If you represent a Club, Organisation, Church or Business in Abbeydorney / Kilflynn , and wish to submit notes, you can do so here. All approved will appear on this page within 24 hours. Please email to abbeyandflynn@yahoo.co.uk 05/12/2005 Abbeydorney steamroll over Clann Éireann Abbeydorney 2-13 Clann Éireann 1-4 Last year’s All-Ireland Ladies JFC champions, Abbeydorney, collected the Intermediate title with a superb performance at Banagher yesterday. Once player-of-the-game Noreen Fealy opened their account in the ninth minute with a pointed free, her team was in command. Fealy and Sinead Bunyan had goals in the 17th and 18th minute and the Armagh champions were reeling. Kerry senior Katie Kennelly added three fine points, before Maighdlin McAlinden scored her team’s only point from play in the opening half. Clann Éireann fought back and dominated for ten minutes of the of the second half with Marie Donnelly converting a penalty and adding two points before the North Kerry girls upped the tempo once more. Scorers for Abbeydorney: N Fealy 1-5 (0-2 frees), S Bunyan 1-3, K Kennelly 0-3, E O’Connell and L Ross 0-1 each. Scorers for Clann Éireann: M Donnelly 1-3 (1-0 pen, 0-2 Frees), M McAlinden 0-1. ABBEYDORNEY: G O’Sullivan, B Slattery, H McKenna, N Shanahan, J Murnane, N O’Connor, L O’Mahony, E O’Connell, D Shanahan, K Kennelly, C Sexton, S Delaney, S Bunyan, N Fealy, L Ross. Subs: E McElligott for N O’Connor (inj), C Collins for S Delaney. CLANN ÉIREANN: D Hagan, A McCrory, A Kearney, A Purdy, L Brown, S McCleary, R O’Mahony, S O’Hagan, M Moriarty, G McAlinden, M McAlinden, V Hannon, O Donnelly, M Donnelly, M Hoye. Subs: E Maye for M Hoye, C Mcllkenny for M Donnelly, C McAlinden for A Purdy. Referee: Peter Daly (Westmeath). The Irish Examiner Newspaper 03/12/2005 Football Final: Best wishes and good luck to the Abbeydorney Ladies Football team in the All-Ireland Final John and Amaya Everett Best of Luck to Helen Mc Kenna, and her Abbeydorney Ladies Football team mates who will contes the A.I.B All Ireland Intermediate Football Final against Clan Eireann (Armagh) at Banagher (Offaly) on Sunday 4th December. Parker Family Kilflynn 01/12/2005 Kilflynn Coursing: It’s that time of year again when we put on our wellies and face the cold hard weather of winter in love of our sport. On Saturday at 11.30 a.m. the first two dogs will leave slips and hopefully come Sunday at 3 O’ Clock we will have what is expected to be the best of finals in all stakes. The Stephan Fuller Cup carries Five Cup winners this year so far, So it promises to attract a huge crowd. We Would Welcome all locals again this year and look forward to their continued support. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our supporters for their generous support in all our fundraising events throughout the year. Order of Running: Saturday 11.30 a.m. start with a 3 course Duffer and Stephan Fuller Cup\ Interval, then All Age Bitch Stake, Puppy Stake & Second Round of 3 course Duffer and Cup. Sunday 12 noon Start with Surplus Stake and Working Members Stake and Complete card. Judge: Walter Dick Slipper: Martin Murphy. Retreat: Abbeydorney\Kiflynn Men’s Annual Retreat will be held on Wednesday 7th December at 8.00 p.m. in Ardfert Retreat Centre. Soccer: Kilflynn Santos Senior Soccer team continued their winning streak with a 2 –1 victory over a gallant Newtown Athletic side at Meadows Grounds, Crotta on Sunday morning last in the Denny Division 2 B League. Santos Goal Scorers were Colin Curran and Colm Mc Elligott. Santos team: Mark Mc Namara, Diarmuid Nolan, Aidan Scallion, Denis O’Connell, David Cronin, “Tom Yank” Mc Elligott, Tom Burke, Andrew Keane, Colin Curran, Colm Mc Elligott, and Gary Hogan. Subs: David Mc Louglin for G. Hogan, Niall Enright for C. Mc Elligott, Brendan Keane for C.Curran, and Seamus Enright for T Mc Elligott. Santa: Santa will be paying his annual Christmas visit to St Columbas Centre, Kilflynn on Sunday 11th December from 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Cost € 8 per child. Registration is essential and will be taking place in Kilflynn National School, on Friday next 2nd December between 1.00 p.m. to 3.00 p.m. This is the final date to register, as bookings will not be taken after this date. Payment on registration please. Draw: The following are results of Kilflynn National School Silver Circle Draw Week Two 25/11/05. 1st Prize €70: Patrick Burns C\o Sarah Corkery, Knocknaska, Kilflynn 2nd Prize €35: Liz Kelly, Kilflynn. 