Translation Services

Our 3 Translation Services Explained

1. Basic Service Explained:

Automated Translation is provided in our Basic Service. This is computer-generated or “machine translation”, generated at greater speed than human translation, and therefore at reduced cost. However, most “raw” output will have limitations: certain parts may be ungrammatical/incoherent; other parts may be misleading due to unsuitable or unusual choices of terminology. Nonetheless, this type of transation is useful when a reader needs to know only the basic “thrust” of a document or to identify which parts are of most interest in a long document. The extent of the limitations depend on a number of factors:
Suitable Document Content: Clearly written source text in “standard” language produces better quality “output” than, e.g a very colloquial or literary text, or a document with many illustrations, figures or tables.
Suitable Document Format: Best results are obtained with electronically created documents e.g. Word documents or text PDFs.
Suitable Language Combination: Best results are obtained when the source and target languages have similar word order and structures e.g.French to English will ususally be more satisfactory than German to English.
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2. Professional Service Explained

Post-edited Translation is offered in our Professional Service. "Post-editing” means the human correction of “raw” machine translation output, so that the text achieves a similar standard to full human translation. Some traces of machine “output” may, however, remain, to varying degrees, as the output will be edited for errors, rather than being fully revised and polished. Therefore, in places, it may “sound like a translation” while certain nuances or small details may be “lost in translation”. However, a properly post-edited text will not be seriously misleading or incoherent.
Suitable Document Content: Best results are obtained with informational documents where “what” the writer says is more important than “how” it is said. Examples could be internal company information, correspondence received, product manuals that contain a lot of repetition. Unsuitable examples are promotional and advertising material, legal documents; most journalistic writing
Suitable Document Format: As for Automated Translation.
Suitable Language Combinations: As for Automated Translation: a language combination that produces good quality machine output, will also produce best post-edited results.
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3. Premium Service Explained:

Full Human Translation is offered in our Premium Service. This means that a human translates all the text from the outset, or any automated output used to aid the translation task is fully revised, to that the entire translation reads as though it were produced by a skilled human translator. This services offers the most accurate content and stylistically appropriate language. By its nature, it is slower and more expensive than automated or post-edited translation.
Suitable Document Content: All types of content, but essential for official documents such as Birth and Marriage Certificates, most legal documents, promotional and advertising material; documents with important instructions; journalistic writing; any kind of document requiring a certified translation.
Suitable Document Format: All formats except handwritten
Suitable Language Combination: All language combinations.
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Our most competitive rates are offered for:
• Languages in which we specialise
• Documents in all languages supplied and delivered in Word or text PDF

To provide a quotation we usually need to see the text to be translated or edited

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• Telephone us to discuss your needs at (+353-1) 6392984