Coming Up
January 6th
Macro night, texture. Bring your new camera (if you got one),
10th Sunday, Big Day Out to Dublin. Details to
be confirmed.
photos from the Rainbow Ball 2009 here
The Canon A1 continues to do the rounds and we’re all
looking forward to slide shows soon!!
Point: The Bridge Hotel, Wednesdays 8pm
Classes at 8pm before meetings at 9pm - all welcome.
February March
April May
June July
August September
October November
December |
8th |
- Colum has been spotted in Beirut! We have to decide what our
policy is on ransom demands!!! Rumour has it he is taking
singing lessons..................
I'm indebted to Elena who entered the season of goodwill by
providing the material for last Wednesday night. Unfortunately,
I couldn't make what sounded like a great night as my
father-in-law had just died. May he rest in peace.
As planned Colum's exam went ahead covering all aspects of
photography and camera tecnique. We are renowned for our success
rate for graduates and it is no surprise that all the candidates
received triple A's. That's AAA so you can welcome them to the
next level.
After a testing exam, certificates were ordered up and
presented to the following - no particular order (!), Michael
Turoci, Jenny Kavanagh Dunne, Yen Ang, Gillian Conway, Sheila
Doran, Audrey Hobbs, Elena Kenny, Gail Brennan.
As I wasn't there, I understand the certificates will be
presented again on Wednesday for authentication and yet another
I thought MI5 had infiltrated the society when the following
message flashed up on screen -
Remember, you saw it first at the TBPS!
Confident as always, Josh urged everybody not to worry about
remembering the material on the slideshow - he assured all that
everybody would make sense of it at some stage.
Last week Josh gave out his white balls for a white
background photography project. It must be genetic, cos Julie
almost got it spot on. Well done. I must get some coaching from
Julie and Josh.
News is also coming in tro Reuters that Josh may shortly be
broadening his horizon after his apprenticeship (sic) with the
TBPS Academy. Watch this space.
Assuming no major event or personnel changes the upcoming
calendar of events (as worked out by the Committee) take place
on Wednesday unless otherwise stated:
Begin winding down for the season of goodwill to all. What
better way than to leave your photographic skills behind and
tune up your voice for the X-Factor - Susan Boyle was only
discovered this year. It could be you!!! Karaoke is being
organised by the Bridge Hotel as they regularly hear our dulcet
voice upstairs and would like us to share it with the wider
community. You never know, Colum could come back as a boy
A bit of lubrication for the vocals can work wonders.
If you're not up for it on your own, you can do a duet. Sign
up your partner now. Or a trio. Or a quartet. We'll finish with
the whole society singing Silent Night - here's the first verse
so you've no excuse!
Silent night, holy night All is calm, all is bright Round yon
Virgin Mother and Child Holy Infant so tender and mild Sleep in
heavenly peace Sleep in heavenly peace
So, its food, drink, spot prizes and Karaoke. No sparring
Larissa is supplying the GLITTER BALL
If you are lucky you will walk (?) away with a nice spot
prize. Remember, get any outstanding membership fees that are
due in so a couple of extra spot prizes can be bought.
(dates that of newsletter) |
30th |
There wasn't enough room in the Upper Room to house the TBPS
Competition. Such was the entry and attendance that the prize
giving was made in the function room downstairs.
Let me begin by congratulating our winners in the TBPS
Competition. Well done Larissa, Mark and Lena. Stewart was
commended. The TBPS Trophy went home again with Larissa (figure
that out!). One of the photos reminded me of Steve McQueen's
attempted motorbike escape to freedom over the fence in the film
The Great Escape. Another photo had nostalgic
Thanks to all who entered and helped make for a nail-biting
result. Thanks also to our judges who kept the spirit of
excellence alive.
There was very positive feedback to last week's reflection
through a poem. I hope to remember to read it regularly - I
found it a bit like a mirror depending on how I see myself!
Could you see yourself in it at different lines? Don't we all
like being treat well?
Remember, to enter the next competition, make sure your
membership fee is paid up to date. We are still saving to buy
equipment. We just bought a new laptop which is dedicated to the
work of the society. This means we should have most of what we
need stored in one place.
I hope you can make out the image above. What is it?
Supposedly the meeting of your elected committee. Yes indeed, we
met before the meeting to review the workings of the society and
put together a program of government (oops) to give us a bit of
structure and bring us up to the end of January. In case you've
forgotten, Chairperson is Stewart, President is Robert,
Treasurer is Julie, PRO is Bernie and Secretary is Georg.
Everybody kept their head and agreed to put their shoulders
behind the society with another agenda meeting planned for 13th
January (no, not a Friday).
Assuming no major event the upcoming calendar of events take
place on Wednesday unless otherwise stated:
December 2nd Entrants for Colum's challenge on a creative and
imaginative photograph about a flower/s. If there is time
we could have a quick review about some of what was covered in
the first term.
21:00 - 22:00 Bring your camera for Josh's presentation.
9th PARTY TIME. Forget about your f/stops, aperture,
exposure, ISO, colour temperature. Instead get fun, relaxation
and craic into your head and get into the mood to begin winding
down for the season of goodwill to all. If you are lucky you
will walk (?) away with a nice spot prize. Get any membership
fees that are due in so a couple of extra spot prizes can be
13th Sunday Sharpshill - Larissa will woof about it if you're
free. Its a good cause for the animal sanctuary, helping out
with a bit of photography and letting yourself get childlike as
Santa arrives.
16th Paul will give one of his well researched presentations
on watermarks (no, not stain removal) and if there is time, a
wander into Flickr.
23rd Have the night off. Put your feet up or indulge
30th Yes, you can live another week without the TBPS - have
another night off. (Collect £200 as you pass GO!) [Any
challenges for yourself for 2010? Have you asked Santa for
something that will help you achieve it?]
2010 - Yep, a New Year...
January 6th Macro night, texture. Bring your new camera (if
you got one), tripod.
10th Sunday, Big Day Out to Dublin. Details to be confirmed.
13th Robert leads us into the Dark Room. We haven't been
there for a while and there's no need to be scared. Robert has
some interesting techniques up his sleeve!
20th Winter Wonderland Project which should capture what was
going on over Christmas should be brought in on USB stick
preferably for display on the PHOTO WALL. 6 images.
21.00 - 22.00 Josh will show us how to bring out the best in
our babies.
27th Bridge Inn Competition - watch out for more info.
NB The photographs in the Business Centre have to be changed
- expect to see some of the competition photos on display
24th |
decided on Wed 9th December for our party. As always,
a wonderful opportunity to win a spot prize. And keep €2 for a
ticket to enter the draw.
was trying to finalise names and rotas for Sharpshill on Sunday
13th December. Paul and Jenny are the front runners
at the moment.
announced the project which is useful in seeing how much we’ve
learned since September. It’s called “Flowers”. One photo,
printed, must be presented
your ABD? Certificates will be presented to the successful
wrestled with flash? Colum will be delivering his final academic
topic on “Flash” on Wednesday.
TBPS Revolution:
is where it gets a bit fuzzy!!! There were head wrecking photos
on the big screen as members showed various degrees of
patriotism. Some members watched the telly sideways, others
rambled downstairs to a bigger screen, cos Ireland was playing
superbly for a place in South Africa . We discussed what to do
but emotion got the better of us. We are human after all. But
the “Hand of God”(???) appeared at the Irish goal when Thierry
Henry's obvious handball led to the goal that caused Ireland 's
defeat by France in the play-off. I
guess we got a bit fickle cos our 20-00 – 21.00 lecture time
was consumed in the passion of what was up to the goal a
magnetic game.. Then
our 21.00 – 22.00 members’ photocall .got side tracked as
well. I
guess it was the first French Revolution style meeting in the
to reality
– Josh is putting the finishing touches to his brief – did
you see the pictures of the new Courts on the telly? Pretty
impressive eh? I love the lights inside. We might get a glimpse
of these. Timing will be announced on Wed
17th |
all, or morning, or afternoon, if you check your mail later.
I guess I can be called the roaming secretary - I'm writing
this in BAC - comprende? - the Big Smoke - aka Dublin.
Pleasantly, I'm sitting supping a 15 YO Glenfiddich which I find
is really helping my learning curve with an iMAC as my own
stressed out PC is queued for repair. Sure I said to myself if
Josh can use one, so can I!!! By the time you get to the end I
hope the newsletter remains intelligible and readable.
Last Wednesday: Dumbledore School of Wizardry
Dumbledore had us all scurrying for cover when he produced
his 35mm film camera mounted on a tripod and wanted us all to
use various manual settings for different situations. What
happened to "auto" one voice said, I use
"portrait" said another. Then some genius said I use
Luckily Julie arrived (late - hee-hee) after settling our
models downstairs as they waited for their X-Factor style
presentation, only better. In fairness to Julie, and you could
see her Dad taught her well, she rose to the challenge despite
the best incantations of Dumbledore to throw her off her expert
control of the camera. Well done Julie.
Our amazing models arrived up where they each received a
framed photograph as a memento of their wonderful posing on our
studio night.
They will each shortly receive a CD of an amalgamation of the
photos on the night which is a work in progress.
Josh School of Hi-Tech
Josh had us all puzzled as he played around with what looked
like a magician's black box. He passed it around and we all got
a chance to look through it and see the world upside down. He
dismantled it and explained how it worked.
I think it could even tilt and shift [rock n roll style]. Do
you remember what it was called? Was it a HD ready camera? Was
it a mobile darkroom?
