Pointless Pop-Ups


In this section you will find interesting links to other websites related to Pop-Up Advertisements.

Online Journals/Reports

Chan, A., Dodd, J., & Stevens, R. (2004). The efficacy of pop-ups and the resulting effect on brands.

McCoy, S., Galletta, D., Everard, A., & Polak, P. (2004). A Study of the Effects of Online Advertising: A Focus on Pop-Up and In-Line Ads.

Previte, J., & Forrest, Ed. (1998). Internet Advertising: An Assessment of Consumer Attitudes to Advertising On the Internet.

Safran, D. (2001). Beyond The Click: Ad Reaction Study.

News Articles

Goldhaber, H.M. (1997). Attention Shoppers!

Kane, M. (2003). Pop-ups are annoying, but effective.

Morissey, B. (2003). Pop-Ups Work.

Olsen, S. (2002). Taking the air out of pop-ups.

Olsen, S. (2004). Revenge of the pop-ups.

Free Pop-Up Blockers

Mozilla Firefox Internet Browser

Google Toolbar

Yahoo! Toolbar


Realistic Internet Simulator (A.K.A The "Kill the Pop-Ups" Game)

Prototype of a Person (Online Blog of the author)

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