STOCK OF YOUR EQUIPMENT MUST HAVE: - Walking Boots-Raincoat and Leggings - Adequate
clothing (layers are the best option) - Hat-Gloves - Packed lunch and at
least 1 litre water SHOULD HAVE: - Torch- Extra Batteries- Whistle - Bivvy Bag- Basic First Aid (at least plasters and
bandages) COULD HAVE: - 1:25000 Mourne Country
Map (For the Mournes) or Sheet No. 36 OSI 1:50000
(for the Cooley's) - Compass GOOD IDEAS: - Carry some emergency rations - Have a change of
clothes in the car (The Leader
can refuse to allow you on the walk if you do not have the basics) |
Sunday 8th January 2012 – Ben
Crom Meet at Bridge Street
Car Park, Newry at 10.00 OR Happy
Valley Car Park.(J292 297) Click Here for Google Map Direction. At 10.45am |
The Leaders who will be leading this walk are: Grade A: Edward McGuiggan. Brendan Kirke Grade B: Pat Gaskin, Eileen McKeever, Stephen Downey, Peter McGowan. Grade C: Tom Kehoe, Fiona Campbell and Neil Lockington Après Walk: Betty Dorans |
To all our Member and Readers of
this Newsletter. |
As you all know, The Wee Binnians
are celebrating 25 years this year, The Committee have a few events planned
throughout the year. Starting off with the Radio 4 interview, followed by “Reeling
in the Years”, Details are all below..... Have a good 25th
Anniversary... |
Reminder of “ The Wee Binnian’s “ date with
Radio 4 on Friday 13th January 2012. |
recap on this event, the Radio 4 “Rambling” programme has invited The Wee Binnian’s to take part in their new 2012 series. Clare
Balding, (Pictured right) the well known presenter and her team are coming
over to walk with us on Slieve Binnian on Friday 13th January. The production
team have asked for a 9.30 start because of their time constraints so I hope
this earlier start doesn’t create a problem for you. The start point will be
Carrick Little Car Park grid ref J345219 The
theme of this series is “Inspiration” and the interviews will focus on your
personal Walking Story so have your thoughts gathered on why you choose to
walk - – how has walking helped / inspired you – what added value has walking
with The Binnians brought to your life etc This
is your chance to share your story with a national audience, to inspire would
be walkers and last but not least profile our great club and our amazing Mourne Mountains. |
do hope that as many members as possible will turn up for this first big
event of our 25th Anniversary calendar. |
Dates For Your Diary: The
club will have a series of events mark our 25th Anniversary which is this year. A
brochure will be published soon, however put this important date in your
diary – 'Reeling in the Years’ Saturday
25th February – 7.30pm Killeavey Football Club An
evening of fun and fond memories of ‘Times Gone Bye’ lead by our President -
Veronica McCann Refreshments Served. For more details Click Here |
New logo for the Wee Binnnian Walkers 2012 |
Committee invite members to design a new club logo to replace the existing
one. The current logo has been in use for many years and as we are
approaching our 25th anniversary we feel we would like a new image
to represent the club. The new logo will be used in all future communication
and documents, on our website and will feature on a special commemorative
fleece available to members in 2012. A
prize of two years membership (or one year for two people) of the club will
be awarded to the winning entry as judged by the committee. The club will
retain all future rights to the logo. |
may be hand drawn or (preferably) in electronic format and may be submitted
by email to weebinnians@eircom.net or weebinnians@gmail.com or by hand to any
committee member before 29th January 2012. Eoghan Bailey Secretary |
UFRC News Governing body for Rambling and
Hill-Walking Clubs in the North of Ireland. Website: www.ufrc-online.co.uk |
UFRC Newsletter out Now. If you missed getting
your copy, you can now view it online... Cl;ick on
the link: http://ufrc-online.co.uk/pdf%20files/Microsoft_Word__UFRCNEWSLETTER_Oct_2011.pdf |
Mourne Upland Path Project – Erosion
Control at Carricklittle/Blue Lough Work
has started on erosion control along the path from Percy Bysshe/Blue
Lough above Annalong Wood to the col at Slieve Binnian/Slieve Lamagan.
