Words Language Services


translators at work
30 Years of Quality Service

Since 1988 WLS has provided a range of quality language services with a particular focus on translation and translator training. Our innovative online translation training courses enable translators to qualify for Translation Certification from the comfort of their homes.

The popular WLS Certificate in Professional Translation is a unique translation course, offering the option of general translation training or focusing on areas of specialisation translation training, such as legal translation, journalism, literature and many other fieourseslds. Preparation for the CIOL Diploma in Translation examination is available through a suite of translation training programmes.

In the area of online TEFL Training, the WLS CertGRAM course covers distance TEFL training, using interactive learning technology in the area of grammar teaching.

Click on the links on the left for full descriptions of all our services and courses. On the right our News and Views Section provides links to items of general linguistic interest.

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