3rd Prize, €20: Mary Leen C\o Jennifer Twomey, Garrynagore, Lixnaw. The Promoters Prize of €15 went Mark and Mary Corkey, Knocknaska, Kilflynn. Awards: Congratulation to Crotta underage Hurlers Shane Nolan and Darren Twomey who received their North Kerry Hurling Coiste Na Nog 2005 Player Awards at a function on Friday 25th November in The Abbeydorney Sports Complex. Darren received the April Award, with the September Award going to Shane Nolan. Well done Lads. Notes: With a new deadline of Monday at 1p.m, it is imperative that all news items for inclusion in the Kilflynn Notes be with the writer by 9.00 p.m. on Sunday nights. Any items received after this deadline will not be included in that week’s notes. The co-operation of all organisations and individuals is necessary to enable the weekly Kilflynn column to be included every week in The Kerryman Trad Session: There will be a Traditional Music Session in Parker’s Pub tonight at 10.00 p.m. 31/11/2005 Lotto: The Four numbers drawn out of the drum by the Independent observer Paul Sheehan, Ballyconell, Kilflynn, in The Crotta hurling club lotto Draw on Monday night 28th November in Cronin’s Bar were: 9,24, 27, & 28. There were no winners of the €2,200 Jackpot. The lucky dip winners each receive €35: Tom Keane, Crotta, Jerry Dennehy, C\o St. Pats Day Care Centre, Tralee and John O’Connor, Fahavane, Kilflynn The next draw will be held in Parker’s bar on Monday 5th December with a €2,300.. Tickets are available at €2 from Club tickets sellers or from Cronin’s Bar, Parker’s Bar and Kilflynn Post Office. Social: The Crotta Hurling Club will hold their Annual Social on Saturday 11th February 2006 in Ballyroe Heights Hotel, Tralee. The Crotta Hurling club will hold their Annual General Meeting on Saturday night 10th December in St. Columba’s Centre, Kilflynn at 7.30 p.m. Church: Those Required for Church duties in St. Mary’s Church, Kilflynn are follows: Readers for Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th December Vigil: Pauline Gleasure Helen, Morning: Francis White. Eucharistic Ministers for Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th December, Vigil: Maureen Mc Elligott, Morning: Jimmy Walsh Francis .The First Friday mass on Friday 2nd December is Anniversary for the late Kathleen Keane, Glenballyma. The vigil mass on Saturday will be Anniversary mass for the late Mike Joe Breen, Laccamore, and Sunday morning Mass is Anniversary Mass for the late Seamus Power, Clonafineela, Kilflynn. Collectors for December: Eddie Breen, Margaret Dillon and Jimmy Walsh. Prayers for our deceased Relatives and Friends will be said on Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. in St. Mary’s Church and in Abbeydorney on Friday at 7.30 p.m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Mondays in St. Mary’s from 4.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. Golf: Abbeydorney Golf Society will hold a Christmas Scramble at Castleisland Golf Club on Saturday the 10th Dec. The tee is booked between 10:00am and 11:30am. Cronin’s Bar Kilflynn is kindly sponsoring the outing where the presentation of prizes will take place immediately after golf. Guests are welcome to play. As it is intended to have the draw for playing partners prior to the outing members and guests are asked to enter by contacting one of the following before Thurs 8th Dec, Dan Brassil 086-2610239 or Michael Barry 086-2571230 or Tom McNeice 086-3263111. 29/11/2005 Abbeydorney Parish Hall & Community Centre Building Fund Members Lotto Draw; Results - 27/11/2005 Numbers Drawn 4 - 16 - 19 - 22 No Jackpot Winner. Consolation Prizes €25 - John McSweeney, Glebe, Kilcummin. €25 - J O’Regan, Kilmoyley. Spot Prizes Tom Long, Abbeydorney. Rachel McGrath, c/o Sports Complex, Abbeydorney. Dan McCarthy, Lisenearla, Abbeydorney. Names Drawn for Christmas €500 Mini Jackpot. Jim Mahony, Abbeydorney. Margaret Spillane, Ballinclogher, Lixnaw. Nell McCarthy, Walnot Grove , Ardfert. Next Draw - Sunday 2nd December Jackpot €5700. Tickets €2 available from, Abbey Grill, McElligotts Bar, David Power, Dillanes Supermarket, Sports Complex & Abbeydorney Post Office. Abbeydorney Development Committee would like to wish Abbeydorney the best of luck in the All-Ireland Final on Sunday. 28/11/2005 St Bernard’s. Soccer Results: Senior: St Bernard's 2 - Lerrig 0 St Bernard’s senior team collect 3 pts on Sunday last with a very good victory over Lerrig played in the KDL pitch at Mounthawk, David Nolan and Brian O’Leary provided the goals. St Bernard’s would like to wish the Abbeydorney Ladies Football team the very best of luck in the All-Ireland Final on Sunday against Clann Eireann (Armagh) in Banagher Co Offaly. Golf: Abbeydorney Golf Society will hold its Christmas Scramble at Castleisland Golf Club on Saturday the 10th Dec. The tee is booked between 10:00am and 11:30am. The outing is being kindly sponsored by Cronin’s Bar Kilflynn where the presentation of prizes will take place immediately after golf. Guests are welcome to play. As it is intended to have the draw for playing partners prior to the outing members and guests are asked to enter by contacting one of the following before Thurs 8th Dec, Dan Brassil 086-2610239 or Michael Barry 086-2571230 or Tom McNeice 086-3263111. Abbeydorney Golf Society wish the best of luck to the Abbeydorney Lady Footballers and their mentors on Sunday in the All-Ireland Club Football Final. Abbeydorney Ploughing Society wish the best of luck to the Abbeydorney Lady Footballers in the All Ireland Club Football Championship Final on Sunday. 26/11/2005 Lotto The Four numbers drawn in The Crotta hurling club lotto Draw on Monday night 21 st November in Parker's Bar. Were 7,11,15, & 19. There were no winners of the €2,000 Jackpot. The lucky dip winners each receive €35: Patrick O'Sullivan Kilfeighney, Mary Browne, Listellick, Tralee and Tom O'Dowd Currovough, Tralee . The next draw will be held in Cronin's Bar on Monday night 28 th November with a €2,200 Jackpot. Tickets are available at €2 from Club tickets sellers or from Cronin's Bar, Parker's Bar and Kilflynn Post Office. 