Encouragement (Songs of Praise?) I remember the first
time I brought in my first photographic efforts. Part of me was
so proud. Alas, that didn't last too long as my photos were
tossed into a piranha pond and quickly devoured in a frenzy of
"help". Still, I now pause before I shoot and ask what
do I want this photo to say? Everybody's photos try to capture
something in the world that has meaning for them. It can take a
while to be recognised as the equivalent of e.g. a Van Gogh. so
while each member is "growing" let's encourage them to
bring out their "dream", ask them what their photo is
saying and if they want to vary it suggest ways of doing that. I
think Josh has a good point on encouragement.
Film v. Digital
Remember the paragraph I wrote last week on film and digital?
Well its all about struggle and tension - don't we all have it?
And doesn't it always raise the blood pressure on Wednesdays?
This is where I got sidetracked and watched
"Twilight" - A film about, you guessed it struggle and
tension. She meets this dark and mysterious guy, hiding a dark
secret! They become star crossed lovers. Watch it. Ask yourself
the question: "What do you live for?" Maybe
Discover a bit about the other side......[While I'm on films,
remember "Car 54 Where are You?". Why? Cos I haven't
seen nor heard from Stewart. Come down and have some fun on
Wednesday, Stewart. We miss our Chairman!!!]
Hey, what did you think when Josh said digital is better than
film? Did the world stop? No, but Dumbledore looked through his
Book of Spells. I don't think he was talking about a compact.
Probably a Hasselblad?
Josh will have some handouts shortly opening the door to new
We can look forward to another mix of content, style and
approach on Wednesday.
Big Brother Photo screen
If you've any photographs you want to project onto the Big
Brother Photo screen then get them down, preferably on a USB
stick although CD is ok too.
8.00 p.m. start
Remember to get seated in the pullman seats before 8.00 for your
own comfort and convenience. Bring your refreshments with you.
I'm still working on a little quiz so keep listening and
learning (!!!) from the different presentations and we can
decide when to have it. It's easy, really.
TBPS Annual Competition
The Annual TBPS Competition has a theme on landscapes. Remember
up to three photographs and mounted. Chris wisely looked for a
definition of landscape and being the unique society that we
are, we came up with our own unique definition..... The date is
25th November.
Challenge Project
Colum will present a challenge on Wednesday when he tests our
knowledge of what we have or haven't learned to date by means of
an individual project. We will have two weeks to finish the
project and show how well we're doing (fingers crossed) on
Wednesday 2nd December - ho-ho-ho.
Field work
There was a general consensus on Wednesday that we need to get
out of the Academic atmosphere of the TBPS University and
combine more practice, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, of our various
skills. This is in hand and will be brought forward on
Portable Flash
Expect a presentation soon on Portable Flash.
Mistletoe night
Begin to think of how you would like to celebrate together
before Christmas. A few drinks, finger licking food in The
Bridge? When?
Sharpshill Sanctuary
If you are available on 13th December (no, not a Friday, but a
Sunday) you could help with their photo project to raise a few
bob for the animals. Remember, with the recession, more and more
animals are being abandoned, even fine horses!
Finally, ..
Howz your Santa Factor developing - keep at it. We all have it.
10th |
hope ye are enjoying the fine weather - great for landscape
work! Hint-hint!
Another day for a flake in the middle. Have you had yours?
Nothing like a few simple pleasures, just like digital
photography (?)
Well done to all who entered into the fun of Halloween whether
it was a full outfit or just a face lift. I think Robert’s was
the best.
Dumbledore School of Wizardry

Dumbledore did a recap on Lenses and also gave out some
very useful handouts. I really like the one covering which lens
for which subject. He covered different lenses, e.g.
fifish eyewide angle, standard, telephoto and their use, also
the interaction of focal length with depth of field. No mean
task to get that across. Focal lengths of around 28-200mm are
best for general use. A couple of zooms e.g. 28-80mm and 70-210
mm are useful. If you have any change from your Lotto win you
could go for a prime lens e.g. 28, 35, 50, 135 and 200 mm. Or
ask Santa! Hmmmmm.
Chris led us through the gutter with his work, while Wang showed
great imagination in her joint presentation with Michael.
War of the Worlds??? Which
I guess we could describe the early part of the Wednesday
meeting as the traditional part.
The Age of Aquarius 
When Josh assembled his equipment to give us an insight into his
work and software it was clear that we were on a fast track
enthusiastic introduction to the fast evolving world of digital
photography. I guess you could say it was the dawning of the Age
of Aquarius since Aquarius is generally associated with
technology, humanity and more. Maybe Colum has a spin on the Age
of Aquarius?
He showed us the tremendous editing capabilities now offered on
computers through Adobe's Light room and how he is able to
color-balance and manipulate the image in ways that traditional
darkroom techniques cannot offer, although film users can
utiutilisee same technology with a film scanner. With fully
color-balanced systems from the camera to the monitor to the
printer, the
photographer can now print what is actually seen on the screen
(something that always got me going a bit like scruples! Now I
can see light at the end of the tunnel [no, not an oncoming
Film v. Digital
I think it is fair to say that we in the Society have
enthusiastically embraced digital photography. Why? Because its
flexibility and lower long-term costs outweigh its initial price
disadvantages. Almost all of the cost of digital photography is
capital cost, which is for the equipment needed to store and
copy the images, and once purchased requires virtually no
further expense outlay. Film photography requires continuous
expenditure of funds for supplies and developing, although the
equipment itself does not outdout datequickly and has a longer
service life. With the current economic climate it is a great
help to the pocket to be able to project our images instead of
having them printed (except for competitions of course).
Remember - what follows is my
personal view [dangerous thing to offer!!!] - fingers
I think Colum approaches photography from a purist point of view
with a love of film. Perhaps a love affair in a former life? He
gives the impression that he is resistant to using digital
rather than film cameras because he believes that the image
quality available from a digital camera is still inferior to
that available from a film camera. However, he has not been slow
to explore the new world of digital photography as some his
photographs show and also his use of “solarisation”.
Josh, on the other hand, has shown us how modern technology can
be used by photography to make instant changes to an image and
perform a range of manipulations thanks to various kinds of
software, all of which have their own strengths/weaknesses. He
loves Lightroom and manages thousands of digital images as
well as doing post production work. It is not a file browser
like Adobe Bridge, but rather an image management application
database which helps in viewing, editing, and managing digital
photos. Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.0 beta was released on
October 22, 2009.
Josh would like us to go up a step and no doubt there is a
challenge in moving on and enhancing our photography. With some
members already working towards their Licentiate this could be a
great opportunity to bring a new focus to their preparation.
Most are already using Picasa and some are in the bowels of
When I receive Josh’s handouts I will pass them on and add
them to the electronic library. He has continued to offer
to share his knowledge and experience with us and where better
to start than to keep building on the basics of photography.
We can look forward to another mix of content, style and
approach on Wednesday.
If you've any photographs you want to parade before us on the
catwalk then get them down, preferably on a USB stick although
CD is ok too.
8.00 p.m. start
Remember we start at 8.00 so please try and be seated in good
time. It can be off putting for our presenters to be interrupted
and thrown off their line of thought as you might learn when you
have to do a little presentation yourself!
I'm working on a little quiz so listen and learn (!!!)
from the different presentations {see why its important no to
miss anything!!!} and we can decide when to have it. It's easy,
The Annual TBPS Competition on landscapes. Remember up to three
photographs and mounted. The date is 25th November.
Mistletoe night 
Begin to think of how you would like to celebrate together
before Christmas. A few drinks, finger licking food in The
Bridge? When?
Finally, after further open heart surgery, my PC is about to
crawl over the line.....
3rd |
off the Press!!
I hope you were able to enter into the “spirit” of things
over Halloween…… Did you dress up? Did you get any photos?
I remember a little while (?) ago Jenny and Anthony turned
the clock back and became travellers back in time. Anthony even
had a musket if memory serves me right.
We missed out a little on all that dressing up this year with
the fun taking place at the weekend - BUT why not put on the
gear again or if you’re self-conscious, put it in a bag. Bring
it down and dress up for this Wednesday’s meeting. Go on, I
dare you. Ok then, I’ll take the dare BUT as many as possible
should dress up for fun or wear something Halloweeny. Go on, go
for it. Go on, it’ll be a bit of a laugh AND a distraction
from all this talk of us commiting ourselves to BILLIONs of
euros for the Banks.
I mean all we do is enjoy our hobby but we’re expected to
cough up a few bob when the time comes. I can’t understand it
– we didn’t cause it, but it looks like we’ll pay for
someone else’s greed. Aaaaaaarrrrrrrhhhhhhhh. Just as well
digital came along or we’d be forking out big time for film,
processing and printing.
There was a warm welcome back for Dumbledore after his
clandestine trip abroad. He talked a lot about the magic tree,
sorry 3, e.g. Subject, Emphasis, Meaning. Also metering, no, not
reading the ESB/Gas meters, but trying to get the right
exposure. True to form, he introduced a bit of palmistry – did
you know you can use your camera to read your hand? E.g. for
mid-tone? Then he touched on a bit of DIY with bracketing –
no, not hanging shelves but setting the camera up to take 3
photographs, one underexposed, one average and one overexposed.
At one stage, he had us wrapping coats and jumpers around the
lens to stop reflections. You have to hand it to him, being a
wizard of photography he can certainly pull a trick or
two. I dare him to dress up for Wednesday!!!
There was a great sigh of relief when the project on the
Autumn of Life officially came to and end. Thanks to all who put
a bit of work into the project and there was some imagination.
This brings me to our next project, another
Aaaaaaarrrrrhhhhh???. No, this is the Annual TBPS Competition on
landscapes. Remember up to three photographs and mounted. Date
to be confirmed but will be this month, near the end.
