Local Folk Cures

Skin bites.
The touch of a seventh son could cure infections from bites. Rub tobacco juice on insect bites.

Nettle stings
Rub spittle on a dock leaf and apply, saying "Chuir an neantog cealg ionan, Copog shraide mo leigheas. Nettle stung me, dock cure me".

Bee stings
Cut an onion and rub the inside on the sting.

A cold
Boil milk with an onion and drink it.

A boil
Put the fat of bacon on the boil and put a cloth around it.

Sty in your eye
Get a marriage ring and put up to the eye three times saying:
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Sore throat
Fill a stocking with salt and warm it as hot as you can bear it. Put it around your throat.

sty in your eye
nettle sting
bee sting