Letter 20-To his brothers and sisters, nephew
and nieces. (1)
J. X. P.
St. Paul's Retreat, Mount Argus, Dublin, Ireland.
15th July, 1887.
My dear brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces,
I am writing to let you and all the family know that I am still keeping
well. I am glad to know that you are all well too. The Masses for the
Holy Souls in purgatory, for which you sent ten florins, will be said
immediately. Please forgive me for taking such a long time to reply
to your letters. My reason for not replying sooner is that I am kept
very busy here in the monastery; there are other reasons, too, such
as the following.
I am an old man now and am afraid of death. I pray daily that through
the powerful intercession of his mother, God in his mercy will grant
me a happy death. Sixty members of the Passionist order have died in
Ireland and England since I came over here from Belgium; I see now just
how necessary prayer is in order to practise all the virtues in their
perfection. The lives of the saints show us that prayer was always their
chief occupation. Yes, King David, a man burdened with the responsibilities
of a great kingdom, tells us that it was prayer which inflamed his heart
with such great love of God and heavenly things; we can admire this
in his psalms.
How greatly has God loved men! He did not spare his only Son but abandoned
him to death, even death on the cross. Jesus Christ urges us to pray;
but how? Ask, seek and knock. It is for this reason that the Lord has
said: "Watch and pray; lest you fall into temptation." Let
us listen to the words of Thomas a Kempis: "My son, in this life
you will never be completely free or without fear, but as long as you
live, make sure you are spiritually armed, because you are living in
the midst of enemies who are attacking from every side." "The
struggle is continual," says St. Bonaventure; it is for this reason
that we must pray during our whole life.
My congratulations to the parish priest, Father Gobbels, on the golden
jubilee of his ordination to the priesthood. Please tell him that I
send my best wishes for his happiness and I wish him every blessing.
I wish to pray, to pray for his intentions; I hope he will pray for
mine too.
My love and best wishes to you all, dear brothers and sisters, nephews
and nieces. I commend myself to the prayers, of all (including my niece,
Sister Mary Germana, at Maastricht). I pray for you every day and remember
you all during Holy Mass, especially the two young students. Give my
regards to the rest of the family, to the curate, and to all our friends.
My superiors send you their good wishes.
May the almighty and merciful Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, bless
and protect you all. Amen.
I remain in the sweet hearts of Jesus and Mary.
loving brother,
Fr. Charles of St. Andrew, Passionist.
Letter 20-Notes
Summ. p. 380, L. 67.

19 - 1886 to his brothers and sisters.
20 - 1887 to his brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews.
21 - 1888 to his sister Mary Sibyl.
22 - 1889 to his sister Anne Mary
23 - 1892 to his sister Anne Mary
24 - 1892 to his sister Anne Mary