Josh treated us to a glimpse of his work and I have to say
his photographs jumped off the screen at me. He can do what he
does very well! You could say he has his own unique style for
what he has to do. But, like us all, he wants to develop his own
individual style.
I am always amazed at the way each of us can reveal our world
in a very individual way. We all have talent and photography
gives us a unique and reasonably cheap way to develop. Just
follow your dream photograph.
Isn’t it great to see so many new individuals joining and
opening our eyes with their photographs? Well, on Wednesday, we
hope to have another new member, Gillian
Back to Josh. He has offered to share his knowledge and
experience with us and where better to start than to build on
the basics of photography. We can look forward to his sharing on
Wednesday and he might have some more photographs to illustrate
his talk.
(dates that of newsletter) |
23rd |
We'd like to extend a warm welcome to Josh who risked coming
to our Wednesday night and I'm glad to say stayed, and has
decided to come again.We look forward to getting to know each
other better and sharing what we do best.
Do you remember the long wait on Wednesday? If you were
there? Find out more below. Thanks to Eddie for making us laugh
tonight especially with his funny video clips. I waited in the
Bridgewater Car Park but I couldn't recreate the scene!!!
Also, for his how not to and how to photograph. Finally,
his brief introduction to MSN and Movie Maker.
As always, all are welcome to bring along any photographs and
get some "hands on"/"feedback" autopsy………….from
our resident coroner(s)…………..
Thanks to Michael who joined recently for walking the plank
with his photos. We all loved the couple sitting under the tree
looking out on the lake. A definite winner.
Unfortunately, Wang couldn't make it and we send her our best
wishes as we do to anybody who is down with the bug.
Chris is still working moving rapidly towards a successful
panel - well done Chris and keep going.
Bernie, Margaret and Jenny have the licentiate in their
sights and should be ready before next April. Keep at it, even
if you don't feel like it!!!
Thanks to Paul, Stewart and the table photographers who took
photographs of the Ball. We saw some............don't we look
different when we let our hair down??? More to come, bring them
on......... They can also be seen here:
So, why were we waiting? Well, having listened to the theory
last week all about lenses, we were avidly looking forward to
the magical Dumbledore Handouts. But guess what? They never
materialised. Why? Because the wizard was off with "the
other lads" somewhere in the UK, where it was probably
raining, and couldn't work his magic. So, a yellow card there.
If there are no handouts for the next meeting you can be sure
all his magical powers will be reined in!!! Of course, the
wizard might redeem himself by waving his wand for drinks all
round!!! [Watch what happens..........]
21st |
for late newsletter but medical science has been taking a
special interest in my body!
Thanks to Stewart, Paul and myself for
baring their souls with some photographs that were probably best
called “bloopers”. Paul’s didn’t need much work, but
Stewart’s and mine competed for the coveted Dumbledore trick
or treat such was the amount of rehabilitative work needed to
make the photos presentable. Sure it was a great learning and
humbling experience. Feel free to pull a few of your own out of
the hat and let’s all learn how to improve.
Thanks to Colum sharing his expertise on lenses last week.
He knows a lot doesn’t he?
Before you started photography, maybe you wore glasses so
you had your first pair of lenses???
Anyway I may have caught a touch of
“hyperfocalfocusingitis” and I found it hard to get around
that one, let alone defractive optics. I was surprised to hear
there is a trombone lens which moves in and out although the
modern version screws in and out. Enough of that, but Colum has
promised extensive handouts and we can all look forward to a bit
of recap there.
So, for tonight, we can look forward to Eddie giving his
all as he brings us back to basics.
I love touching base and being reminded or relearning the
basic techniques.
Did Colum’s sharing help you finish your project? You
haven’t forgotten have you? Wasn’t it called “The Autumn
of Life” - to be in pretty soon - remember?
As always, all are welcome to bring along any photographs
and get some “hands on”/“feedback”
autopsy………….from our resident coroner(s)…………..
Chris is working away on some stunning photos and he is
moving rapidly towards putting together a successful panel -
well done,, Christ.
13th |
newsletter is very short. Why? Well, I wasn’t there on
Wednesday. And neither were some others!!!…
However, Eddie sent some breaking news with a prompt to look
in the Wicklow People. There bold as brass were some notable
members of the society imbibing or being force fed some of the
black stuff at the Ball. What are we like???? At all, at all??
Did you ever try typing with your feet? Well, I’m using my
fingers on a tiny keyboard on a micro computer and I’m getting
cramps and maybe RSI (repetitive strain injury)! Without a full
briefing I can’t confirm or deny what happened. Suffice it to
say that Colum bravely took the helm. Did ye have the craic?
I expect we will have a full complement on Wednesday night so
I look forward to that.
So what can we expect on Wednesday? Well, how about using
some of that knowledge that we’ve acquired? Stewart and I are
trying to put together a little presentation that will help all
of us (!)? by putting our photographic hats on and coming up
with “recommendations”/”observations”/”comment” on
some hand picked photographs. These will (hopefully) be of
varying “quality“………and may teach even the old hands a
thing or two!!!
If you can bring along any photographs you have recently
taken you can have them included in the presentation and get
some “hands on”/“feedback” autopsy………….by our
resident coroner(s)…………..
Again just a gentle reminder to put to good use all you’ve
learned to date and concentrate on the project for October - the
theme is “The Autumn of Life”.
6th |
to Stewart for his very practical, direct and hands on approach
with how to use your camera. Its good to be reminded of what
does what. However, automatic is very tempting, isn’t it!
Still, try different shutter speeds, apertures and ISOs and see
how you can influence your photographs.
Thanks to Adrian who gave of his time to judge the 2
Portrait entrants on Wednesday. Didn’t he see an overall
improvement in the quality of the photography? First out of the
blocks, for all to see, was Julie, so congratulations on a
wonderful interpretation. There were a few quirky shots and lots
of extras from the film sets. In one or two cases, cropping was
an issue! Remember, be sure you are entering a photograph
exactly as you want it and e.g. beware of entering a shrunken
slide shot!
Just to remind you to put to good use all you’ve learned
to date and concentrate on the project for October - the theme
is “The Autumn of Life”.
They’re loads of food for thought now that the weather
scene has changed and that look of autumn is quickly changing
the landscape.
Remember bring along any photographs you have recently
taken for constructive feedback.
September |
29th |
Lords and Ladies………..get real. The TBPS Rainbow Ball is
over! But the fun goes on (in the photos). Thanks to Paul for
the welcome photo also Stewart who roamed with his Canon a good
bit of the night.... Of course, Roberto on the door with Lena
& Julie and Larissa. To all who made the night possible
including the huge number of spot prizes, thanks a lot. There
was nearly a spot for everyone. The dancing was popular and the
band played non-stop - definitely aerobic exercises.
Back to reality:
2 Portraits for Wednesday night, mounted. Don’t you have to be
pretty discerning to get it down to 2 or even 1?
Stewart is following on from Dumbledore for Wednesday’s
presentation AND do bring your camera, no matter how big or
small it is. You could say he’ll be talking about the nuts and
bolts of it!
The feedback on the presentations has been very positive and
the handouts focus the mind later. If you know anybody who wants
to join and improve their photography they're welcome to come
I’m sure I don’t need to remind you after all your work
on the portraits to be concentrating now on your project for
October - the theme is “The Autumn of Life”.
Remember bring along any photographs you have recently taken
for constructive feedback.
September |
name of the game in Kilkenny was to "capture the spirit of
Kilkenny in no more than ten photographs". Well, I'm so
glad the new academic term is under way Why? Because I broke the
rules, bent the rules, forgot the rules and at times didn't even
know there were any rules! I will try better to pay attention so
I can improve what I can do, or thought I could do, so I can
photograph without thinking about any rules!
Mini-Report on Pilgrimage The TBPS stag and hen pilgrims
began to make their way into the city of the cats from early
afternoon. Such was the hospitality afforded the group that I
was even given a free pint! Unlike the following Limerick there
was nothing but fun, fun, fun and some photographs of varying
degrees of significance (ha-ha). "There once were two cats
of Kilkenny Each thought there was one cat too many So they
fought and they hit And they scratched and they bit Till instead
of two cats there weren't any!
News of the arrival of this band of merry men and women
reached the far corners of the earth. We were joined by Keith
and Genevieve from Australia! Over a few drinks they enjoyed
Irish hospitality and wit. They got crash courses in digital
photography from Willie (without any PC or handouts!). They were
so delighted to be entertained and made feel welcome. The
weather was glorious with accurate weather forecasting (thanks
to Carlos!). They were particularly impressed by the stamina of
the group, with sleepness nights and zealous photography.
Unfortunately, our tour guide told us that the Diageo brewery
there was to close with the unfortunate loss of 60 jobs as
technological measures were being brought in to cope with the
increased demand for the liquid refreshments. We certainly did
our bit for the country by supporting our neighbouring county.
Did you know that gold was regularly supplied from Wicklow to
the monasteries in Kilkenny to make chalices and other
ornaments? If anybody knows or discovers where we can get our
hands on some then we could quickly sort out our finances. How
about a photography trip to the mines???????? and some panning
as well?
FLICKR: The Flickr website is up and running. You can
browse photos, and upload pictures.Any questions - Larissa will
be more than delighted to help as our flickering expert.
Dean of the Faculty of Photography:. Professor Dumbledore
took over the chair as Dean of the Faculty of Photography. He
kicked off the new term with a sizzling introduction to the
format of the coming term. Please, make an effort to be on time
@ 8.00 p.m. and any friends/acquaintances (if you have any) who
wish to study at the feet of this Master.