25/11/2005 Abbeydorney Parish Hall & Community Centre Building Fund Members Lotto Draw; Results - 20/11/2005 Numbers Drawn 1 - 2 - 24 - 28 No Jackpot Winner. Consolation Prizes €25 -Chloe Gleeson, Abbeydorney. €25 - Claire O’Mahony, Rathkenny, Abbeydorney. Spot Prizes Johnny Glavin, Abbeydorney. Tom Lyons, Laccabeg, Abbeydorney. Names Drawn for €500 Mini Jackpot. Geraldine Stack, Abbeydorney. Joanne O’Connell, Abbeygrill, Abbeydorney. Guard Tom Moriarthy, Abbeydorney. Next Draw - Sunday 27 Nov Jackpot €5600 Tickets €2 available from O’Connors Bar, McElligotts Bar, Abbey Grill, David Power, Dillanes Supermarket, Sports Complex and Abbeydorney Post Office. St Bernard's Soccer: On Saturday St Bernard's u12 Boys played Tralee side Kingdom Boys at the Dynamos pitch in Tralee, in an excellent team performance the boys recorded their second away win of the season, St Bernard's 2 Kingdom Boys 1, Goal scorers Cian Hussey and Daniel Collins. St Bernard's Weekend Fixtures: Saturday 26th: U13 Division 1. Clanmaurice v St Bernard's at 11.00. Sunday 27th Senior: St Bernard's V Ballyheigue at 2.30pm. Training for U10 will commence in the playing field shortly -further details next week. 24/11/2005 Crotta GAA: Congratulations to the Crotta Minor hurlers on winning the County Minor B Championship final Title (13 a side) on Saturday last, 19th November. A great crowd of local support was in attendance at Ballyduff pitch to witness these brave young hurlers overcome Ballyheigue by a Scoreline of 1-12 to 3-04. Crotta team & Scorers: Aaron Sheehan, Philip Twomey, Paul Lenihan, Alan Leen, Paul Costello, Jonathan Caffrey, David Galvin (1-06), Darren Twomey, Shane Mc Auliffe, Matt Lynch, Luke Sheehan, David Moloney (0-01), and Richard Nolan (0-01). Sub Cian Counihan. After the game The Victories Crotta Captain Philip Twomey received the County B Championship Plaque from Mike Slattery on behalf of the County Board. Selectors Brendan Mahony, John Howard and Paul Shanahan. Junior Final On Sunday afternoon 20th November at Fitzgerald Stadium, Killarney, Crotta added the County League Div 3 Trophy to their collection when their Juniors had victory over a gallant Kilgarvan side on 1-13 to 0-06 scoreline. Crotta team & Scorers: Jerome O’Sullivan, T.J O’Sullivan, David Galvin, Tom B Mc Elligott, Diarmuid Mc Keene, Pa Quille, Jer Galvin, Fergus O’Sullivan, Cyril Lynch, Matt Lynch (0-01), Brendan Mahony (0-11), Peter Mc Grath, Francis Keane, John Mahony (Capt.) (1-00), and Kenneth Nolan (0-01). Subs Seamus Enright for F.O’Sullivan, Philip Twomey for P. Mc Grath, Paul Shanahan for F.Keane and Eoin Lynch for K. Nolan, Rohan Falvey, Mark O’Brien, Denis Mahony, Jerry Carmody, Richard Nolan and Jonathan Caffrey. Selectors Jimmy Lawlor, Jerry Carmody and Denis Mahony. After the game Bernie Reen presented the Div 3 cup to Victories Crotta Captain John Mahony. Rally One hundred and fifty cars participated, in The BioTech Kerry Winter Rally run in glorious conditions, , Which commenced from Banna Beach Hotel, Ardfert early on Sunday morning 13th November for four very technical stages in the Knocknagoshel and Lyrecrompane of North Kerry. But the biggest surprise on Stage Two was Ardfert driver John Kearney navigated by Kilflynn’s Denis O’Connell setting a blistering time through the test to jump from joint third to overall leader. Kearney set this time despite catching a slower competitor through the stage costing even more valuable time. Clonakilty’s Kevin Kelleher moved into second place after stage two, just seven seconds ahead of both Kevin O’Donoghue and Alan Ring who occupied joint third, Kearney exerted his authority in the event by maintaining his lead through stage three. Kevin O’Donoghue moved into second place, taking three seconds from Alan Ring while Kevin Kelleher lost 12 seconds after clouting a bank, demoting him to fourth. Tadgh Lenihan remained in fifth place after a steady run through stage three, while Donegan, navigated by Tralee’s Jakes Kelly, maintained their sixth place. En- route to stage four, Kearney suffered his only major problem in the rally. The fuel pump started losing pressure on the road section but himself and co-driver Denis O’Connell were able to fix the problem. Nevertheless he coasted through the final stage to his first ever win. Kevin Kelleher launched But the day belonged to John Kearney and his navigator Dennis O’Connell. Their PMG tyres Escort brought them a memorable and popular victory in the Kerry Winter Rally. This is the first time that a Kerry Motor Club driver has won the home event since Brendan Brosnan’s victory in 1996. The Kearney-O’Connell partnership was presented with the Donal O’ Flaherty Memorial Trophy at the prizegiving ceremony in Banna on Sunday night. John Kearney was a great friend and near neighbour of the late Donal O’Flaherty while Denis O’Connell was Donal’s regular navigator. This made the presentation of the award extra special for the Ardfert and Kilflynn Duo. Congratulations to Denis O’Connell and John Kearney on their fine achievement. 