Donkeys & other equines taken in to the Sanctuary 1991 2002 JACOB - AUGUST 1991 Pale grey gelding over 25 years, no cross. Good feet. Came from Dromahair. Working donkey used to pulling cart. Great character. No top teeth, bottom teeth very worn. Allowed in the garden in the autumn and winter as unable to crop the grass when it gets short. Died 24th January, 1998 of either brain hemorrhage or stroke. Unable to walk though could sometime struggle to his feet. Head twisted to the left. Vet attended. Burial marked with a wild cherry and ash tree. TOMAS - SEPTEMBER 1991 Large dark brown gelding with small white star and silver undermarkings and muzzle, delivered with Isaac from Tubbercurry. Around 25 years old. Owner had died and young son-in-law delighted to give the donkeys a good home. Feet appalling, very long and badly infected. Extremely painful for him to walk. Tom was never easy to keep in good condition and he eventually died suddenly on 14th June, 1996. Blood and pus coming from his nose and mouth. Vet attended and he was put down with humane killer. Possible diagnosis of abscesses on internal organs and one on his lungs burst, causing severe emphysema. ISAAC - SEPTEMBER 1991 Large grey/fawn gelding who came with Tomas from Tubbercurry. About 18 years old. Overweight. Feet appalling, very long and curled up like Aladdin's slippers, rubbing against front of cannon bones, both legs. White face, clearly marked cross. Very affectionate and loves children. Ongoing problems with feet but eventually stopped rearing when farrier handled front feet. Winter 1996 starting 10.10.96 long term abscesses in off hind foot which were released and drained. Died at Sanctuary December 13th 1999 following a stroke. LADY - OCTOBER 1991 Bought for £ 20, including foal from nasty man at Tubbercurry. Met him at Coolaney horse fair and he delivered them for £8. Fawn coloured mare with distinct cross and dark brown points. Very pretty. Dreadful feet, suffering severe laminitis and barely able to walk. Six months jack foal at foot (Luke). Thin. Had to pen them both in the yard overnight as she was unable to walk to the field, Next morning Jacob persuaded her to follow him onto grass and soft land. Diet kept controlled and Luke suckling until he was two years old. Bone down in both front feet, right one dangerously low. Beautiful, affectionate and patient person, who had to be put down April 1993 when the bone came through the sole of her right foot. Vet attended. Aged around 20 on arrival. LUKE - OCTOBER 1991 Lady's jack foal, identical colouring to Lady. Gelded the following May and spent a week with lady on clean land until healed. Vet attended. Grew into a very strong, handsome donkey who bonded with Morestina when Lady died and they have remained inseparable ever since. Strong, well shaped hooves but with tendency to twist like Lady's so regular farrier attention absolutely essential. MISTY - SEPTEMBER 1992 Grey mare, very thin and on very poor grazing. Bought for £20.00 delivered, from Riverstown Shy and sweet, introverted and very pretty. Put on weight rapidly all through the winter until we were convinced she was in foal. Vet confirmed no foal. Never looses the weight but does not get bigger either. Difficult to handle, hates being groomed and fearful of men. Aged around 10 years when brought in. Fostered to permanent foster home with two other donkey mares 2nd Sept. 1998. Very happy. MORESTINA - NOVEMBER 1992 Grey/fawn small mare rescued by friends of the Sanctuary from Dromore West and kept by them for the first summer they were here. Isaac fell in love with her when she was in season and escaped onto adjoining land, spending the night by the cattle grid mooning over her. Friends subsequently asked if she could join the others and when Lady died she and Luke bonded. Very twisted feet which took nearly four years to correct but otherwise healthy. Bit of a ring leader and comes into season often and all year round. Age around 18. CASSIE - SPRING 1992 Aged about 11. Asked to take her by Mick and Margie Matthews, who were returning to live in Dublin and could no longer keep her. She had a jack foal (Alfie) but they did not want him gelded, and gave him, instead to a friend, who subsequently sold him to Tatty, Dromahair. Tatty had him gelded and trained him to the cart and he visited and stayed two weeks with his mum in the summer of 1996. Cassie arrived with extremely sore feet. Cassie stayed on deep straw for 5 weeks before able to walk properly and has always remained tender on the feet. Stiff, rheumatic pastern