Guest lecturers: As mentioned earlier, liaisons are being
made to secure some prominent guest lectures during the academic
year. We have some in mind already, but if you have someone in
mind, or a special area of interest, let us know.
Photo ID:Again, bring along photos for your new ID card,
You have to be paid up with your membership - due April - are
you blushing???
Thanks to all who continue to put forward recent examples
of their work and take any suggestions, if any, on the chin.
Sharing is caring.
"I made a mistake" - remember those lines from
the Crean play? Have up to 2 (not 3) Portraits for September
judging.. Group portrait eligible. Also sepia (?by special
demand!). Have you noticed a huge increase in the number of
portrait photographs being snatched lately?
Stewart and Georg to hang fresh photographs in Enterprise
Centre? Are yours up?
Stewart sends his apologies now as he can't make it
tonight. Another fun night with the gaffer away! Don't forget
your photos of the Spirit of Kilkenny - 10 MAX. (No
TBPS Ball 25th September - 8.00 p.m. bring a friend or
friends for some mighty craic.... .
9th |
all - have you a bounce in your step with the sun?
PILGRIMAGE There will be a mass exodus on Friday as the Wasp
County and Kilkenny, in particular, is infiltrated by Micko’s
army. The rooms have been booked and allocated!!! If you have
nothing planned I hope to entertain you with some things to do.
Of course, if you want to you can just laze around. Sounds
good??? By the way, privacy was respected for those members
enrolling in crash fitness/toning sessions before we arrive..
Carlos must be looking on us kindly with the prospect of fine
weather. Maybe its due to increasing followers……Anyway,
since Kilkenny probably qualifies as a "seaside town"
based on official definitions, you had better pack bikinis and
shorts if you want to play in the sand……
FLICKR: Following on Larissa’s introduction to the Flickr
website where you can browse photos, and upload pictures you
might have had a go and get online. Any questions - Larissa will
be more than delighted to help as our flickering expert.
Dean of the Faculty of Photography:. Following the recent
open competition it is my pleasure, as Secretary (!) and member
of the board, to announce that Professor Dumbledore will be this
year’s Dean of the Faculty of Photography. He will introduce
himself and an outline of the first academic term covering the
workshops contained in the earlier update.
You can also look forward to a slide show of Carry on
Cruising conducted by the Professor. Look out for some hard
hitting shots!!! So please, make an effort to be on time @ 8.00
p.m. and any friends/acquaintances (if you have any) who wish to
study under this Master.
Guest lecturers: Liaisons are being made to secure some
prominent guest lectures during the academic year. If you have
someone in mind let us know.
Photo ID:Bring along photos for your new ID card. Of course,
you have to be paid up with your membership - due April - are
you blushing???
Thanks to all who continue to put forward recent examples of
their work and take any suggestions, if any, on the chin.
Sharing is caring.
Remember up to 3 Portraits for September. Group eligible.
Also sepia (?by special demand!)
TBPS Ball 26th September - all support welcome.
August |
26th |
Academic Term/Pampering “Buongiorno” everybody! Again! As
this is important information I decided to send an update to the
Well, well, well, can you believe the new academic term is
just upon us. The first TBPS workshop over four weeks is
scheduled to begin on campus on Wednesday 9th September 2009 at
8.00 p.m. sharp. This will be followed by a further workshop
tailored to meet the needs of the members. All will begin at
8.00 p.m. SHARP each Wednesday unless otherwise advised.
The €50 cost of the workshops for the year will include
enrolment as members in the TBPS.
Please bring this to the attention of anybody wishing to
pursue and develop a passion for photography. As you know the
Wednesdays are a source of inspiration together with information
plus practicals subsumed under an umbrella of craic in a
friendly and welcoming environment.
These workshops are also useful for ourselves as we advance
and enjoy this fulfilling interest.
Workshop I outline:
Wednesday 9th September 2009 - Introduction & workshop
Wednesday 16th September 2009 - Choosing & Using a
Wednesday 23rd September 2009 -
What kind of photograph do you want to take?
Wednesday30th September 2009 - What means what?
A sneak preview of the first week of Workshop II:
Wednesday 7th October 2009 How to improve, store and retrieve
your photographs.
So, be organised and remind your friends that each night
begins at 8.00 p.m. sharp and will continue til about 9.00 p.m.
To be fair to the lecturers it is important to be on time so
that the presentation can run smoothly.
26th |
The booking for the Pilgrimage has been confirmed and the rooms
have been booked and allocated!!!
A bit of information on Kilkenny: Kilkenny is a city of about
26,000 in the 'Sunny South East' of Ireland. As Ireland's
Medieval Capital, it offers the traveller a mixture of an
exciting vibrant night-life, beautiful street-scapes, great
shopping opportunities & a rich cultural heritage. Kilkenny
(Irish: Cill Chainnigh) is one of the most popular tourist
destinations in Ireland as well as a weekend getaway for the
TBPS. Well regarded for its vibrant nightlife, it has become
increasingly popular in recent years. The city is also famous
for its many medieval buildings and is referred to as the Marble
City (even though it isn't even real marble!). Despite its small
population, it holds ancient city status due to having a
cathedral and an old royal charter dating from 1609. The locals
do not take kindly to the city being referred to as a
"town". Sightseeing, partying or a spot of shopping in
Kilkenny's array of excellent shops, this city is certain to
have it all for everyone. Kilkenny's Royal Charter is this year
celebrating its 400th birthday. The city's origins predate the
medieval landmarks existing today. Saint Canice founded a
monastic settlement in Kilkenny in the sixth century,
unfortunately the sole remaining landmark from this settlement
is the round tower positioned alongside the cathedral.
Strongbow, the famous Norman Conqueror, then built a fortress in
the City, Kilkenny Castle, and soon the construction of the
walled city began. There will be more information as we get
closer so read your newsletter! There have been some questions
about when the TBPS Ball is on but it hasn’t changed since the
last few newsletters and is still on the 25th September, a
FLICKR: Tonight we have Larissa introducing us to the Flickr
website where you can browse photos, and upload pictures with
Flickr, a digital photography and media file sharing website.
Thanks to all who participated in our recent quiz. Magnus
Magnuson just about managed to keep a grip on such an
enthusiastic audience. As often can happen, the night went back
to basics with the ould pen and paper routine….there is life
after digital! It was an enjoyable night and helped us all gauge
our photographic knowledge. Watch out for the digital production
coming soon to a screen near you!
Reminder - Bring along your best portrait photographs that we
took of our models in the band hall. Julie will put together the
best ones for the girls so bring along yours on disc please and
pass to Julie.
Thanks to all who continue to put forward recent examples of
their photography. They can be shown on the Big Brother screen
unless you have prints (or both!).it.
Portraits for September, TBPS Ball 25th September. I’m
heading off to the “Eternal City” as you might have guessed
from the introduction. I’ll be leaving in the wee hours of the
morning and as I have to look my best my intention is to leave a
bit early for my beauty sleep. So, we’ll try and conclude the
“official business” before I escape! Capisce? When did you
last move/press your green box? Do you know where it is?
Congratulations if you know straight away. I've been
unconsciously using mine and had to go look for it after a query
from an eminent photographer! By the time you come tonight, I
hope you'll have found yours!
12th |
We managed to make the field trip to the
“Pyramid” on Wednesday night as the light was fading. We had
an extensive showing of ALL the photos when we got back.
Naturally these were raw, or unedited and there were a few
bloopers but some interesting effects. Paul had a few “walk
throughs” in the graveyard. Some members were spooked by the
idea and shied away. Stewart was enraptured by the wonderful
sunset as we rambled back and there were some stunning photos
taken as he shared this mystical moment.
A little reminder to bring along your best
portrait photographs of our models for Wednesday. Julie is
putting together the best ones for the girls.
I will again have the points awarded for
each black and white photograph judged by Adrian if you still
wish to find out.
Last week the word “quiz” appeared in
the newsletter. As you guessed it was purely a reminder to join
the Pyramid outing on time. Well, now, the word “quiz” is
being used again, but this time as a gentle reminder that on
Wednesday we’re having a quiz night.. Not a QUIZ night, but a
quiz night because it will be fairly handy. No need to sweat or
reach for the anti-perspirant or the tranquiliser. It should be
a blast! Arrive early because places are limited. Just let the
answers come naturally.
Portraits for September, TBPS Ball 25Th
September. Incidentally Keith Barry is appearing the night of
our ball so if anyone fancies a bit of hypnosis let me know.
Were you ever afraid to ask a question
about photography? Well I read recently that “The
dumbest question is, the one, that's never asked.” So,
whatever’s on your mind, if you want to know something,
ask! If you can’t think of any questions then just sit
back, relax and enjoy the quiz on Wednesday and I’m sure
you’ll have most if not all the answers.
Good luck ~ Georg,
5th |
Question 1: 8.00 p.m. = ?
If you are going on the Pilgrimage to Kilkenny in September
are you in training? Make sure your camera and equipment are as
healthy as you are. You may have to push them to the limit!
I‘m trying to put together a rough
schedule of things to do there. If you have any suggestions will
you write them on a bit of paper and give them to me Wednesday
or else e-mail me. It should be a great opportunity to chill out
and to opt in or out of whatever is going on.
Question 2: 8.15
p.m. sharp = ?
Bring along your best portrait photographs
from our Wednesday night studio. Julie will put together the
best ones for the girls.
Some people asked me for any specific
details about the Black and White judging with Adrian. I have
the points awarded for each photograph. If you can remember the
number(s) of your photographs you can read off your points.
There are some comments as well.