23/11/2005 Soccer Kilflynn Santos Senior Soccer team had a 3 –1 victory over a gallant Ballyheigue B side at Meadows Grounds, Crotta on Sunday morning last in the Denny Division 2 B League Santos Goal Scorers were Andrew Keane, Matthew Barry and Tom Burke. Santos team: Brendan Keane, Denis O’Connell, Aidan Scalon, David Cronin, Colin Curran, Andrew Keane, Tom Burke, Matthew Barry, Colm Mc Elligott, and Gary Hogan. Subs “Tom Yank” Mc Elligott for G.Curran and Niall Enright for C.Curran. 22/11/2005 Draw: The following are results of Kilflynn National School Silver Circle Draw Week One 18/11/05. 1st Prize €70: Brendan Buckley, Leith, 2nd Prize €35: Noel Mulvihill C\o Declan Falvey, 3rd Prize, €20: Patsy Maunsell, Lerrig. The Promoters Prize of €15 went Rachel Buckey. 19/11/2005 Social A Note for the Diary’s: The Crotta Hurling Club will their Annual Social on Saturday 11th February 2006 in Ballyroe Heights Hotel, Tralee. More details later. Keep Fit The Aerobic/Keep Fit/ Total Tone Classes will Re- Commencing on Tuesday nights in Abbeydorney Hall and Thursday nights in St. Columbas Centre, Kilflynn from 7.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. Actively Retired A Social Evening for Abbeydorney/Kilflynn Actively Retired will be held at the Abbeydorney Community Hall on Wednesday 16th November from 2.00 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. Everyone welcome. Thanks The Abbeydorney/ Kilflynn Community Games Committee would like to thank everyone who contributed to their Church Gate Collection last weekend. Darts The weekly Darts Doubles Tournament recommenced at Parker’s Pub, Kilflynn on Saturday night 12th November for fresh Turkey’s. Eighteen players participated in the Tournament with the two fresh Turkeys of the season going to two Darts Veterans Mike Fealy and J.P Twomey, who defeated Danny Caffrey and Adrain Mc Hugh in the final. There will two more fresh turkeys up for grabs this Saturday night. All names into Parker’s Pub by 10.00 p.m. on the night. 17/11/2005 Wedding Bells On Friday 11th November, Orna O’Neill and Brendan Comerford exchanged Wedding vows at St. Mary’s Church, Kilflynn in the presence of their families, relatives and friends. Orna is the youngest daughter of Pat and the late Jean O’Neill, Castletown, Kilflynn and Brendan is a son of Tom and Mary Comerford, Mayfield, Cork. The ceremony with Nuptial Mass was performed by Fr. Pat O’Donnell and assisted by Fr. Jack Fitzgerald. Orna’s sister Keelin Cronin was Chief Bridesmaid and was assisted by their sister Nessa Mackay, Emma Fitzgerald and Karen O’Regan. Vincent Foley was Bestman and the groomsmen were Alan Dorgan, Brian Collins and Fergus O’Brien. The Flowergirls were Sadhbh Cronin, Caoimhe Cronin and Ava Mckay (Nieces of the bride). The reception was held in Ballygarry House Hotel, Tralee where all the guests had an enjoyable time. The young couple will reside in Glanmire, Cork after their honeymoon in Dubai. Everyone that know them wish the happy couple every joy, health and happiness in their married lives. Concert Red Cross Fundraising Concert in aid of the Asian Earthquake in the Parish Hall, Abbeydorney on Friday November 18th at 8.00 p.m.ALL SUPPORT WLCOME Dancing The Dancing classes re-commenced again for this season on Monday 7th November in St.Columbas Centre, Kilflynn and will continue every Monday night @ 9pm sharp. Due to unforeseen circumstances we apologise for the late start this season but according to our dancing instructor we will be all in ship shape for Christmas. Looking forward to seeing you all again soon, Beginners and all welcome. For enquiries please contact Kate after 6pm on (066) 71 32482 Final The Crotta and Kilgarvan Junior hurlers were due to contest the Credit Union County league Division 3 final on Sunday 13th November in Austin Stack Park, Tralee. But it was postponed on Saturday evening due to unplayable pitch. The match will now be played on this Sunday 20th November Check with club officers re venue and time. Best of luck to the lads in Green and Red. The Crotta Under 21 hurlers will play Lixnaw in the County Championship Semi Final. Date, Venue and time to be confirmed. The Crotta minor hurlers will play Ballyheigue in the County Minor B Championship Final on Saturday 19th November in Lerrig, at 2.00 p.m. Best of luck to the lads in Green and Red. There are Crotta Hurling Club Jackets, Polo shirts, Jerseys and Baseball Caps all with the club’s new club crest designed by Jerry Carmody, available from Declan Falvey on 087 4167328.First come first served. Lotto The Four numbers drawn out of the drum by the Independent observer Aidan Shanahan, Tullig, Kilflynn in The Crotta hurling club lotto Draw on Monday night 14th November in Cronin’s Bar. Were 7,11,15, & 19. There were no winners of the €2,000 Jackpot. The lucky dip winners each receive €35: Kay O’Keeffe, C/o Mike O’Connell, Rae, Kilflynn, Gerry Henry, Tubrid Beg, Ardfert, and Brea O’Connor, Lisereen, Abbeydorney. The next draw takes place in Parker’s Bar on Monday night 21st November with a €2,100. Tickets are available at €2 from Club tickets sellers or from Cronin’s Bar, Parker’s Bar and Kilflynn Post Office. 