Leader's Training Weekend-


in Derrygonnelly Centre
19th - 21st January 2007

Please click on the photograph to open it in to a bigger one.

David Sloan David Sloan David Sloan Eoghan Bailey Eoghan Bailey Eoghan Bailey
The Group "We Found the Markers !! it was in the right place !!" Caught in a Blizzard on top of Belmore Mountain
Eoghan Bailey David Sloan David Sloan David Sloan David Sloan David Sloan
Top of Belmore Mountain First Aid Scenario in the Cave  
David Sloan David Sloan David Sloan David Sloan David Sloan David Sloan
  "Enjoying that pint" The Workshops on Radios and GPS Bivvy Tent Demo
David Sloan David Sloan        
Stretcher Demo        
Twenty-five leaders demonstrated their dedication to the Wee Binnian Walking Club by gathering together in Co Fermanagh for training last weekend (19 -21 Jan).  They proved their worth by taking part in night-time and day navigation exercises in sleet and snow on Belmore Mountain and forest. They also held a full scale First Aid scenario in a dark cave with 'Academy Awards' being handed out for realistic role play by victims. They also attended workshops on the use of club radios and GPS. The leaders held a special meeting to discuss many of the issues that are important to the safety and enjoyment of walkers and ongoing development of training.  Many thanks to all involved. (Eoghan Bailey).
Wee Binnian Walkers | weebinnians@eircom.net
