Listed below are some useful links to sites which may be
of interest:
- Skibbereen Town's Website
Skibbereen's website, find out more about the town, its history, tourism, its traders and more.
www.irishfireservices.com - Irish Fire Service Resource Find out more about the irish fire service and other emergency services.
www.nrfa-fire.com - National Retained Firefighters Association
Association representing the retained firefighters of Ireland.
- Skibbereen Heritage Centre Website
Skibbereen Heritage Centre provides an insight into the famine in Ireland and particularly in West Cork and Skibbereen.It also houses the interpretive centre for Lough Ine, Irelands first Nature Reserve. www.westcorkgenealogy.com - West Cork Database If you are interested in investigating your family tree and are from the West Cork area, this site may be the place to start looking for your roots.
www.firedepartmentpatches.com This is the site for viewing the arm patches of the Fire Services around the World. Cork County is about to be added courtesy of this site.
R.I.P.P.L.E. River Ilen Planning Project Liaison Executive. Elected by the people of Skibbereen to develop the River Ilen, Caol Stream and Marsh area as a major tourist attraction and amenity for the town of Skibbereen