14/11/2005 JACKPOT €5400 Abbeydorney Parish Hall & Community Centre Building Fund Members Lotto Draw; Results - 13/11/2005 Numbers Drawn 4- 16-18-28 No Jackpot Winner. Consolation Prizes €25 -Eamon Leen Leith East, Abbeydorney. €25 - Tom Sheeran, c\o Complex Abbeydorney. Spot Prizes Daniel Flaherty.Ballymacquim, Abbeydorney. Bill Maunsell, Abbeydorney. Names Drawn for €500 Mini Jackpot. Ray Galvin, Ballinclogher, Lixnaw. Dora O’Callaghan,Ballysheen Abbeydorney. Dora O’Callaghan,Ballysheen Abbeydorney. Next Draw - Sunday 20 Nov in McElligotts Bar Tickets at €2 available from O’Connors Bar, McElligotts Bar, Abbey Grill, David Power, Dillanes Supermarket, Sports Complex and Abbeydorney Post Office. Any outstanding Lucky 8s,€5, €10, €50 please returned immediately for payment 13/11/2005 Sympathy is extended to the family of Mary Shanahan (Daisy), Boheroe, Abbeydorney. R.I.P. Removal today Sunday at 7 o'c from the Hogan Funeral Home Tralee, to St Bernard's Church Abbeydorney. Requiem Mass tomorrow Monday at 10 o'c. Interment afterwards in Kyrie Eleison Abbey, Abbeydorney. Crotta GAA There are Crotta Hurling Club Jackets, Poloshirts, Jerseys and Baseball Caps all with the club’s new club crest designed by Jerry Carmody, available from Declan Falvey on 087 4167328.First come first served. The Crotta Club will have it’s own web site shortly. Watch this space. Lotto Results: Parker’s Bar was the venue for The Crotta hurling club lotto Draw on Monday night 7th November. The Four numbers drawn out of the drum by the Independent observer Mike O’Connell, Rae, Kilflynn, were 2,15,23, & 25. There were no winners of the €1,900 Jackpot. The lucky dip winners each receive €35: Brian Mc Kenna, Killahan, Abbeydorney, Mark O’Callaghan, Tonaknock, Abbeydorney and Sandy Egan, Shannow, Abbeydorney. The next draw takes place in Cronin’s Bar on Monday night 14th November with a €2,000. Tickets are available at €2 from Club tickets sellers or from Cronin’s Bar, Parker’s Bar and Kilflynn Post Office. Birthday Congratulations to Tim Sheehan, Ballyconnell, Kilflynn who celebrated his 50th Birthday with his Family and Friends at a surprise party in Cronin’s Bar, Kilflynn on Saturday 29th October. 11/11/2005 Muriel Parkinson It was with great regret that people of Kilflynn learned of the untimely death of Muriel Parkinson (nee Parkinson), Tullig, Kilflynn. Muriel a member of a very well Know and highly respected Family passes away at her daughter’s residence in Cork on Thursday 28th October. A Lady of Kind and Genial nature Muriel was active in the local community and took a very keen interest in everything that was happening in the area. She was also involved in the local active retirement group and in all of their activities. She had a great passion for music and song, and was a women with a warm personality was never seen in bad form and always put a smile on persons face whom she came in contact with. Her popularity was borne in the large numbers, which paid their last respects to Muriel at her home in Tullig on Saturday and also at her removal on Sunday evening from her residence to St. John’s Church, Ashe Street, Tralee. A Large Congregation attended the funeral service and Act of Thanksgiving for the life of Muriel Parkinson in St. John’s Church,on Monday. Rev Joe Hardy was the main celebrant assisted by Rev Joe Mairt Hanly, Rev Barbara Fryday (cousin of the deceased) and Fr. Pat O’Donnell. During his homily the Rev Hardy paid tribute to the many acts of kindness Muriel performed, particularly for those in the Third World, and to a positive disposition which always enable her to see ‘the glass half full’ Rev Hardy also noted that: “Muriel held the community of Kilflynn in high esteem, and by your large attendance here to it is clear that she was equally cherished by you” A large crowd accompanied the cortege for the burial that took place in the Old Graveyard, Kilflynn. Her sad passing has deprived the area of one of the community’s greatest characters, and she will be, sadly missed not only by her family but by everyone that knew her Muriel was predeceased by her husband Jackie who died on the 27th June 1984 and her daughter Lucy and is survived by her daughter Martha, Sons Walter and Thomas, her Brother Frankie, Sisters Sadie and Olive, nephews, nieces, relatives, neighbours and a large circle of friends to whom sympathy of the community is extended. “Peace Perfect Peace” 10/11/2005 Congratulations and Best wishes to the following local students who were among the over 1,000 students at Institute of Technology, Tralee Autumn Conferring held in the Conference Centre of the Brandon hotel, Tralee on Friday 28th October. Sharon Sheehan, Ballyconnell, who graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Information Systems Management, Patrick Mc Elligott, Catletown, who graduated with a Higher Certificate in Engineering in Civil Engineering, Mikie Barry, Clousillagh who Graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering, Paul Shanahan, Tullig, who graduated with Bachelor of Science in Construction. Bridget O’Shea, Leam who graduated with a Higher Certificate in Information Systems Management Every Success to them for the Future Engagement Congratulations and Best Wishes to Aileen Galvin, Ballyrehan and Ray Madden, Loch Gowna, Cavan who announced their engagement recently. 