Other Limerick Entries… I strolled from the Imperial to here, |
In the company of friends far and near, We sat in our places, With bright shiny faces, And I penned this doggerel from fear. Ed Gavalek |
Didn't stop to drink any beer, Had good food at Clancys', Then joined in the dances, Best time I've had all year. Yvonne Featherstone |
And it wasn't because of the beer. It was to take part, And not have faint heart, And sit at the front - not the rear! Terry Latter |
Compared to the Treasure Hunt,very near Lots of food and plenty to eat, Very friendly Americans for us to meet, Is Tom paying, no fear. Georgina Baxter |
To sample the food and the beer, I thought I was able, To dance on the Table But sadly ended up on my rear. Sue Derham |
Though I was already loaded with beer, I sat through Toms' spiel, Partook of a meal, But I still wasn't thinking too clear. Jim Werdell |
Hoping for a good pint of beer. They bought me a Guinness, I knew I'd not finish, So I passed it to Ed who was near. Carol |
I was late, but Tom I didn't fear, I've got it on Tape, His guilty little jape, Besides I'll just buy him a beer. Peter Boswell |
In company full of good cheer, We guessed at the route, And made it by fluke, To be welcomed and offered a beer .Elaine Logan |
With the intention of drinking some beer, But the Brewer at the Shops, Had forgotten the Hops, So the pints were extremely queer. Alma Gulbranson. |
Updated: 13th May 2000 T.B.