As usual, on the night, it was back to
basics in practising the art of photography. Familiar words like
e.g. "excellent", "good movement",
"great photograph",
“flat”, “not sharp”, “no foreground”,
“contrast too high”, “wrong shape” were used.
Ah well, practice makes perfect, so I’m
delighted to announce a field trip to the “Pyramid” on
Wednesday. This is the part where all my mouthing off catches up
with me as I too am challenged to get my camera out and compose
our usual perfect photographs (not), (well, sometimes!).
OK, back to the quiz.
The answer to Question 1: 8.00 p.m. = ? is of course the time we
usually meet at!
The answer to Question 2: 8.15 p.m. sharp = ? is the time that
the camel convoy will depart from the Bridge Hotel for the
If you got the answers right you will be
able to join the 8.15 p.m. (sharp) camel ride all the way to the
If you got the answers wrong you will be
left behind!!! (Unless with the hump you want to travel alone).
Wear suitable clothing, no high heels, as the ground is ?
undulating ? Clairvoyants welcome!
Thanks to all who participated and
contributed to the impromptu raffle for the RNLI for reasons
There were some wonderful prizes very
kindly donated even if winning could make you “scarlet”,
"tipsy" or "framed". For next year, we’ll
try and get some good money raising stunts to “Train One and
Save Many” for the great service that the lifeboat crews
provide. When the siren goes next year (D.V.), it will be all
hands to the pumps!!!
Vincent was absolutely thrilled with our
fund raising and sends his thanks on behalf of the RNLI.
I don’t see the raffle as being an annual
event but it was good to show support especially when it
wasn’t possible to be there in person (oops, sorry!).
Thanks to all who put forward our
ritualistic showings of our slideshows and stills on Wednesday.
It's only when we see all our efforts shared that we realise how
much talent we have both revealed and about to bloom. So,
Wednesday, is an ideal opportunity to evening shots at the
Pyramid. Be ready to go at 8.15 or miss it. Or, to put
it another way, use it or lose it! Or again, snooze, you lose!
Portraits for September, TBPS Ball 25th
Finally we have to get back for Roberto who
will be keeping the Bridge open for our return.
OK, Slán go fóill, Georg
July |
29th |
I have a new modem and PC released from
"intensive care". Thanks for your feedback about
missing the newsletter and sorry you were denied your bit of
I had loads of fun at the Maritime Festival
after I nearly had a hernia and died of pneumonia. Although I
wasn’t the only one who could have been on a doctor’s cert -
I won’t mention some other poor unfortunate members who
genuinely couldn’t make it down. Fair dues to Roberto who
battled his way down with the crowds. Also Margaret and Eddie
who was like the Pied Piper.
Julie and myself are finalising the Pilgrimage to
Kilkenny in September. Wednesday is the last night to confirm
you are going and pay your deposit. After that the deal is off
with the hotel so you need to commit yourself now if you’re
unsure. We really did get an excellent deal for the weekend so
if you can stretch to it you could get some interesting
photographs as well as having a bit of craic.
Willie very kindly sent me on material for the electronic
library which I really appreciated. Having missed his talk,
since I was abroad, I found his outline very informative and
easy to understand and helped me catch up! It will be available
We had a fantastic opportunity to work on
our portraits when Peter gave us a little intro before we set to
work with our three models in the Band Hall. They were fabulous
and photos of the night should be ready soon. Peter set us up
with a little studio with lights and backdrops and set us on our
way with his tips.
Some of us had trouble getting our cameras
to shoot as I think they got confused with the high tech
equipment. Still it was an enjoyable night and thanks again to
the girls who will get an appropriate gesture for their work.
When Peter has the opportunity I’m sure
he will send me his notes on working with models in a studio for
inclusion in the electronic library.
The library has been well and truly started
and with so much talent and knowledge in the Society it should
contain a very useful repository on photography.
This is a useful point to introduce our
Black and White night which Adrian judged. There were a
remarkable 56 photographs entered. Adrian marked them out of 20.
There was one “20” belonging to Chris which was a stunning
photo of zebras. Chris headed off to South Africa to work on his
Black and White shoot (!) and it was certainly worth the effort.
Well done Chris and a nice result after a frustrating night with
the portraits.
So, what did we learn? Well, BASIC MISTAKES
were made and the printing needs to be sorted.
We could probably have a detailed talk on
printing apart from regularly rerunning our basic talks. Thanks
to everybody who submitted photos and more details Wednesday.
The Maritime Festival took to the harbour
like a duck to water. There was no festival on Monday. We had
our live bait sponge throwing fun. The kids loved it. So did the
adults. Robert was in his element or something else. The
presence of Dumbledore was sadly missed as also were some of the
long toothed wizards. I gave the proceeds to Vincent on the day
and told him we would be running a RAFFLE on Wednesday night to
raise a few more bob so that we could - “Train One and Save
There will be some very interesting stuff
for the raffle and well worth the support for the lifeboats.
Gather up your loose change and if you could put together say a
fiver that would be cool - you could buy more than one ticket
and increase your chance of surprising yourself with a mystery
BE THERE with your €€€ for the RNLI!
Bring along some of your recent photos for
Wednesday, be it Portraits, Festival, Holidays or whatever.
Expect a slide show?
AND Laughs guaranteed…equivalent to two visits to the
Portraits for September, TBPS Ball 25th
15th |
Firstly, Julie and myself need to
finalise our Pilgrimage to Kilkenny. We have an excellent deal,
price to include 2 nights B & B plus 1 dinner plus special
reduced fare on transport into town. You won't do much better,
so snap it up NOW.
We need to know by Wednesday's
meeting DEFINITE numbers PLUS deposit to secure your bed. As you
know its taken a while to negotiate this deal so please, please,
let Julie and myself know if you are coming and give us your
deposit Wednesday 21st July.
Given that the Wednesday nights
are great craic and that you abandon your family for some light
relief and given that the society is family orientated, you
might consider bringing a friend/partner/spouse for a pick me
ACTION required: DECIDE now
and tell us Wednesday.
As a sweetener, the society will
probably chip in a few bob to make the weekend a little more
attractive – are you hooked yet?
As usual we had offerings of our toils for the Big Brother
Screen. Larissa in particular had us all enthralled as she did a
particularly incisive show on the life cycle of a winged
creature – do you remember what it was called?
Then, many thanks to Robert for
his courage in sharing his opus magnus that he wrote and spent a
year researching and getting funding for. He showed his thought
provoking video about the way people with a disability can be
treated. Unfortunately, he didn't have his new high tech wheelie
in time for the filming (!) so I think he's contemplating a
remake to bring us up to date. Thanks again Robert. He had some
dodgy characters in his cast from cowboys to bikers and
Next Peter kindly stepped into the
breech for next Wednesday when he offered to hold our attention
with a talk on a day in the life of a photographer. Well,
actually, he said he'd “think of something”.
Thanks Peter. We'll be rearing to
go at 9 o'clock for the portrait shoot in the band hall from 9
– 11 pm. What would we do without Julie and her contacts?
Unfortunately, I was “abroad”
for Willie's far reaching presentation on digital imaging and by
all accounts it was educational and entertaining from the
feedback I received. Well done Willie for making this difficult
subject so interesting. Not everybody asked for a handout at the
time such was the amount of material to be absorbed. However,
given that Willie managed to get the material across in such
good way, it was considered that it would be great if Willie
could “release” his talk in a “digital format” e.g. by
way of a document that he could forward to me and I would
distribute it with the newsletter. Willie doesn't believe in
handouts so given his forte with all things digital, a short
outline in electronic “digital format” will be right up his
street. Thanks Willie.
I had my eyes tested and when thinking about vision I was
thinking about the society.
Now, I have to say that after
Paul's superb handout and subsequent electronic copy, I thought
it would be tremendous if we could actually build up an
electronic library of lectures, presentations or talks. The
members would then have immediate access to their own electronic
knowledge library in their own folder on their own PC which they
could dip into now and again as needed. This would be a really
“green” approach, save the trees, maybe the planet and help
me especially by saving me as I go looking for my hard copies.
I must also confess that I love
getting down to basics and I believe that one of the secrets to
being a good photographer is knowing the basics and starting
there. Colum has a particular gift in handing on the torch in
this area and I think it would be great if once a month we had a
talk on some aspect of the basics.......whether by Colum or
another gifted person, within or outside the society e.g. a
guest speaker.
I can tell you that after bringing
my camera to the fireworks at the Seabreeze Festival I made a
pig's mickey of some of it before I kinda got into my stride.
Feeling confident I went into manual mode. I got stuck in manual
and the camera wouldn't respond. So, my question for Dumbledore
and disciples on Wednesday is: what settings are recommended for
As always, the members are there
to encourage each other in the personal development of their
photographic skills. Having reached a decent standard why not
consider putting your work forward to the Irish Photographic
Federation for evaluation? You can move through different stages
of competency and you might just be surprised at how much you've
learned (and, of course, still to learn.)
Stormy Stan will be out in one form or another as we do our
best to support the Arklow Maritime Festival this weekend. We're
looking for volunteers to get into the stocks and have some
“wet sponges” thrown at them – wearing protective
clothing of course. Are you up for it? Julie with her artistic
bent agreed to do a picture for the “board”/stocks. If you
have any ideas how best to generate a few bob for this worthy
cause let me know.
Remember, Black & Whites for
the 29th July, Portraits for September, TBPS Ball 25th
1st |
the gloves are off! Why? Cos Julie and I are sweating it
out trying to get quotes and numbers for the TBPS Pilgrimage
(penance in itself!). Ergo ( = therefore!) we want to know
who is coming. We have got to know the numbers so we can
finalise the "haggling" - phew.... So, we need
you to let us know by return if you are coming. Only reply
if you are coming. Reply to myself AND Julie please. Why?
