NAVIGATION Redirect Files (uz2) (@ GameServers.Net) LINKS CONTACT ME SUPPORT MJ |
Plans for a few female skins/models, Ultim8 II, Elite2k4 and others I previously mentioned are in the works and will be done if and when they're done :) Latest News This site is being moved to my new home... Click Here. No new updates will be posted here so please update your links to point to my new site ;) A little casual browsing and I came across news of Falcon on a Brazilian UT site (News) Falcon's debut on SkinCity too with another Skin Of The Moment (I've lost count), thanks SaD :) I started on Sigma. Although originally I was gonna' do a straight silver version of Falcon, I've actually made him black and cyan and intend changing him a bit from Falcon. I'll post an exclusive pic here when I have one and expect a download link soon... After that I'll finish off the other wips and take time out to notch up a few frags online - See you there! Also let me publically thank hal @ BeyondUnreal for recently promoting two of my new releases, which was above and beyond the call of duty... Truly the best UT site on the web! Marines (News) - Falcon (News) Thanks too to FilePlanet for expediting the availability of Marines and for the support they've given me over the years. Thanks also to Softpedia and GameSpot DLX for showing enough interest in my files to want to mirror them. February 10 2005 I haven't had time of late to do anything with the Hassan player model or the K2DM gametype but I will get around to finishing them - Still you're used to waiting, right ;) Marines (25MB) has been released. Visit the forum thread @ Atari and leave a comment if you want... Click Here The pack comes with 4 different versions of an original Unreal II converted model (and four duplicates) and I did this because I'm an Unreal fan. All of these have full CTF4 support. There's more SP support than previous projects and full MP support. It also comes with a custom voice pack, two custom species and one other character. This pack may also be required for the K2DM gametype as I may integrate them into it :) NB: The pack requires UT2004 to be patched to at least v3339 (Patch 5) for online compatibility. Don't have Patch 5? Download the windows patch, click Here Falcon (8MB) has been released. Visit the forum thread @ Atari and leave a comment if you want... Click Here Stanic (3MB) has been released. Visit the forum thread @ Atari and leave a comment if you want... Click Here Although I've already changed Zvonimir a number of times, I've decided to go back to him (at some stage) and redo a few things before release. He's the last Hellion male I'll do. I've another robot on the way in the style of Falcon but I'm gonna' change a few things - I'm inspired what can I do? This will be the last robot skin I do until I eventually do all of the robots in Ultim8 II. BTW thanks to everyone who tried out Ultim8 (20,000+ downloads) |
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