and fetlock joints, particularly front legs. Very straight back. Fawn colour, brown points and distinct cross. Beautiful eyes and very pretty. Crafty and not very trusting, though likes to be groomed. SUSIE - SUMMER 1993 Very tall, elegant, pale grey mare bought from neighbour for £35.00 at his request as he had cardiac disease with poor prognosis. I was to tell anyone who asked that I had paid £200.00 for her! Had been very strong working donkey known locally for pulling great weight. Severe laminitis, particularly of the off forefoot. Bones well down in both front feet but off fore very bad. Regular use of Phenylbutizone, Finadyne and finally Zerobute (Jan 1998) which suits her well. Very lame but usually cheerful and sociable. Chris Glossop monitoring carefully. Transferred to Liscarroll October 1998 because she needs to be on deep litter bedding. Jilly to accompany her together with Biddy, Star, Eli, Ziggy, Beth and Amos JILLY - Winter 1993 - tiny dark brown mare. Very severely malnourished to the point of collapse - had to be carried out of the field into the trailer and we had to get help to assist unloading her into the stable. Had to be "turned" several times daily for several weeks because not strong enough to get up unaided. Eating problem but eventually persuaded to eat but had to have food at head height for many weeks as she was unable to keep her balance when she put her head down to eat from the floor. Around 25 years old. Bad foot rot, laminitis, bones down on both front feet. Became Susie's special friend and grew to be very affectionate and lovely natured. ASHTAR - OCTOBER 4th 1993 Bought from Ballinasloe Horse Fair for£35.00. Five month foal, very dark brown with barely noticeable cross, mealy muzzle. Not weaned and taken from his dam, left standing out in cold and wet for two days and nights. Suffering from severe pneumonia and pleurisy. Vet attended. Treated with homoeopathy and antibiotics and eventually recovered. Bonded with Isaac, Luke and Modestina. Feet troublesome and tendency to abscesses. 13.10.96 Wintered with Jeremiah at P. Galligan's but not happy. Brought home March 97. AYIKA - OCTOBER 4th 1993 Bought same time as Ashtar for £30 .00. About 4 months, not weaned, severely sick with pneumonia and pleurisy. Vet attended every day for 10 days but he died October 13th. Too Small, young and thin to take antibiotics. Also dark brown but with silver points and mealy muzzle. SOLOMON - BOYLE HORSE FAIR November 1993. Large fawn gelding poor condition. Lice. Bad hooves. Serious influenza. Very timid and with painful hobble injuries to off foreleg. Large fluffy head, brown points, distinct cross. Would not be touched for over two weeks, then gradually gained confidence and now very affectionate and cuddly. Around 20 years. Probably has worked. JEREMIAH - BOYLE HORSE FAIR November 1993. About 6 years old, very bold, mouse coloured gelding (rig?) delivered with Solomon despite protestations that he was healthy and did not need to come in. Good feet. 'Me first' sort of character, very independent and bossy with other donkeys, likes being with horses so wintered with Ashtar at P. Galligan's 13.10 96 to keep foal company. Seemed quite happy. Returned April 1997. 1998 went to permanent foster home to keep cob pony called Kerry company and they bonded inseparately. Jerry now extremely happy. FERGAL - BORNACOOLA, Roosky. Near to Tooman House. February 1994. Owner had gone into a home and neighbour supposed to be looking after him. Full of lice, feet very bad, thin, no shelter, wet poor grazing. Standing in the snow and sleet and utterly miserable. Confiscated by Mohill Gardai and collected February 1994. Fawn colour with faint cross which grew more distinct as condition improved. ransferred to Liscarroll through lack of space here and eventually transferred to UK where he is fit and well. HUMPHREY AND FRIEND; TWO STALLIONS, taken direct to Liscarroll at the same time as Fergal. BOBBIN - Early Winter 1995. Notified by M. Sachs who subsequently went with me to persuade elderly owner to give him up. (Living in Bundoran). Bobbin left entirely alone on 20 acres up the back of the mountain behind Drumkeerin. Feet non-existent. Very small, dark brown, long haired gelding with white star - extremely pretty but with awful foot rot. Transferred to Liscarroll for intense medical care and died May 1995. Age uncertain but very elderly. NOAH - BOYLE HORSE FAIR Spring 1996. Fawn coloured gelding in poor condition. Bought for £60.00 with money donated for that purpose. Delivered by Andy Conners to end of bog road and walked up, straight over both cattle grids! Feet twisted and had been badly trimmed. Very sad little donkey, and very nervous. 