Saint Charles and
The Healings

Whatever may be said or thought of the gift of miracles as a proof of sanctity, Father Charles had a wide reputation for healing in his day. From all parts of the English-speaking world letters came to him by every post requesting his prayers and blessing in illness or distress of whatsoever kind; and such an enduring reputation is not acquired without solid reasons for its foundation. That, consequent on his blessing and prayers, extraordinary restorations to health took place is beyond a doubt, some coming under the notice of members of the community, others vouched for on unimpeachable authority.

He himself was the greatest miracle, living all those years so wholly dedicated to his vocation; his heart a living holocaust on the Altar of Divine Love; his every act, his every thought, his very breath a prayer.

The people's faith and confidence in the efficacy of his prayers and blessing was so great that they believed almost all things possible to him. Hence it was that when all earthly remedies had faded in illnesses his aid was invoked, not infrequently with the happiest of consequences.

Years after his death a lady living away in the country told me one of her sons, when a boy, suffered from a complaint which several doctors pronounced incurable. In great distress she brought him to Father Charles, explained the case fully, and ended up by saying "Now Father Charles, you must cure him." He smiled amusedly and answered "Well! I suppose if I must, I must."

Her confidence and earnest entreaty were amply rewarded for at the time she spoke to me her "boy" was a doctor with a large practice in Australia.

Nor was this confidence in him limited to any one particular class or condition of people. It was shared by all; rich and poor, lay and cleric alike, being numbered amongst his admirers and his client.

An Archbishop from a foreign country to whose distant diocese Father Charles' reputation had reached, after conversing with him for some time knelt down and asked his blessing. It was a distressing moment for the humility of the good Father who all shame and confusion with greatest unwillingness consented.

Recollections of Fr. Eugene Nevin C.P.

Saint Charles

A Smile
Fr. Salvian

Our Lady

of Jesus






His 'cell'