Place Names and their Meaning

Castlequarter (Kilkeedy) - The site of Kilkeedy Castle.
Castlequarter (Moyree) - The site of Moyree Castle
Addergoole: - The words Eadar-ghabhail mean between two forts.
Monreagh: - Could mean the grey or brown bog or possibly the heathery bog.
Shanballysallagh:- This is taken to mean the old town of the Osiers ( willow trees)
Knockatermon:- It got its name because its near Templenadeirka and termon
was applied to church lands. Blakemount house is situated
in the townland. It is the principal residence of the Blake family
A branch of the Blakes of the Tribes of Galway.
Coolebaun:- The white wood.
Derrylumman: - This could mean the bare rocky wood.
Derryowen:- Owens oak wood.
Templebannagh: - This may mean the Gabled Church
Ballinlisheen: - The town of the little fort.
Lyan:- Leana, a meadow.
Rinecaha: - The point of battle
Ballyeighter:- The lower village or ford
Turkenagh:- The place of the swine
Garrynacallaha:- The garden of the landing place
Paulroe:- The red glen