28.4.97 Rehomed to keep Francis company with Barbara Herbert, Tooman House, Bornacoola. Around 25 years old. Francis and Noah returned to Sanctuary for winter of 2000/2001 as Barbara was travelling abroad to visit relatives and settled in so well they have remained since.. NEDDY JASPER - 7th January 1996 came in from local farmer and rehomed almost immediately to keep Jenny company at Coopershill with Mrs. Joan O'Hara. Fawn gelding. Working donkey with extremely nice manners. Died at Coopers Hill on 13th February, 2001 and Jenny subsequently transferred to Sanctuary. NEDDIE OISIN FLAT TYRES - 24th SEPTEMBER 1996 from Altbrean, Swanlinbar, Co. Cavan. Paid £35.00 from owner who wanted him to come in to Sanctuary as his wife had just died from cancer and he was crippled with rheumatoid arthritis. Had been working donkey, long unattended feet, suspicious. Now extremely affectionate. Summered out with Nellie at Leitrim with Inga and Elka summer 1997. Home October for the winter. Grey gelding, small, cow hocked, 'noble' nose. Cross. NELLIE - Rescued by donkey lovers and signed over to Sanctuary winter 1996. Spends winters here and summers with her rescuers together with Neddie Flat Tyres or Cassie for the summer. Large, pale grey mare with no particular markings. Around 30 years old, very affectionate and nice natured. Defensive of food but never kicks people. Stopped her travelling days in 1999 and has stayed permanently at the Sanctuary since. HESTER - 3lst December 1996 relinquished by owner from Gurteen. Dark brown mare around 15 years with old break to off fore leg and severe damage to near fore which had overshot, possibly due to taking all the weight while the other leg was out of action. X rays by Peter Bowen Walsh - sent up to Dublin Vet College 12.1.97 Hester McIntyre says inoperable. Brave, determined and much loved but finally got too sore with bed sores, and too tired of trying. Put to sleep 15.4.97. Vet attended . Buried on land (with Jacob) and has wild cherry and ash tree in memory. MARTHA - 28th April, 1997 Good Friday. Brought in from Bornacoola, Co Leitrim. Had been lice infested so owner had cut off all the coat with scissors. 28.6.97. Abcess near fore coronet. 7.7.97 Dexametazone (antihistamine) for reaction to sting on belly. Beautiful white mare, very elderly (30+) who loves people but not so keen on other donkeys. Agraphobic. Palled up with Mickey and Benjamin and transferred to Liscarroll with them 11.7.97, settling well in geriatrics barn. MICKEY - SATURDAY 3rd MAY 1997 from a donkey lover who rescued him from a neighbouring farm. Light grey gelding about 20 years. Very thin and extremely sore on front feet. Washed with Tixol for lice infestation. Timid. Lump on rear off quarter near tail. Very sweet nature. Prognosis on feet not good as bone down on both front and one rear foot. Transferred to Liscarroll 11.7.97 Still going October 1997. Put to sleep soon afterwards when bone came through foot. BENJAMIN - SATURDAY 3rd MAY 1997 Called by Ballymote Gards to elderly grey donkey collapsed on the side of the road at Doo Church, Ballymote. About 40 years, Lice infested, tick infested, very bad feet, especially near-hind which was twisted out and under. Phenylbutizone for pain . No top teeth. Very, very, timid. Serious emphesema. Advise prosecution if owner could be found. Vet report 5th May. 7th July cough, heart irregular - vet check. 11.7.97 to Liscarroll with Martha and Mickey for specialist medical care. Died September 1997. 20th June 1997 MARISE Milk Sheep put to sleep. Abcess on bladder the size of a melon. COBBITY AND JAMIE 18th SEPTEMBER, 1997 Delivered by Andy Conners in terrible condition and in awful battered trailer, supposedly from Cork. Cobbity, elderly fawn/grey mare with serious injuries to off fore fetlock/pastern joints. All feet chopped very short and extremely sore. Lice infested and several body rubs. Very thin and poor condition generally. JAMIE - about 30 years old, grey gelding with quite long mane. Tail rub and several body rubs. Feet chopped very short and badly done (by same person as Cobbity's). Vet report by Dorothy Joyce on 25th September when called to Isabella. Paid £60.00 each to get them off Andy Conners. Liscarroll informed. 