Skibbereen Fire Brigade was formed in 1944 at a public meeting
held in the Town Hall. Initially only six men began training
under the direction of a Mr. Kilty who was a Second Fire Officer.
Cork County Council following the signing of an agreement
in September of 1944, for a consideration of £10 per
annum and an undertaking that the Skibbereen Urban Council
would provide suitable accomodation,the Urban Council were
granted the use of a trailer pump and other fire fighting
equipment. This agreement was signed on behalf of the Urban
Council by the then Chairman, Mr. Michael Sheehy and the County
Manager Mr. J.F.Wrenne. It was also signed by Mr. Andrew McCarthy
who was Acting Town Clerk and who was in the interm period
appointed as Station Officer.
The names of the original six men and all
that have served in the brigade can be found under
Crews. The enlistment and retirement
dates (where known) of each individual is noted. We have placed
RIP after the names of our deceased members.
Mr. Dan O' Donovan of Market Street was the
first permanently appointed Station Officer and served in
that capacity until his death on 10/05/1965 which occurred
as a result of an injury received while attending a fire call
some weeks previously. Kevin Donelan, who was Sub-Officer
at the time was promoted to Station Officer, a post which
he held until his resignation in 1984. Frank Fahy was appointed
Station Officer in 1984 and currently serves in that Office.
Station Officer Fahy has the longest service ever in Skibbereen
Fire Brigade and is one of the longest serving in the Cork
County Fire Service. A list of other members who have held
rank can be found in Crews. S.O. denotes Station Officer,
S.S.O denotes Sub-Station Officer & D&M denotes Driver
& Mechanic.
The Brigade have attended almost 3500 incidents
since it was established. The more notable incidents would
be the Flaxmill fire in Skibbereen which burned for almost
three days and which was attended by assisting Units from
Bantry. Dunmanway and Clonakilty.The Town Hall fire in the
fifties and the Brigade also played a major role in the containment of the 1979
Betelguese oil tanker disaster at Whiddy Island in which 50
people lost their lives.