The project has been funded through the NI Environment Agency’s Natural
Heritage Grants Programme. The
eroded site is within the Eastern Mournes Special
Area of Conservation (a European level of habitat protection) and Area of
Special Scientific Interest, and is also in the water catchment for Annalong River, and the Silent Valley reservoir via the
Binnian Tunnel. The
path has become very eroded in some sections,
particularly the steeper parts between Percy Bysshe
and Blue Lough and the section leading immediately up to the col. There are
severe gullies and the path is rock strewn pushing users onto the adjacent heathland, thus causing wider erosion. The eroded
material is washing down to the Carricklittle Track
and into watercourses supplying the Binnian Tunnel. The
works aim to mitigate erosion on the one hand whilst maintaining the
challenge of being in the remote outdoors for users on the other. The team
will work by hand and with a mini-digger as was seen on the North Tor to
establish an narrow aggregate path through the
eroded corridor. Techniques will include ‘benching’ and other similar
sustainable methods to make the paths blend in better with the natural
contours and shed water. Stone ‘slabs’ will be used to step up to higher
levels and will help demarcate the route and block off severely eroded areas.
Careful ongoing monitoring of impact will be undertaken and practices
adjusted as necessary. This
project continues on from earlier work in 2011 on the Carricklittle
Track and repair of the route from the above col to
the North Tor on Slieve Binnian. The
work team will be on site until the end of January 2012. MHT apologises for
any inconvenience to adjacent landowners and users. Contact
MHT if you are interested in getting involved with the path volunteers, or
even if you want to donate to support this important work. For
more information go to: Tel: 028 4372 4059, Email: mht@mourne.co.uk, Their
volunteering site is: www.activelifestyles.org Website: www.mournelive.com |
Forest Closures due to outbreak of Tree
disease Please be aware, due to an
outbreak of Phytophthora (P. ramorum),
the Northern Ireland Forest Service has currently closed the following
forests. In the Mournes they are: Tievenadarragh and Moneyscalp,
In the Antrim Hill, Glenarm, Glenariff, Woodburn
and Ballyboley, P. ramorum
is a fast spreading disease which has the potential to cause serious damage
to woodlands and plants here in Northern Ireland. As such, we would strongly
advise that walkers, cyclists and others taking part in outdoor activities do
not enter the affected forests until it has been deemed safe to do so. This harmful tree disease can
be spread in many ways, including on footwear, on vehicle wheels or on tools
and machinery. If you’re visiting other forests in Northern Ireland, please
pay attention to signs showing what you can do to help prevent spread of the
disease. These include: ·
avoiding any action which could result in the movement of infected
soil or plant parts to uninfected areas ·
keeping to forest roads ·
keeping dogs under control ·
removing soil and mud from shoes and boots before leaving the woodland For further information on this
disease please visit the Forest Service’s website - http://www.forestry.gov.uk/pramorum |
Our Next walk is: Sunday
22nd January 2012 – Carrickrawor – The
Lumpers Car Park- (J101 108) at 10.30am The Leaders who will be leading the next walk are: Grade A: Jock McArdle. Paul Fegan Grade B: Thomas McKenna, Peadar McDonald, John McCauley, Frank McAteer. Grade C: Grainne O’Donnell, Geraldine Craig and Patsy Gallagher. Après Walk: The Lumpers |
Other Information: Did you miss the last
Newsletter?. Click here for
the last Newsletter Safety Gear List: We ask members, particularly new members or people who are
thinking of joining us, to read this information. Click Here Weather Forecast BBC Weather , RTE Weather, Our Website: Wee Binnian Walkers Website, Other: Walks Programme. Our Email address: weebinnians@eircom.net |
Contacting Our Club Secretary: Secretary
Eoghan Bailey - ROI 00353 (0)86 843 4440 or Assistant Secretary Eileen McKeever.- 0044(0) 759 239 3801.
(You may wish to take note of these numbers for future reference and we ask
members to store these numbers into your mobile and store them as “Wee
Binnians”) Newsletter compiled by:
David Sloan. Articles
submitted by: Eoghan Bailey, Eileen McKeever |