Safeguard Angel 23 lvl
Absorbs 20% of hitting and add life. Single use ( somebody saw dying
angels?). |
Satan 28 lvl
Incrase damage 30%. Single use. Drop, soemtimes in shop. |

Alcohol 750 zen
Incrase attack speed 20 points in one minute. |
Town Portal 750 zen
Move ower to nerest city or safe area. |
Horn of Unilia 33 lvl
Something like horse. You can ridge. Single use. |
Box of Luck
Drop form Golden Budge Dragon. If you throw it , you can recive items,
jewel, money or.. nothing. |
Crossbow Box
arrow to crossbow+1(1) 1600 zen Ilość: 255 szt. Add damage up 3% +
arrow to crossbow +2(1) 2300 zen Ilość: 255 szt. Add damage up 5%
+ 1. |
Arrow Box
Arrow +1(1) 1000 zen Ilość: 255 szt. Add damage up 3% + 1.
Arrow +2(1) 1500 zen Ilość: 255 szt. Add damage up 5% + 1. |
Devil Key
Component to create invitation to Devil Square. |
Devil Eye
Component to create invitation to Devil Square. |
Blood scroll
Component to create invitation to Blood Castle. |
Blood Fang
Component to create invitation to Blood Castle. |
Fury of Ligth
Drop, if we have this item and horn of unilia, we can use
additional skill. Cavalry ruulez! |
Invisibility Cloak
Invitation to Blood Castle |
Zaproszenie do Devil Square
Invitation to Devil Square. |
Blue Feather
Component to create wings second level. Drop in Tarkan, Icarus,
Atlans (hydra). |
Dinorant 110 lvl
better than Horn of Uniria (Unilia). You can fly!. Create only in
Chaos Gobblin Machine - 10 Horn of Uniria (full of life) +1 chaos+kasa.
15% add dmg and 10% add to def. |
Box of Heaven
Bonus box. Throw it and recive items, jewel, money or nothing. |
Sometimes trash , sometimes important thing |
Map of Kalima
??? |
?? |
??? |
1 |
15 ~ 49 |
15 ~ 29 |
2 |
50 ~ 119 |
30 ~ 99 |
3 |
120 ~ 179 |
100 ~ 159 |
4 |
180 ~ 239 |
160 ~ 219 |
5 |
240 ~ 299 |
220 ~ 279 |
6 |
300 ~ 400 |
280 ~ 400 |
Sign of Kundun
Item |
Monster Drop Level |
+1 |
Level 25 Larva |
+2 |
Level 47 Shadow |
+3 |
Level 66 Great
Bahamut |
+4 |
Level 78 Mega Crust |
+5 |
Level 84 Vim Knight |
+6 |
Level 92 Alpha Crust |
Crest of Monarch
You need this to make Cape of Dark Lord |