09/11/2005 Abbeydorney Parish Hall & Community Centre Building Fund Members Lotto Draw; Results - 6/11/2005 Numbers Drawn 13- 18-19-28 No Jackpot Winner. Consolation Prizes €25 - Sinead McElligott, Abbeydorney. €25 -Ellie Ann O’Sullivan, Abbeydorney. Spot Prizes Dominic O’Neill,Ahamore, Causeway. oanne Hayes, Abbeydorney. Names Drawn for €500 Mini Jackpot. Sinead McElligott, Abbeydorney. Kathleen Shanahn, Keel, Lixnaw. Brendan O’Connor, Lissereen,, Abbeydorney. Next Draw - Sunday 13 Nov in Sports Complex Bar Tickets at €2 available from O’Connors Bar, McElligotts Bar, Abbey Grill, David Power, Dillanes Supermarket, Sports Complex and Abbeydorney Post Office. Any outstanding Lucky 8s,€5, €10, €50 please returned immediately for payment 08/11/2005 Soccer: St Bernard's u12 Boys travelled to Killarney on Saturday morning to play local side Killarney Celtic, in what was a excellent team performance each and every player contributed to a great win.Stephen Egan becomes the first player from St Bernard's in any grade to record a hat trick, the other scores in the 5 nil victory were Kien Hussey and Daniel Collins. The u16 Girls St Bernard's v Park was cancelled as was the senior game St Bernard's v Lisselton Rovers owing to weather conditations. St Bernard's Weekend Fixtures: Saturday 12th U13 Boys , Camp Juniors v St Bernard's at 10.30 pm. Sunday 13th. U11 Boys , Listowel Celtic v St Bernard's at 3 pm. Sunday13th U14 Girls Kingdom Girls v St Bernard's at 2pm. Sunday 13th Senior: Fenit Samphires V St Bernard's at 2.30pm. Girls if you would like to play u14 or u16 soccer please contact Paddy O’Mahony 0879486730 or Danny Murphy 0877572073. 06/11/2005 Epilepsy An Epilepsy Information and Awareness Evening will be held in the Imperial Hotel, Denny Street, Tralee on Tuesday at 8.00 p.m. The talk will include an overview of epilepsy/management regulations etc. followed by a question and answer session. All are welcome to attend. Admission Free. For Further information contact Brainwave The Irish Epilepsy Association at 066 7119507. Lotto Results: Cronin’s Bar was the venue for The Crotta hurling club lotto Draw on Monday night 31st October. The Four numbers drawn were 16,20,21, & 22. There were no winners of the €1,800 Jackpot. The lucky dip winners each receive €35: Jimmy Lawlor, Tullacrimmin. Abbeydorney, Frank O’Donovan, Abbeydorney Joan Shine, Cappa. The next draw takes place in Parker’s Bar tonight 7th November with a €1,900 Jackpot. Tickets are available at €2 from Club tickets sellers or from Cronin’s Bar, Parker’s Bar and Kilflynn Post Office. 06/11/2005 Dancing Classes The Dancing classes will resume again for this season on Monday 7th November 2005 @ 9pm sharp. In St.Columbas Centre, Kilflynn. Due to unforeseen circumstances we apologise for the late start this season but according to our dancing instructor we will be all in ship shape for Christmas. Looking forward to seeing you all again soon, Beginners and all welcome. For enquiries please contact Kate after 6pm on (066) 71 32482 05/11/2005 Mass Times Please note change of Mass time in St. Mary's church, Kilflynn from this Saturday night 5th November. The vigil mass will be at 6.30 p.m. and Mass time on Sunday's will be still be 10.00 a.m. 04/11/2005 Community Games The Abbeydorney/Kilflynn Community Games will hold their Annual General Meeting on Friday night 4th November at 8.30 p.m. in the Sports Complex Abbeydorney. Your support would be greatly appreciated. 03/11/2005 Table Quiz Local Quiz buffs were out in force at Parker's Pub, Kilflynn on Friday 28th October for a fundraising Table Quiz in aid of Kilflynn Santos Soccer Club. The Man in the hot seat with the questions was Santos Chairman Paddy Weir, who lined up a through provoking series of questions that had the grey cells of everyone working Overtime. After six rounds, twelve questions in each round (72questions) First prize on the night went to "Castletown Harriers" Laurence Costello, Tom Shanahan and Bernard Costello and the runners up prizes went to: Julie O'Flaherty, Mary Ellen Crowe, Julie O'Sullivan and Catriona Daly. The organisers would like to all the people who supported the quiz, and to the people who generously donated spot prizes, a special word of thanks to quizmaster Paddy Weir and to Carina Lynn for checking the answer sheets and to Parker's Bar for hosting the event and sponsoring the thropies. 01/11/2005 Abbeydorney Parish Hall & Community Centre Building Fund Members Lotto Draw Results 31 / 10 / 2005 Numbers Drawn 8 - 16 - 22 - 27 No Jackpot Winner. Consolation Prizes €25 - Johnny Glavin, Abbeydorney. €25 - Brendan Barry, Abbeydorney. Spot Prizes Johnny Glavin, Abbeydorney. Cathie Buckley, Behins, Listowel. Names Drawn for €500 Mini Jackpot. Margaret Laide, Garrynagnore. J. B. Reidy, Ballyheigue. Brendan Barry, Abbeydorney. Next Draw Sunday 6th November- Jackpot €5300. Tickets at €2 available from O’Connors Bar, McElligotts Bar, Abbey Grill, David Power, Dillanes Supermarket, Sports Complex and Abbeydorney Post Office. Any outstanding Lucky 8s,€5, €10, €50 please returned immediately for payment. Soccer: St Bernard's Weekend Fixtures: Saturday 5th. U12 boys, Killarney Celtic v St Bernard's at 10.30. Sunday 6th.U16 Girls, St Bernard's v Killarney Athletic at 2pm. Sunday 6th Senior: St Bernard's v Lisselton at 2.30. Please check times and venue's with team Managers. 