30th October, transferred to Liscarroll. ISABELLA - 24th SEPTEMBER 1997 delivered by Andy Conners . Isabella extremely poor condition, very thin indeed, lice infested, serious abcess on tail and several body rubs, feet badly trimmed too short. Vet report by Dorothy Joyce on 25th Sept. and abcess drained and cleaned. Repeated 5 days later. Prosecution advised. Transferred to Liscarroll 30th October, 1997. On 5th Feb 1998 documentation and photographs sent to Clem Ryan, Chief Welfare Officer for The Donkey Sanctuary, Liscarroll, Co. Cork to help with prosecution of Andy Conners who was found to have another donkey kept in extremely bad condition. Isabella subsequently died of anaemia and Jamie and Cobbitty both had to be put to sleep. Andy Conners prosecuted. TESSA AND BENNY - arrived 5th November, 1997 from Eleanor Mitchell, Enniskillen. Dark brown mare and mouse grey gelding. Tessa about 8 years and Benny about 4. Eleanor unable to keep them any longer and wants to find a good home. 17th November, taken on foster scheme but in April 1998 brought back in because not happy with their condition. Winter 2001 Tessa suffered an injury to her near fore knee joint which resulted in her being happier with the older donkeys. Benny stays with the younger gang and 'visits' over the fence but neither now dependent on the other as they were on arrival. BIDDY AND STAR - 9th December, 1997 Large dark brown mare about 30 years and three year old dark brown filly foal from Marjorie Cross, Buddhist Centre, Cavan. Biddy gone down in the mud and lost heart - did not want to get up. Recommendation that she came in, at least for a while, to recuperate. Biddy very tired. Bone down on both front feet, Heavy crest - obviously a laminitis sufferer. Foot rot, especially front feet. Star healthy and full of life. Smaller than Biddy with small white star and silver points. Signed over to Sai Sanctuary early 1998 and transferred to Liscarroll October 1998. Biddy died 1999 and Star settled with other young donkeys very happily. BETH - brought in 1.4.98 from Ballymote Creamery. Had been bought from Coolaney horse fair because rescuer felt sorry for her. Very thin, weak, tired and depressed. Tail rub. Coat rubbed from hind legs and face. About 12 years old. Condition improved and she made a special bonding with AMOS but needed permanent housing especially in the winter so as our facilities at the time were inadequate she was transferred to Liscarroll October 1998. AMOS - very elderly grey gelding probably 38-40yrs with very bad feet brought in by Paddy Joe Healy on 25.4.98. Poor condition. Very severe lice infestation. Sarcoid growth on inside of off hind leg Coat very tatty. Feet, especially the front feet inclined to deep seated abscesses. Soon made special friends with Beth. Transferred to Liscarroll October 1998. Aged by Liscarrol vet at 41 years ZIGGY - Small grey mare from Croghan, Boyle, 2nd May 1998. Petite little donkey suffering with severe laminitis after being left out on about 10 acres rich dairy land. Lonely so soon took to the company of others and palled up with Beth , Amos and Eli in particular. Around 25-30 yrs old. Transferred to Liscarroll October 1998. MR DINKY - Transferred direct to Liscarroll 5th February 1998 from Pat Stevenson, Ballymote. Grey brown stallion with lovely gentle nature and manners. DOT - transferred direct to Liscarroll 5th Feb 1998 from Culeenamore, Strandhill. Belonged to Mr. Kennedy, now hospitalised. Dark brown mare, poor feet, elderly. Died at Liscarroll later in 1998. ELI - SSPCA rescue from Tommy Rooney (1st June 1998) with help of brother and Garda Colm Nevin. Absolutely atrocious feet. Prosecution had ownership been proved but as all denied ownership he was released to the Sai Sanctuary. Creamy fawn gelding with long shaggy coat and around 30 years old. Very affectionate and delighted to find company. Farrier hopes to save feet but near hind extremely bad though not lame. Feet improved over the summer. Made friends with Ziggy in particular and transferred to Liscarroll October 1998 due to lack of space and over wintering facilities here. FLYNN - 5th November 1998 from, Ballahadereen from woman who claimed he was dumped on her. She kept him for 6 weeks but could not cope and asked for him to be taken away. Soft dark brown gelding with deformed front legs giving the appearance of rickets. Hooves overgrown but not extensively. Lice infested. X-rays sent to Dublin Veterinary Hospital and concluded he is no longer in pain but has grown 1" extra bone on the insides of both front knee joints, probably due to being tethered by the legs for most of his 23 years. Very knocked about after his journey to the Sanctuary and from constant falls. Weak and undernourished. Had