Other Limerick Entries, cont'd…

I strolled from the Imperial to here,


For my first Irish meal - the real gear!

The stew was a cracker,

But alas it will knacker,

My waist for the rest of the year.

Paul Chimes

Toting my parcels and gear,

I saw a bluefront,

Which ended the hunt,

For a good Mensa dinner and beer.

Bud Hyland

To drink wine rather than beer.

I started with Chardonnay,

Then continued with Cabernet,

And got rather pissed, I fear.

Hilary Leighter

And was glad it was quite near.

The company and craic it was good,

But being Mensans, I suppose it should.

The only thing wrong was the cost of the beer.

A.G. Baxter

And stopped on the way for a beer,

Tom said, "Where've you been?,

I thought you weren't keen,

So I've cancelled your supper, my dear".

Tricia Spain

My mind filled with visions of beer.

Wines, Largers and Stout,

All swilling about,

They'll carry me out on me Ear.

Eoin Crowley

On my arm the lovely Guinevere.

I made a suggestion,

It suffered rejection,

So it's back to my room for a beer.

Bernard Hawkes.

Considerably desirable of a beer.

They only serve wine,

Unintelligent Swine!

It looks like I'll get back conscience clear.

Jim Hayes

" a funny entry read out in Turkish by Yousri O'Kasha, unfortunately cannot read it , so cannot type it out."

The rugby sevens joined in and were very smutty and funny, perhaps Peter has them on Tape!


Traditional Irish Mensa Stew Served with Root Vegetables and Potato.


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 Updated: 13th May 2000 T.B.