Because I'm off in the morning to Brussels to see my newborn
granddaughter Hannah and won't get back til Friday. So,
that's why the newsletter is short plus I'm coaxing the PC to
keep going without collapsing. And if you were down on
Wednesday you know what's happening and last newsletter is
pretty uptodate anyway.
The dates of the pilgrimage are: Sept - Fri 11th and Sat
12th. Currently prices are coming in between €130 and
€205 but we reckon we can pull it off for the lower price
range once we have the numbers. So, come on, DECIDE NOW!!! AND
reply to Julie and myself
Au revoir,
NB: Willie will hopefully give his dynamic talk on digital
imaging on Wednesday. Thanks to Paul for his wonderful
presentation and easy to read handout on how to use your tools
and pull birds.
June |
24th |
I’m glad you’ve got this far, because I was here for the
second time last night when my PC crashed. ****++++~~~~!!!!****.
Watch out for a bonus tip below! Ken reminds us to spend
less time and effort worrying about our equipment, applies to
PCs as well!, so we can be more creative. This is my third
attempt at the newsletter! Everybody should have a copy of
last weeks newsletter which I managed to get out last night
before I was turned into a pumpkin! I wasn’t a happy
bunny cos the electrics cluster went in my car (hmmmmm…..after
Willie and Lena had their tyres slashed). Apparently, it was
comforting to know it’s a “known” fault but
dangerous!!! Now for the good news…..I’m a grandad
again…;-) A little baby girl over in Brussels. You will notice
this Wednesday that Colum and fellow cruisers are gone on a
cruise. I hope Colum didn’t plan it so he wouldn’t have to
buy me a pint!!??
Thinking back to Colum’s talks, remember he told us not to
shoot at eye level. Well, I’m wondering how he’s going to
shoot the Pantheon? Maybe it’ll be an aerial shot?
Still on Colum’s talks, have you mastered the secrets of
colour? I hope you hadn’t redecorated before Colum opened up
some of colours’ secrets:- Remember:
Yellow is a happy colour
Red is a warm colour
Blue is a cool colour, and
Green is a peaceful colour.
With that in mind, consider - what you’re wearing on Wednesday
might say about your mood! Maybe we’ll all appear in yellow
and red stripes…………
And yes, can you remember Colum’s insight? - What women
have that men don’t?
Colum also showed us some slides of when he was incarcerated.
Could you survive in such a small space?
Thanks to Willie who kindly offered to hold our hands as he
leads us through “digital imaging” from capture to
manipulation this Wednesday.
Paul is also waiting in the wings improve our skills -
announcement on Wednesday.
Previews of entries for our project work continue to arrive and
are shown on the Big Brother screen. So, we're nearly ready for
our final night of Distinction and its time to begin wrapping up
with any finishing touches. If you want more/feedback bring your
along on Wednesday.I
Julie finalised the Band Hall for our Portrait Shoot -
Wednesday, 22nd July 2009,
9 - 11 p.m. Well done.
3 Black & White Photographs of “anything” by end July.
2 Portraits for September which can include a “group”!
Remember, keep working on your body sculpture for the TBPS
Ball on Friday 25th September 2009 - you might win the
breakdance competition!
The “TBPS Pilgrimage” is firming up. You decided you
didn’t want to travel for more than an hour and a half. From
research in, that ruled out Kinsale despite variety of photo
opportunities. Kilkenny is soaring to the top and we’re
awaiting feedback from our own little “haggler”, yes, its
our Julie who has promised to haggle her way to the best deal
for us. George is also waiting on packages. Tentative penance
scheduled early September!
It was great to welcome Theresa back to the upper room after her
sabbatical. Her eagerness was evident when she pushed the
various cameras and lenses in the room to their limits! I reckon
there’s a purchase in the offing………
Remember Bernie who’s down with a bug. She also got a bad bite
from her hamster when doing some macro shooting (not) - actually
she was giving it some TLC! When Bernie’s zooms back
she’s going to source some new motorcross venues.
Julie will give you a receipt for any outstanding membership
fee, as a reminder, so you don’t pay twice!!!
If you have
been away for a while, know that you are always welcome in the
upper room. Not only is there lots to learn but you’ll
have some crack too.
Finish off your project 5-9 photographs
17th |
The mystery tour on Wednesday saw a happy bunch of revellers
head out from the Bridge Hotel turn left and trying to keep up
with Roberto as he rocketed into the sunset pushing his new lean
machine to its limits in the style of Jeremy Clarkson. I must
confess there was a bit of a panic when his Formula 1 turbo
powered cockpit went temporarily missing during a pitstop but
pit stopory was quickly healed with some soothing liquid
When we got back we released and shared our captures,
which varied from the hundreds (thousands?), to the few, and
ranged from interesting silouhettes, riverscapes, and yes,
you've guessed, lots of boats, yachts and all manner of floating
Thanks to Stewart who patiently loaded and unloaded the
various media. [Apologies for getting into a stew by referring
to Stewart as Stuart in earlier messages. Any reference to any
living persons, real or fictitious, was unintended!]
I'm typing away here in Dublin on a MacBook. I have almost tamed
it thank God. [I have one word to describe it -
"beautiful", actually, two - "brilliant",
with the odd ****]. I'm sitting at a breakfast bar on a high
stool and I can't get my knees under - I may need a bit of
chiropractor work on my back as my photographic days could be
numbered! I went on this safari to the concrete jungle hoping my
own PC would have recovered by the time I got back. I think it
was all the newsletters that really screwed it up. I hope this
newsletter is formatted ok when you read it.
Previews of entries for our project work (thanks) continue
to come in. We're nearly ready for our final night of
Distinction - Wednesday 1st July so its time to begin wrapping
up. I decided to take advantage of being in Baile Atha Cliath
and gathered some photos to choose from out of my own bundle to
include in the project.
Julie is finalising the Band Hall for our Portrait
Black & White Photographs by end July.
Portraits for September.
Finalise the "Stormy Stan" or equivalent activity.
Updates will be made on Wednesday night.
Of course, remember, keep your body fit for the TBPS Ball
on Friday 25th September 2009.
As aired on Wednesday again,the TBPS Pilgrimage is back on
the drawing board. After another season of theory and practice
we decided that we would research the best all round way of
enjoying a penitential break of "severe hardship" to
detox ourselves. Value for money, convenience, location were all
considered BUT each person was to input their own suggestions
for next Wednesday - so do your research now. Have prices,
facilities, mode of travel worked in. You can email to me -
"TBPS Pilgrimage" to help speed up a decision on
Wedneady night. (Thanks).
If you have spent your membership fee, Julie can take it
off you by instalment if needed. [Discuss with Julie]
If you have been away for a while, know that you are
always welcome back, but you may have to bring your own seat or
get here early before we put up the FULL sign such is the level
of interest at the moment.
Keep working on your project 5-9 photographs. [One member
thought it was 59 !]
10th |
The outing to Powerscourt on Sunday went ahead. We saw the
gardens tro new eyes as we looked tro amazing angles and
positions via stills and sslide show The gardens will never be
the same again. We looked like Private Eyes ducking and weaving.
Nothing and nobody escaped the TBPS Chroniclers! Postcards and
calendars available shortly.
Thanks to Colum who continued his back to basics talk and
continued to open up the hidden secrets of world of photography.
He showed us his "Black Box" and what it can do. Last
week he suggested bringing a tripod for Landscapes. I took his
advice and disappeared off with Stuarts (thanks). He has a nice
little "Slick" but there were so many things to be
moved and screwed that sometimes I ended up viewing the world
upside down. Luckily I brought a camera as well and I was
impressed with the sharpness. I'd recommend a tripod but I
looked like a huge tarantula winding my way around. I think I
was even photographed.Don't get one too heavy unless you are
into heavy weights in the gym.
There were some early entry for our project work (thanks) but
time is running out to finish (or start) yours (mine?) - only
two Wednesdays left!
3rd |
outing to Powerscourt on Sunday is going
ahead even if you're too exhausted from election results,
soccer, rugby. As agreed, meet 10.30 a.m. at Bridge Hotel.
Bring money with you or a swipe card as its €8 into the
Gardens and €5 into the Waterfall, unless you're lucky enough
to be wearing shorts and under 5.
Colum continued his back to basics talk and held our hands as he
unravelled the world of photography. Again he backed up his
words with some more magic handouts. There were lots of
"effs" again, this time I think he hit F/64. How are
you getting on with your "sweet spot"? Have you found
it yet? Remember how Colum told us to get to it? You might use
it on Sunday. And what focal length will you use? Will you go
long or short? If you're lucky enough to have a "fast"
lens you could really be in business. Do you suffer from spot
metering any more? Are you kinda lazy and opting for auto or
have you tried manual? What do you do when your auto focus
starts "hunting" (usually when you have that golden
eagle in your sights?)? Have you tried manual? If your balance
is off, Colum recommends a tripod - not for you - for the
camera. Great for landscapes. If you're a bit of a
perfectionist, well you can lock up your mirror {RTFM]. So
thanks Colum, enlightening as always.
Thanks to all who put up their latest works on the big screen.
Keep them coming. We can learn from each other.
May |
27th |
days are here again. I'm sure you've noticed. I hope you are
wearing some protection, high factor, the higher the better.
Otherwise you'll have difficulty using your camera with swollen,
blistered, raw skin/limbs, puffy eyes. I hope to catch a little
like you so the newsletter is short!!!
Good luck to all those teens sitting for their Leaving and
Junior Certs today. Keep them in your thoughts over the next
week or so.
