at the Shops,

Had forgotten the Hops,

So the pints were extremely queer.

Alma Gulbranson.

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 Updated: 13th May 2000 T.B.