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MUST HAVE: - Walking Boots-Raincoat and Leggings - Adequate clothing (layers are the best option) - Hat-Gloves - Packed lunch and at least 1 litre water

SHOULD HAVE: - Torch- Extra Batteries- Whistle - Bivvy Bag- Basic First Aid (at least plasters and bandages)

COULD HAVE: - 1:25000 Mourne Country Map (For the Mournes) or Sheet No. 36 OSI 1:50000 (for the Cooley's) - Compass

GOOD IDEAS: - Carry some emergency rations - Have a change of clothes in the car

(The Leader can refuse to allow you on the walk if you do not have the basics)

Sunday 11th Dec 2011 – Hen Mountain.

Meet at Bridge Street Car Park, Newry at 10.00




Rocky River Car Park (J 233 277). Click Here for Google Map Directions.

The Leaders who will be leading this walk are:


Grade A: Paddy Brady.

Grade B: Frank McCrory, Deirdre MacBride, Liam Quinn, Kathy Dawson

Grade C: Neil Lockington, Angela Sloane and Cyril O’Sullivan.


Après Walk: Kilbronney Inn, Rostrevor

Braveheart and Tartan Walks:

The kilts are on again and Winter is upon us, so its time for Roger Connelly’s annual Braveheart and Tartan Walks. The walks take place on Sun 11th December starting at 5am in Newcastle (Donard Park) and finishing between 4pm and 5pm at the Kilbroney pub in Rostrevor. The Braveheart Walk is 32km long and crosses all the peaks on-route while the Tartan Walk crosses a few less peaks but is still 28km long. Over the past years Roger and his fellow kilt wearing band have raised £1000’s by this venture in aid of The Childrens’ Hospice.

Roger has sponsorship cards and may be contacted at 028 41754140. Roger and any of the walkers will accept donations. For walkers who wish to park in Rostrevor, Des McConville is arranging taxis from Rostrevor at 04.15am. Best of luck to all who is walking this challenge. Show them your support by meeting them at the Kilbronney Inn, in Rostrevor after your walk.

A new logo for the Wee Binnnian Walkers 2012

The Committee invite members to design a new club logo to replace the existing one. The current logo has been in use for many years and as we are approaching our 25th anniversary we feel we would like a new image to represent the club. The new logo will be used in all future communication and documents, on our website and will feature on a special commemorative fleece available to members in 2012.

A prize of two years membership (or one year for two people) of the club will be awarded to the winning entry as judged by the committee. The club will retain all future rights to the logo.

Entries may be hand drawn or (preferably) in electronic format and may be submitted by email to or or by hand to any committee member before 29th January 2012. Eoghan Bailey Secretary

BBC Radio 4 - Ramblings

BBC Radio 4 Birmingham has invited The Wee Binnian Walkers to take part in their 2012 “Ramblings” series which will run from February 9th 2012 for 6 weeks Clare Balding, which some of you will know is the Producer and the researcher is Helen Chetwynd .


Recording will take place on Fri 13th Jan 2012. We will be starting from Carricklittle Car Park. We will be climbing Binnian and they will record 2 hours of audio which will be edited to 25 mins. air time.  If you are interested, contact Veronica McCann at  The theme of this series is “ Inspiration “ and the interviews will focus on your personal Walking Story ie Have you always walked or did you come to it later in life –Why do you walk – What do you get from it – How has walking helped / inspired you etc

This is a great opportunity for us in our Silver Jubilee year to showcase our club so I hope you will agree to participate. The researcher, Helen Chetwynd wants to contact a cross section of participants prior to the recording of the programme. If you want to get a taste of the programme click on the following link.

Dates For Your Diary:


The club will have a series of events mark our 25th Anniversary in 2012. A brochure will be published soon, however put this important date in your diary –


'Reeling in the Years’


Saturday 25th February – 7.30pm Killeavey Football Club An evening of fun and fond memories of ‘Times Gone Bye’ lead by our President - Veronica McCann Refreshments Served. For more details Click Here

Lost & Found - Left behind in Clonmel:

Eoghan Bailey has one blue gaiter that someone left behind on Sunday in Clonmel. Contact him at 00353 (0)86 843 4440

Other News:


RTE TV - Tracks and Trails:


RTE TV have returned with a new series of “Tracks and Trails” It features spectacular walks and cycle tracks in stunning locations all over the country.

The programmes will be presented by a different personality each week. Last Sunday’s (20th Nov) programme started its walk from the The Gap above the Vee which is in the Knockmealdown Mountains. Then it follows the Tipperary Heritage Trail and ended at the Rock of Cashel.


Some of you will remember we ended our second days walk at the famous Vee on our recent October trip in the Knockmealdowns Mountains. It is on Sunday night at 7.00 and repeated on following Saturday at 12.20. This Sunday (27th Nov) the programme is in Co Cavan and Fermanagh, taking in Upper Lough Erne.

Winter Lecture Series:

Andy Kirkpatrick:


Date: Wed 7th Dec 2011. Time: 19.30. Venue: LT1 in the Queens University MBC, Lisburn Road, Belfast, Other Information: "British mountaineer Andy Kirkpatrick and author of the award-winning Psychovertical will be giving a talk this Autumn on the subject of his new book, Cold Wars. (The lecture contains strong language and adult content.) Cost: Tickets can also be purchased on the door. [£10 / £8 M.I.] Click here for more information.