Don't forget to exercise your fingers on Friday by using your
well fought for VOTE. Then go and do the Euromillions.
Speaking of difficulty I'm sitting here in the Internet Café
as my PC is either suffering still from heat stroke or else
needs a bit of heart surgery. I tried using the USB port in one
of Julie's buggies but I couldn't connect.
After our very adventurous visit to the Saltees we were
treated to some magnificent shots of the life on the island.
Some want to go again! Alas, the Puffins were in short supply,
probably hiding in the Faroes. There was also a short slide
Such was the quality of some of the photographs that Colum
treated us to a very enlightening talk on "How to use the
camera", as promised.
Yes, back to basics. He pulled off one of his favourite
tricks by handing out some magic handouts. These ranged over the
size of the lens opening (aperture) - contrary to popular belief
bigger is smaller and smaller is bigger; ( Dumbledore speak),
aperture/shutter combinations; depth of field to name but a few.
He had us all effing before the night was over. Do you now know
what your F stop is? ISO? So, on Wednesday night, bring
along your camera for some real hands on action.
Keep working on your project 5-9 photographs.. Bring along your
camera Wednesday..
- Saltees |
so we made it to the Saltees. For some, if not all, this was an
exhilirating experience. For some not having been there before,
the expectation was of puffin colonies all lined up with
with little tags hanging from their necks saying
"photograph me". Such foolishness.
Instead, let me remind you, and for those who couldn't make
it..................when our transport boat stopped out in the
sea, we transferred to a rubber dinghy (six at a time), poised
like divers, camera gear bagged up, ready to jump onto the
We scanned the horizon for the jetty and the skipper pointed to
one made up of fresh and rotting seaweed with slippery rocks. So
we got out into the fresh briney water. Some staggered, some
slipped, some lurched, some fell, into the brink and some wet
themselves.. I must confess I stripped off to the knees (from
the shoes up of course) and bounded to dry land, just in
time to whip out my Canon and record this memorable conquest of
the island. Our feet and hands were "discoloured" by
the sticky silage like seaweed. The aroma was beyond words.
Undaunted we set off into the Island of Lost armed with our
We quickly found out that puffins are any of three auk species
(or alcids) in the bird genus Fratercula (Latin: little brother
— probably a reference to their black and white plumage, which
resembles monastic robes) with a brightly coloured beak in the
breeding season. Auks are birds of the family Alcidae in
the order Charadriiformes. These are pelagic seabirds that feed
primarily by diving in the water. I think they were all
underwather when we were there!!! They breed in large colonies
on coastal cliffs or offshore islands, nesting in crevices among
rocks or in burrows in the soil. Auks are birds of the
family Alcidae in the order Charadriiformes.
Wednesday night will feature 20 of our best shots. I must thank
our Romanian friends, John and Diana for joining us on this
venture. They took some great shots and John even got a puffin -
one of the four that were visible. Unfortunately, they can't
make it tonight but I have credited myself with their 20 pics
each and will probably put together a slide
show................(howls of laughter.........-) -) o) ).
Stewart and Julie treated us to a look at their puffins in the
dark room. Look out for Stewarts, I think he stuffed a sardine
into its mouth.
We all had a great laugh, shared exquisite finger food, free
range boiled eggs (wow) and lots of other goodies.
Colum tried to slide down the cliff face but was quickly taken
to ground and caught up on his tan. We were all reminded that he
had already gone off on his own long before we arrived (months?)
to suss out the island for puffins so he could afford to
supervise us all.
We thought getting ashore and off the shore was bad, BUT, we
managed to "disappear" into the many grass covered
holes on the island without serious injury.
I thought Paul Goldin must be on the island because people
disappeared and reappeared at will.
Some of us could have done with George Eastman on the day as we
wrestled with the brilliantly strong sunlight and blue skys and
SO - Tonight, we are going to get back to basics...........Colum
is very kindly going to give us a talk on
"How to use a camera". Its good to get back to
basics every now and again so now is the chance to find out how
to turn your camera on. We need to keep on practicing the
techniques we've learned.
A special thanks to Paul who put together a wonderful handout on
bird photography. Instead of meeting at 8.30 a.m. we could have
met up at 7.30 a.m. to digest all the tips he provided. Paul
also played a little game with us called "Hide a
lens". Different to say the least! Because I used the words
"simple" and "thick" in earlier letters,
Paul decided to make it easy for us by hiding his biggie, yep,
his long zoom lens. Bernie took to the challenge and like a
diving puffin quickly scooped it up unexpectedly.. Paul couldn't
believe she found it so quick - but then photographers have a
great eye, don't they?
20th |
the auditorium filled up Colum launched into his dissertation on
Light - probably one of the most written about subjects in
photography. Undaunted, Colum exposed us to such terms, with
explanations, as aperture, shutter/blind, exposure before
releasing his CAD, SLAVE and opening his VELUX ;o) Such
was his mastery of the subject that he went on to intertwine
colour, amount and direction of light, as well as elaborating on
selection, lens, aperture, viewpoint and exposure. Gobsmacked he
let us all in on the secret of the best light. Equipped with
this knowledge we are now expected to compose photographs that
say something about what we're trying to do.
Look forward to a future lecture from Colum when he deals with
artificial light which will be followed up with a practical.
Not to be outshone, the Birdman of Arklow, aka Paul, welcomed
everybody to his presentation which we all thought was on
composting given the move to be green. However, he quickly had
us soaring to incredible intellectual heights as he opened his
subject which is actually called "Compositing"! Using
his usual wizardry he had us mere mortals mesmerised as he
messed about with creation. Using some photographs he began
shrinking or stretching objects, inserting objects where there
was none by using the tools of his bag which include the lassoo,
magic wand, pen tool, which I think he said was "vector
driven", quick mask and transformation tool. I for one was
intellectually challenged as always by his mastery of photoshop.
Watch out for the further development of another imagery didital
The meeting welcomed Stewart back after his break. While
he nodded during the meeting he wasn't deposed as he feared
after last week's attempted coup.
The Grand Opening of Julie's shop KustomKidz went ahead as
planned. Our very own Wicklow Rose was there - Jane Deering - to
cut the ribbon. Dennis did a great job keeping the decorators
motivated with some fine piping. The hospitality was wonderful
with lots of finger food washed down by fortified beverages. The
cots were very comfortable.
As we agreed, while Stewart was away, we are moving on now
to PROJECT work. This can be presented over 5 to 9 photographs.
Again, to keep us motivated, we must bring our "project in
progress" down each week, for positive feedback, of course,
before we enter the final composition for Wednesday
29th July 2009. You never know you might even qualify for a
Some USBs were handed in on the project and there
were some interesting themes especially with a few Ballygowans.
Saltees Trip - 24th.
13th |
you are all well and shining inside yourself while we wait for
the sun to come out again......
Don't forget Celebration time tonight at 6.30 with Julie as
mentioned on Wednesday. Best of luck and good fortune on your
new venture.
Many thanks to Colum as he continued his series of talks
on photography. He ranged over a wide number of topics including
Rule of Thirds, Tension, Depth, Viewpoint to name but a few. He
also told us to be simple. In case you get the wrong idea what
he was talking about was the simplicitiy in a photograph without
too many distractions.
As you all know, slavery was abolished by Act of
Parliament in 1833. Not one to be beaten, next Wednesday Colum
bravely deals with the topic of slavery. He will manage to
get his SLAVE out of the lamp which is a good formula for
There were quite a few USBs handed in on the theme "My
Street". While some were direct and to the point,
others were more obtuse......
We are moving on from homework now to PROJECT work. I suppose
being called a THICK is worse than being called simple, but to
be called a TRIPTYCH could be very insulting. So, instead
of doing a project on triptychs, we decided a project which told
a story would be more challenging. Robert was really up for it
with his new lens. The story can be told over 5 to 9
photographs. Now, just to keep you motivated, you must bring
your "project in progress" down each week, for
positive feedback, of course, before you enter your final
composition for Wednesday 29th July 2009. You never know you
might even qualify for a DISTINCTION, so come next Wednesday for
Weather permitting, over the next few weeks we hoped to descend
on Mount Usher Gardens and the Saltees.
The forecast for this Sunday is not great so we may have to
postphone our visit to Mount Usher until the weather gets a bit
more balmy. Instead of meeting on Sunday at 10:00 at The Bridge
as suggested, you could have a DUVET morning/day instead!
The Saltees could take place on another Sunday and its about
€20 to be taken out, and back of course, by boat. As there is
no Café there, a packed lunch is recommended.
Paul proposes to make a presentation on compositing when he next
shares his expertise.
Now that the coup is over expect to see Stewart back on
6th |
everybody and yes, that bright light in the sky is the sun!!!
Hopefully you had a chance to put
Colum's talk on "the magic tree" into practice. Next
Wednesday, he's going to shed some light on you've guessed
"Light". Colum will share his experience working with
all kinds of light and illuminate our minds with the various
techniques used in creating photographs with the many different
kinds of light. Ever wondered what's the best light for your
photograph? Come along Wednesday for a transfiguring vision from
our very own Dumbledore - Colum. Remember lights go out at 8.00
p.m. sharp so arrive in good time.
After last weeks over 100 diverse photos on Arklow, this
week's topic is right up your street! Get creative with your
photographs on the theme "My Street". Remember all
roads lead to Rome...............So there you go.....share your
street with us........
April |

Hopefully you have been able to make a
little time working on Paul's introduction to Photoshop and
Willy's demonstration on digital storage.