30/10/2005 Sympathy is extended to the family of Muriel Parkinson,Tullig,Kilflynn. Removal today Sunday at 4 o'c from her residence to St John's Church, Ashe St Tralee. Funeral service on Monday at 2.30 o'c. Interment afterwards in St Colunba;s Churchyard, Kilflynn, R.I.P. 27/10/2005 Minister Hanafin opens extension to Scoil Treasa Naofa in Kilflynn The Minister for Education and Science, Mary Hanafin, T.D opened the new extension and full refurbishment of Scoil Treasa Naofa, Kilflynn on Friday last. Refurbishment of the 89 pupil school provides it with three additional classrooms and conversion of two existing classrooms to a general hall. |
26/10/2005 €5100 Lotto Jackpot: Abbeydorney Parish Hall & Community Centre Building Fund Members Lotto Draw Results 24 / 10 / 2005 Numbers Drawn 11 - 13 - 14 - 28 No Jackpot Winner. Consolation Prizes €25 - Johnny Griffin,Clahane, Ballyduff. €25 -Rita Henry, Tubridbeg, Ardfert. Spot Prizes Tom Maunsell, Abbeydorney. Barney Dowling, Abbeydorney. Names Drawn for €500 Mini Jackpot. Aine McMahon, Abbeydorney Chloe Gleeson, Abbeydorney. Liam King,Ballyconnell,Kilflynn. Next Draw Monday 31st October McElligotts Bar Jackpot €5200. Tickets at €2 available from O’Connors Bar, McElligotts Bar, Abbey Grill, David Power, Dillanes Supermarket, Sports Complex and Abbeydorney Post Office. Any outstanding Lucky 8s,€5, €10, €50 please returned immediately for payment Soccer: St Bernard's Weekend Fixtures: Saturday 29th. U11 boys , Clanmaurice v St Bernard's @ 10.30 Saturday 29th. U13 boys , Asdee v St Bernard's @ 11.00 Sunday 30th.U16 Girls, Killarney Celtic v St Bernard's @ 12.30 Sunday 30th Senior: St Bernard's v Kilflynn Santos @ 2.30 Monday 31st St Bernard's over 35,s v Asdee Mounthawk Park @7.30 Girls if you would like to play u14 or u16 soccer please contact Paddy O’Mahony 0879486730 or Danny Murphy 0877572073. Membership, registration and insurance fees for underage players is now due. Boys if you would like to play soccer and were born in the years 1992 1993 please contact Secretary, Eileen O,Connor at 0872221725. Membership, registration and insurance fees for senior and over 35,s payment to Mikey Leahy and Tim Fealy. Kerry GAA Golf: Our final outing of the year is to Waterville Golf Club on Saturday November 12th. You may invite a guest who has represented another county to play with you. The outing is open to members who have represented Kerry in football, hurling or handball and who have an offical golf club handicap. First tee is reserved from 10.00 a.m. until 12.20 p.m please ring Ollie Kearns on 066-7122228 to book your time on the timesheet. We are expecting a big entry for this outing please do not leave it until the last few days to make your booking. Be linn le hadaidh la spoirt chun bualadh le do shean chairde agus dul siar ar boithrin na smaointe. 25/10/2005 Sympathy is extended to the family of Debbi Fitzgerald, Laccabeg, Abbeydorney. Removal today Tuesday at 7.30 from the Gleasure funeral home Tralee to St Bernard’s Church Abbeydorney. Funeral tomorrow after 11o’c Requiem Mass to Kyrie Eleison Abbey Abbeydorney. R.I.P. 24/10/2005 GAA All Ireland Intermediate Ladies Football Club Championship Quarter Final Abbeydorney 1-14, Aughawillan (Leitrim) 2-7 Abbeydorney:Gemma O'Sullivan, Breda Slattery, Helen McKenna, Norma Shanahan, Jackie Murnane, Natalie O'Connor, Laura O’ Mahoney, Edel o Connell (c), Denise Shanahan, Katie Kennelly, Catherine Sexton, Shari Delaney, Sinead Bunyan, Noreen Fealy, Laura Ross. Subs: Collette Regan, Eimear McElligott, Michelle Leen, Catherine Collins. Eimear O’ Mahoney, Siobhan Collins, Caitriona O’ Connor. Lotto Results: Cronin's Bar was the venue for The Crotta hurling club lotto Draw on Monday night 17th October. The Four numbers were: 9,13,18, & 20. There were no winners of the €1,600 Jackpot. The lucky dip winners each receive €35: Susan Dillane, Abbeydorney, Breda Leen, Ardfert Fergus O'Sullivan, Kilflynn. The next draw takes place in Parker's Bar tonight 24th October,Jackpot €1,700. Tickets are available at €2 from Club tickets sellers or from Cronin's Bar, Parker's Bar and Kilflynn Post Office. Local Area Plan Under the provisions of Section 18 (1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 Kerry County Council proposes to prepare a draft local area plan for Kilflynn. The local area plan for each area who provide a framework for the development of the lands whitin the plan area over the next number of years. Observations or Submissions prior to preparation of the draft plan for the Kilflynn should be made in writing addressed to the Senior Executive Officer, Planning Section, Kerry County Council, Aras an Chontae, Tralee and marked " Submission- Draft Local Area Plan " Achill A Bus to Our Lady Queen of Peace of Prayer, Achill on Saturday, 5th November from Killarney via Tralee at 6.15 a.m. Return on Sunday, 6th November at 1p.m. Contact: Donal or Kathleen on 068 22781. Early booking essential. 