to be "turned" day and night for a month until he started getting up on his own accord. Responded well to MSM and by April 1999 quite mobile. Now permanently on MSM and Glucosamine with very beneficial effect. Loves children. Very affectionate. Needs constant hands-on care but enjoys good quality of life despite his deformities. MEGGIE - small, soft brown, grossly overweight mare around 40 years relinquished to SSPCA 14th February 1999 and subsequently to Sai Sanctuary from Corthoon, Charlesrtown. Very lame with infected, split hooves, skin sores, lice infestation. Very afraid. Kept in atrocious, mucky conditions. Mobile apart from temporary lameness. Made friends with Flynn and shares stable with him. Began to lose weight during 2000 and in early 2002 developed what appeared to be chronic cystitis but did not respond to treatment. In June 2002 she passed a bladder stone the size of a chicken's egg and improved in condition for a couple of months before dying peacefully in August, 2002 . JOSH AND TOMMI - August 1998 - Relinquished voluntarily by Frauke and Simon when they returned to UK to live. Josh around 4 years old, chestnut with whitish face. Great character. Affectionate but real boy. Tommi, around one year old, shaggy coated, cold back. Very sweet natured, lacking confidence and a bit bullied by Josh but soon learned to hold his own. Inseparable. PEGGY - Small very dark brown black nosed mare relinquished by Linda and Tim Melbourne when they returned to UK March 1999. Around 20 years old. Independent but affectionate. Bought by Tim and Linda from Terry Martin at Ballinamore in poor condition Placed in permanent foster home with Misty and Sally and very content. BUTLER - around 15 years old. Rescued by purchase from negligent owner February 1999. Very head shy. Large, strong dark brown working gelding with silver points, known to have been abused for seven years and eventually abandoned on derelict farm. Transferred to Liscarroll October 1998 and placed in permanent foster home when he bonded with a mare called Yetti. PADDYMAC AND DONNA - grey gelding 12 years and never been handled, with dark brown mare around 25 years, also afraid but inclined to trust. 24th March 1999 relinquished voluntarily by Paddy MacDaniels, Gurteen. Had been treated with louse powder. Bad feet. Lame. Winter weary and undernourished. No bad intentions on behalf of the owner. Transferred to Liscarroll October 1999 through lack of space. Donna died suddenly and unexpectedly a few weeks later. TOFFEE Spring 1999 small chestnut mare relinquished from Drumcliffe. Around 20years. Was working donkey but neglected for many years. Hooves overgrown and had been sawn off with hacksaw and very sore. Kicks and bites with a vengeance. Afraid but curious and potentially sociable. Transferred to Liscarroll through lack of space. EDWARD VELVET LUGS Spring 1999. Tall skinny type of donkey with unusual creamy coloured shaggy coat and huge fluffy ears. Lovely temperament. Lice infested and overgrown hooves but no sign of abuse. Relinquished voluntarily. Integrated quickly. Loves bananas, skin and all. Transferred to Liscarroll with deep regret through lack of space. ESAU Spring 1999 - Beautiful, very large gelding around 40 years old but in excellent condition voluntarily relinquished by anonymous owners from Roscommon. Perfect gentleman. Hooves long but had obviously been well looked after and trimmed back easily. Transferred to Liscarroll , again with deep regret as he was a dear fellow and lovely with children. NODDY NOOS Spring 1999 - 35 year old small mousey coloured gelding relinquished from Enniskillen and delivered here. In good condition except for problems with the feet especially fore feet, Bones dropped dramatically. Noddy did not know he was a donkey and was very afraid of other donkeys. Was integrated slowly. Very affectionate. Transferred to Liscarroll Sept 1999 for specialist hoof care but was put to sleep when bones came through one front hoof in Autumn 2000 DISNEY Spring 1999 - Comical looking but extremely affectionate very elderly black gelding rescued by young man at Drumshambo and kept with his cattle throughout the winter. Atrocious feet and coat heavily matted with cow dung. Needed worming and delousing but had improved in condition since wintered inside. Cough. Improved greatly throughout the summer and was transferred to Liscarroll Sept 1999 and died Summer 2001 KELLS Spring 1999 - Very
elderly black mare bought by donkey lover near Grange to rescue
her from owner who was going to sell her to Bundoran beaches.