The Ladies Challenge, now in its fourth
year, took place on Wednesday night. An all male panel of
judges, "alsation chasing bike nuts", namely Andrew
and Kenny tortured themselves as they used their expertise to
select the winning entries. As one commentator put it "This
was an absolutely marvellous competition with the highest
standard yet. The tension and pressure built up to a crescendo
as the winner was announced." [E]. First place went to
Larissa, second place to Bernie and third place to Kriss. Well
done to all. Celtic Aerospace presented a beautiful piece of
glassware which was handed to Larissa without dropping it. I
understand she can keep it. Wow!
Kriss's table quiz for the Lebanon was
very well supported. The Begrudgers worked hard to stay in last
place but were comforted when Roberto won an orange bottle of
vodka. Raffle tickets were snapped up for the generous spot
prizes from the sponsors.
8.00 SHARP on Wednesday night (5th May), his eminence Colum is
going to reveal the enchanting secrets of "The Magic
Tree" to us all in one of
his best illusions yet. Come with an open mind I think
you will see the Dumbledore of the TBPS at his best yet.
Guaranteed to have us all flying on our Quidditch!
is your chance to get your photo(s) up on the world wide web. A
gentle reminder to bring down your photos of Arklow as seen
through the eyes of a tourist.
The Bridge Hotel will select what they want for their
Apologies for the late despatch but I'm
still recovering after the rugby match between Leinster and
Munster. As you can see from attached photo I have been finding
it hard to bear up under all the pressure. Thanks also to
Stewart who managed to keep the roof up such was the trembling
at the Ladies Challenge. See attached photo.
22nd |
to Willy for his excellent exposé Wednesday night on storing
your digital images (=photos) and how to get them back.
was a short slideshow on the Cairde le Chéile food fair and a
taste of what to expect during the week. Various groups,
including TBPS gave information on their activities and their
work last Sunday. Expect some great photographs Wednesday night.
Society is considering putting forward a panel or two for the
next IPF get together. Time constraints prevented it happening
for last weekend's meet.
Colum put together an
amazing panel to celebrate 50 years of Space Flight/Exploration
which I understand will be lifting off shortly and you can join
with Colum as he celebrates his voyage of discovery at the venue
to be announced Wednesday. You may need to bring a telescopic
lens if you want to see the stars!!!
Challenge - The
Bridge Hotel is constructing a website in which Arklow will
feature through photos. You guessed, your photographs could be
featured on the site, so get out, when you can, now you have the
weather forecast and capture Arklow in film or digital.
Yet another Challenge
is to take place on Wednesday night and it is the Ladies
Challenge sponsored by Celtic Aerospace. The competition will be
fierce so get ringside and watch the Titanides go for gold.
Watch the rush to get the entries in BEFORE 9.00 p.m.
Did somebody whisper
that the homework was on transport EXCLUDING boats!?
Upcoming events will
be our competitions, usually every two months on one of the
following: Nature,
People, Black & White, Slides, Sport & Action,
Underwater, So as Al
Ziontz says you have time to get ready and reveal some truth about
In case you missed
Wednesday, make a new entry in your diary for Friday 25th
September 2009, which is the revised date for the TBPS Rainbow
A gentle reminder,
for the subs - if you have paid, well done. If you haven't,
speak to the counsellor.
Please do make it
down as often as you can. You're missed if you're not there.
When you are there, you can make a difference. So come on down,
you and your photos are wanted.
is involved with the Lebanon Fundraising quiz on the 30th April
@ 9 pm sharp. This event really need everyone's support on the
night. A table of four is
20 euro.
Do your best to get along or support the night in whatever way
you can. If you can't go, maybe you could Google and text the
answers to one of the tables!!!
15th |
Hi there,
“Photography is a system of visual editing. At bottom, it
is a matter of surrounding with a frame a portion of one's cone
of vision, while standing in the right place at the right time.
Like chess, or writing, it is a matter of choosing from among
given possibilities, but in the case of photography the number
of possibilities is not finite but infinite.”
Many thanks to Paul for
regularly producing our newsletter for the past while. He did a
great job. He opened up many infinite possibilities and
continues to be a wonderful source of encouragement and help. I
guess he could be called the Bird Man of Arklow.
I'm glad I'm not his camera as he is most demanding!
I'm just getting a grip on
this mass communication so bear with me as I get up to speed on
what goes on behind the scenes.
The news in brief - make sure
you have the most colourful event this year in your diary - TBPS
Rainbow Ball in the Arklow Bay Hotel on Saturday May 23rd.
You're guaranteed to see red there! Our ticketmaster/mistress is
Other regular upcoming events
will be our competitions, usually every two months on one of the
following: Nature,
People, Black & White, Slides, Sport & Action,
Underwater, So work on your “cone of vision” now.
just had the Bridge Hotel Maritime Competition in January and
the next major one is the Tommy Byrne landscape, usually last
week in November.
New Secretary - George.
George's new feature: 'Photographic Secret Tips' are emailed to
New Year Photo Fiends,
This week the Society celebrates it's fourth birthday (6th
April) and looks forward to what should prove to be a very
successful and entertaining new year. With that in mind our new
committee of Robert Hudson - President, Stewart Case -
Chairperson, Julie New - Treasurer, Bernie Nuzum - Public
Relations and George Tracey - Secretary, are all chomping at the
bit to get going. So lets all get behind them and make this
another wonderful year.
Our extra special guest judge, Mr. Mark Sedgwick FIPF, was blown
away by the friendliness and camaraderie displayed by the
membership last Wednesday evening. It was probably the finest
athmosphere he has seen throughout the whole country, and he
should know being Prsident of the IPF. It is this very ambiance
that makes our club so special, and thus the committee's number
one priority.
Mark also had the unenviable task of selecting the winner of our
nature competition, from a very high class field of over thirty
entries. Mark Twomey swooped in to take first prize with his all
action "Gull In Flight", Larissa came bob bob bobin'
along in second with her "Robin", and Stewart just
loved third spot with his "Mating Damsels". Honorary
mentions for Jenny, Robert, Elena, Julie and Paul. All in all a
very successful evening. Hopefully Mark Sedgwicks own images
should have provided inspiration to all present and a little eye
opener on what makes an international prize winning shot.
March |
the last two weeks have seen first time winners in both our mini
competitions, only indicating the continued rise in standards
across the Society. Eddie scooped the "night trails"
award with his "Bridgewater Zoom Burst", the ghost
rider being the clincher I think. George wrapped up the
"slide challenge" with an intriguing reflection shot
taken on Dame Street. The standard of entry in both competitions
was very high and indicates next Wednesday's nature competition
will be exceedingly difficult to bag, but then again nothing
dentured, nothing pained.
Fellow Fiendish Photographers,
So the homework seems to be really paying off with another
cracking display of photo wizardry on show. Standards are
definitely on the rise, with sharp images, excellent composition
and imaginative subject matter now the norm rather than the
exception. Particularly outstanding work from Jenny on Flowers
and Chris with some intriguing landscapes. But my "Clever
Clogs" of the week award goes to Elena for her
"Marching Army". I was particularly impressed by her
use of a magazine photo as a background and the camera work was
superb, especially the creative use of camera angle. Very well
done indeed.
Extra special thanks to Eddie for his outstanding expose on
filters. Seven Day Shop can expect to be inundated with orders
for "star burst" and "multiplication"
filters this week. The use of example photos only helped to
increase the inspiration.
the homework seems to be really paying off with another cracking
display of photo wizardry on show. Standards are definitely on
the rise, with sharp images, excellent composition and
imaginative subject matter now the norm rather than the
exception. Particularly outstanding work from Jenny on Flowers
and Chris with some intriguing landscapes. But my "Clever
Clogs" of the week award goes to Elena for her
"Marching Army". I was particularly impressed by her
use of a magazine photo as a background and the camera work was
superb, especially the creative use of camera angle. Very well
done indeed.
Extra special thanks to Eddie for his outstanding expose on
filters. Seven Day Shop can expect to be inundated with orders
for "star burst" and "multiplication"
filters this week. The use of example photos only helped to
increase the inspiration.
Things you may have missed:
Motocross Practice - Sandyhill Co. Cork and Dundalk Co. Louth
"Eddies Filter Fanfare" with "March Madness"
or "Be a Mug"
"Red Light Stewart" & "Food For Thought"
February |
to your weakly sliced helping of TBPS goodness. Well Sir Colly
said the other night, that in all his four hundred years
involved in Camera Clubs, that he has never known such
enthusiasm for and quality of work brought in by so many each
week. High praise indeed, so do keep up the good work. Flowers
and barbed wire proved to be another visual feast. The Clever
Clogs award of the week goes to Margaret though, who used the
washing line to suspend her flowers ensuring that gorgeous blue
sky made the perfect background. Her Daughter and Tesco's were
not amused though ;-)
Many thanks to Colum for forgoing his usual weekly lecture so
that we could squeeze in "The Genius of Photography".
This series will be continuing on BBC 2 on Saturday Evening for
the next five weeks, but don't worry you will not be forced into
watching any more episodes. At one hour each, they just take up
too much valuable club time. Fortunately, I will be recording
all six and will make DVD copies available for any members who
may be interested.
Things you may have missed:
Motocross Ferns
"Flower Power"
"March Madness"
"Food For Thought"
January |
New Year and welcome back after the longest break we've ever had
- two weeks!!
Congrats to Jane on recieving her Certificate after her hard
work on the Photography Course ran before Christmas - keep up
the good work. And indeed congrats to everyone else
(recieved their certs before Christmas).
top |
here for 2005 Programme/Diary
here for 2006 Programme/Diary
here for 2007 Programme/Diary
here for 2008 Programme/Diary