Teacher Guidelines



Allow the children an opportunity to use the Internet prior to using this site so that they will be capable of completing this activity in their appropriate groups.

Steps Involved In This Project

1.Assuming a class size of 30 children , the class may be divided into six groups with five children in each group.There will be two groups working on Norway, two groups working on Sweden and also two groups working on Denmark.

2.Assign a task to each member of each group.The tasks may be divided as follows with one person in each group been held responsible to find information on one of the following:


Introduction-Brief background about the country
Geography -Research the following:climate,location,resources
Population-Population statistics
Government-Government type
Economy-Overview of economy.Imports and exports


explain the overall task at this stage. Each group will have to present a report on what they have learned about the country as a result of working through the following website..They may also use encyclopedias and any books related that they may have in the school library. Additional links to other appropriate websites are also provided.

3.Direct the children to the apropriate section of this site (Childrens Guidelines).Explain that they will have to click on their country for example if you click on Norway you will then be brought to a page containing information on Norway.There are arrows along the bottom of the page.By clicking on the arrow you will be brought on to the next page containing information on Norway.You will find information on Norways location, climate, culture, capital city and economy by following the links at the end of the page.Briefly explain the site navigation ,how there are arrows in each direction to bring you forward and back to the previous page and that the symbol of the house will always bring you back to the homepage.

4.Each child will receive a sheet of questions that they will have to find the answers to while working through the website in order to give the children a focus.Encourage them to take notes.Explain that the children may complete their worksheet individually at this stage in order to ensure that they all learn some general information about theire chosen country.Having completed this they may then discuss their answers in their groups.

5.Allow them to work through the website allowing them an opportunity also to work through the games section.Encourage them to take notes.

6.Below is a sugggested timeframe for this project.However depending on the ability of the class this may be adapted to suit the needs of the class.The groups may also be switched around allowing each group an oppportunity to do a similar project on each of the countries.

3 Lessons of 45 minutes Gathering information from the various suggested sources (websites, encyclopedia)
2 Lessons of 45 minutes Compiling report under the suggested headings.
1 lesson of 45 minutes Presenting the report to the other groups.