Had wintered out in atrocious weather conditions on headland
without shelter or extra feeding SALLY Winter 1998/99 - Elderly pale grey mare who had fallen on sad circumstances when her owner was takien into a home in Boyle. More or less abandoned at remote farm in Roscommon but not through bad intent and relinquished by the family when they realised she was being neglected. Thin and weak with severe laminitic feet and dropped bones. Emphesemic. Facial sore that would not heal. Despite treatment her condition worsened and she was put to sleep two months later. Burial marked with a tree BETSY Winter 1998/99 - Lovely natured dark brown working mare of about 35 years from Curry, Co. Sligo voluntarily relinquished as she had become very stiff and sore and often had difficulty getting up unaided. Otherwise in good health. Responded to warmth and stabling overnight and was transferred in September 1999 to the Liscarroll geriatric unit where she enjoyed the best of care for the rest of her days. ROBBIE August 1999 - Beautiful bright bay mule gelding, 35 years, voluntarily relinquished from Tommy Doddy, Gurteen, Co. Sligo. Shy natured and afraid of men in particular but in excellent condition apart from a problem with one front hoof which is twisted and tends to cause lameness. Had been known to Tommy all his life and bought back on two occasions because he was not happy with the treatment he was receiving. Now very headshy. Died Nov 11th 2001 of liver failure probably due to chronic ragwort poisoning or liver fluke. Burial marked with a tree. JOSEPH Spring 2000 HEZEKIAH 16th FEBRUARY
2000 LUCKY BISCUIT 14th May
FEBRUARY 2001 SHELLEY - OCTOBER 2001 -tall slim fawn mare about 20/25 years old relinquished voluntarily from Curry. Daughter found the Sanctuary on the net. Very badly overgrown and sore feet particularly two front ones. Sweet natured and quite timid. Joined the golden oldies in haybarn and settled in immediately LOB AND NOB, ROB, MURRAY
AND MINT (at Ballindoon House). ROB came from SSPCA cruelty case at Tourlestrane, Banadda, Tubbercurry, abandoned by Wolfgang Hessel. Dark brown stallion around 30 years old. Lovely nature. MURRAY AND MINT Chronically abused donkeys. Murray dark brown, small stallion used to working and abused .Very bossy temperament, Bad feet and difficult to handle at times. Mint mid grey/fawn with white face. Stallion. Around 16 years old. Nice temperament. Bad feet. Bought from relative after the owner had died following several unsuccessful attempts to get Gardai intervention and prosecution. Had been trying to get the donkeys for 8 years and had been taking out feedstuffs during the winter months as owner would not feed them or give them shelter at all. ALFIE - Cassie's son from Tracey and Tom of Boihy, Manorhamilton (Benbo mountain). Relinquished because they were emigrating to Australia. Alfie 10 years old, mid brown gelding. Broken to harness and used to pulling a cart. Very friendly and great fun. Later transferred to SSPCA to keep MOSES company SILVER DEVA - MARCH 16th 2002 Silver dun 13hh pony mare about 12 years old from SSPCA. Had been wandering loose in Clarascotchlavagh area for at least five weeks and probably longer. Fed by local neighbours. Shod with one front shoe missing - old abcess in that foot (near fore). Ring worm Treated with Natamycin. Very nasty wound in nearside buttock as if speared by cow horn or spiked on a silage fork . Very deep and sore but healed completely while at the Sanctuary. Lovely temperament with excellent manners. Returned to owners (with regret) on April 16th . TAUS APRIL 20TH 2002 - Thoroughbred chestnut mare 15hh from Philip Haburn. Confiscated by Sgt Arthur Doyle of Riverstown, attended by vet Peter Bowen Walsh of Collooney. Very poor condition, undernourished, lice infested, lame on near fore leg and growth on off side brisket. FARRIER attended 22nd April and reported that she needs remedial shoeing to hold the feet together as they are so poor, but there is insufficient wall to the hoof to drive in a nail. Vet Evi Staedler attended 25th April to look at the growth and confirmed that it was nothing to be concerned about. Improved over summer 2002 and hooves beginning to come into shape by September 2002 after several more trimmings. Feed supplement Farrier's Formula. DUSTIN AND HOFFMAN
MAY 2002 MOSES JUNE 2002 PANDORA AUGUST 2002 76 donks 3 ponies and Taus |
Enquiries to: Sue Paling, Sathya Sai Sanctuary Trust for Nature, Cloghogue Lower, Castlebaldwin, Co Sligo, Ireland. Frontpage | All the donkeys | Spring 1994 | Autumn 1994 | Spring 1995 | Autumn 1995 | Autumn 1996 | Spring 1997 | Autumn 1997 | Spring 1998 | Autumn 1998 | Spring 1999 | Autumn 1999 | Spring 2000 | Autumn 2000 | Spring 2001 | Autumn 2001 | Spring 2002 | Autumn 2002 | Adopt a Donkey | Donkey Links | E mail