He is also on in Dublin: Date: Thur 8th Dec 2011. Time: 19.30. Venue: MacNeill Theatre, Hamilton Building, Trinity College, Dublin. Cost: N/A



Governing body for Rambling and Hill-Walking Clubs in the North of Ireland.



On a beautiful early autumn day in 2011 twenty-seven members from our clubs enjoyed two very successful mountain navigation courses at Tollymore National Outdoor Centre. Now, as we reflect upon these and begin to consider courses for 2012 the question is “What’s next”?
After this year’s courses we asked participants to let us know what courses they would like in the future. Here are some of their suggestions ..... intermediate level map and compass work, developing GPS skills, mountain photography, historical relics in the Mournes and wildlife in the hills. Perhaps you can suggest others.
A few years ago the UFRC worked closely with Tollymore Mountain Centre to create a one day event which embodied a variety of courses – a sort of walkers’ menu from which participants could select two, or maybe three topics. What do you think of this idea? – if you think it is worth following what topics might it include?
So, please put your thinking caps on – talk with your walking friends and then let us know by contacting Simon Reardon, 23 Innisfayle Park, Bangor, BT19 1DR or by the end of February.


Forest Closures due to outbreak of Tree disease


Please be aware, due to an outbreak of Phytophthora (P. ramorum), the Northern Ireland Forest Service has currently closed the following forests. In the Mournes they are: Tievenadarragh and Moneyscalp, In the Antrim Hill,  Glenarm, Glenariff, Woodburn and Ballyboley,

P. ramorum is a fast spreading disease which has the potential to cause serious damage to woodlands and plants here in Northern Ireland.

As such, we would strongly advise that walkers, cyclists and others taking part in outdoor activities do not enter the affected forests until it has been deemed safe to do so.

This harmful tree disease can be spread in many ways, including on footwear, on vehicle wheels or on tools and machinery. If you’re visiting other forests in Northern Ireland, please pay attention to signs showing what you can do to help prevent spread of the disease. These include:

·         avoiding any action which could result in the movement of infected soil or plant parts to uninfected areas

·         keeping to forest roads

·         keeping dogs under control

·         removing soil and mud from shoes and boots before leaving the woodland

For further information on this disease please visit the Forest Service’s website -


Mourne Rescue Team.


From their Facebook account they have a notice up as follows: MISSING: 1 set of mountain Rescue Landover keys. Last seen at quarry at Bearnagh/Trassey track area. Keep your eyes open if you’re up that way. Or if you've found them drop them a line on Facebook.

Basic Navigation Training Course report:


There was a great turnout 14 members enrolled for the Basic Navigation Course given by Thomas McKenna and Eoghan Bailey last weekend. The lads were ably assisted by fellow leaders Paul Fegan and David Sloan


On Thurs evening the trainees were put through their paces with a grueling 2½ hour crash course in map reading, grid references, compass and bearings held in Southern ITEC Boardroom, courtesy of Des. The evening was taken up by Power Point presentations and discussions, followed practice with maps and compasses.


On Sunday, the group assembled at Leitrim Lodge and were treated to a Pacing practice and a map reading quiz, before heading out in groups of four trainees and one leader, onto the hills. In this part, all participants were able to lead short sections in turn, whilst all practiced reading the map and the ground and all the skills they had learned so far. The weather was kind but cold and there were suggestions of promising new leaders in the future. Another course will be run next year so watchj this space....

Christmas Walks:

Irish Heart Foundation Charity Walk.

Date: Tuesday 27th December 2011; The Annual IHF Charity Walk will be led again by Venora O'Brien. We will meet at the Lumpers Pub, Ravensdale at 11.30am, enjoy a more leisurely 3 hour walk through the heather and hills before adjourning to the fireside in the Lumpers Pub where all are welcome to the free raffle and some refreshments from the pub's diner. All donations will help maintain the Helpline for Patients and Carers of Heart Disease.(Please note this is NOT a Wee Binnian organised event)

Our Next two walks are:

Monday 26th December 2011 – Slieve Gullion - Slieve Gullion Car Park (J041 195). Click Here for Google Map Directions.


The Leaders who will be leading the next walk are: All Available Leaders


Après Walk: Murphys Bar in Meigh


Sunday 8th January 2012 – Ben CromHappy Valley Car Park.(J292 297)


The Leaders who will be leading the next walk are:

Grade A: Edward McGuiggan. Brendan Kirke

Grade B: Pat Gaskin, Eileen McKeever, Stephen Downey, Peter McGowan.

Grade C: Tom Kehoe, Fiona Campbell and Neil Lockington


Après Walk: Betty Dorans

Other Information:


Did you miss the last Newsletter?. Click here for the last Newsletter


Safety Gear List: We ask members, particularly new members or people who are thinking of joining us, to read this information. Click Here


Weather Forecast BBC Weather , RTE Weather,


Our Website: Wee Binnian Walkers Website, Other: Walks Programme. Our Email address:

Contacting Our Club Secretary:


Secretary Eoghan Bailey - ROI 00353 (0)86 843 4440 or Assistant Secretary Eileen McKeever.- 0044(0) 759 239 3801. (You may wish to take note of these numbers for future reference and we ask members to store these numbers into your mobile and store them as “Wee Binnians”)


Newsletter compiled by: David Sloan. Articles submitted by: Eoghan Bailey, Eileen McKeever

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