Catholic Guides of Ireland

Catholic Guides of Ireland
Contact Esther Kenneally
Address Firkin Crane Development, Dominick Street, Cork, Ireland.
Phone +353-(0)21-508857

General Introduction

The Catholic Guides of Ireland is a voluntary organisation which promotes and fosters the spiritual, moral, cultural, intellectual, social and physical development of its members in accordance with Guide Ideals, so that they become mature persons prepared for leadership and service in the home and community.


The programme caters for the following age groups:

Brigin Guides (6-11 years), Guides (10-17 years), Rangers (15-19 years). There are plans to initiate a new section of Cygnets (5-7 years). Through these different stages of the programme, the girls are introduced to a variety of challenges which enable them to develop their abilities in a responsible manner. Activities include Camping, Hiking, Drama, Orienteering, Nature Study, Cooking, Arts and Crafts, Project Work, Movement to Music and First Aid.

Programme Schedule

Location Minimum Maximum
Ballinhassig 6 16
Bishopstown / Curraheen 6 19
Carrigaline 6 16
Carrignavar 6 16
Cork City 6 16
Farranree 6 16
Sundays Well 6 16
Watergrasshill 8 16

Further Information:

Adult Volunteers are trained in Leadership Skills. Training and support is available through the local and national structure.

Last Updated, October 29, 1998




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