21/10/2005 Congratulations John & Agnes Shaw would like to announce the birth of baby Isabel Clair on Fri 21st October 2005. Agnes is the daughter of Denis Long (Son Long) of Killahan Abbeydorney. Mother and baby doing fine, father grinning from ear to ear, baby weighed in at 9 lb was born at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, UK. at 14:50. Ground Hurling Tournament The Annual Eddie Hayes under 12 Ground Hurling Tournament will be held on Saturday 22nd October at the Sportsfield Dromakee, Games will commence at 10.30 a.m. Support the young hurlers of the future. Willie Falvey Crotta hurling recently lost another one of its 1950 "greats" with the passing of the Willie Falvey, Carrigcannon Lyrecrompane on Tuesday 27th September. Willie who came from a proud hurling family was a devoted and loyal servant of Crotta throughout his lifetime and nothing gave him more happiness than the sight of the Green and Red Jersey involved on County Final day. Even declining health did not prevent his attendance in 1998 and 1999 Finals. Though his hurling career with Crotta was shortened due his moving to the capital while still in his prime, he was still immensely proud of his contribution to the Crotta club. Willie was one of that elite group of Crotta players to win successive County Championship medals in 1950/51. He was one of the stalwarts of that side excelling at corner back in both of those finals, A quality hurler noted for his tenacity forwards found scores very difficult to come by when facing Willie. In the late fifties Willie played his last championship game when along Mikey Joe King -the other corner back of the 1951 team, they came out of retirement to lend some experience to a young Kilflynn Side. In 2003 Willie was the recipient of the Crotta Hurling club Hall of Fame award in recognition of his service to the club and support over the years. Ar dheis De go Raibh a Anam. Sincere sympathy is extended to his wife Rebecca, Daughter, Delores, Son In Law, Pat, Grandson William, Sister in Law Bess, Nieces, Nephews, Relatives and Friends. Table Quiz A Table Quiz in aid of Kilflynn Santos Soccer Club will be held in Parker's Bar, Kilflynn on Friday 28th October at 9.30 p.m. Tables of 4 €20. Raffle also o the night for excellent spot prizes. Please Support and All Welcome. 20/10/2005 Lotto Jackpot €5000 Abbeydorney Parish Hall & Community Centre Building Fund Members Lotto Draw Results 17 / 10 / 2005 Numbers Drawn 4 - 10 - 24 - 26 No Jackpot Winner. Consolation Prizes €25 - Eileen O’Connell, Cahernead, Abbeydorney. €25 -Eamon Leen, Leith East Abbeydorney. Spot Prizes Mary Glavin, Abbeydorney. Johnny Glavin, Abbeydorney. Names Drawn for €500 Mini Jackpot. Joan Lawlor, Killahan, Abbeydorney Nell McCarthy, 6 Walnut Grove, Ardfert. Alban Stack, Abbeydorney. Next Draw Sunday 23rd October Sports Complex Bar Jackpot €5100. Tickets at €2 available from O’Connors Bar, McElligotts Bar, Abbey Grill, David Power, Dillanes Supermarket, Sports Complex and Abbeydorney Post Office. Any outstanding Lucky 8s,€5, €10, €50 please returned immediately for payment 19/10/2005 School Opening The Minister for Education and Science, Mary Hanafin T.D., will officially opened the newly refurbished and extended building at St.Teresa's National School, Kilflynn on Friday 21st October. Mass will be celebrated in the school at 11.00 a.m. and at 12 noon approx. The Minister for Education and Science, Mary Hanafin, will come to the School and perform the opening. Light refreshments will be served, and Entertainment will be provided for the children. All members of the local community are cordially invited to attend Soccer: St Bernard's Weekend Fixtures: Saturday 22nd. U12, Killorglin v St Bernard's @ 10.30 Sunday 23rd Senior: Lerrig Rvs v St Bernard's @ 4.30 Monday 24th St Bernard's over 35,s v Asdee at Mounthawk Park @ 7.30 If you would like to play soccer and were born in the years 1992 1993 please contact Secretary, Eileen O,Connor at 0872221725. Membership, registration and insurance fees for senior and over 35,s are due before the next game, payment to Mikey Leahy and Tim Fealy. 18/10/2005 Kerry GAA Golf: Our final outing of the year is to Waterville Golf Club on Saturday November 12th. The outing is open to members who have represented Kerry in football, hurling or handball and who have an offical golf club handicap. First tee is reserved from 10.00 a.m. until 12.20 p.m please ring Ollie Kearns on 066-7122228 to book your time on the timesheet. We are expecting a big entry please do not leave it until the last few days to make your booking. Be linn le hadaidh la spoirt chun bualadh le do shean chairde agus dul siar ar boithrin na smaointe. 17/10/2005 Football Stars Lead Lixnaw To Hurling Title. Lixnaw 0-17 Abbeydorney 0-6 The gamble of selecting inter-county football aces Paul Galvin and Eamon Fitzmaurice paid off handsomely for Lixnaw's hurlers yesterday as both starred in a one-sided AIB Kerry SHC final replay in Tralee. Fitzmaurice proved the midfield powerhouse for the new champions as he broke the stranglehold that Abbeydorney's Brian Donovan enjoyed in the drawn game, while Galvin excelled in attack, landing five points in an all-action display. The one sour note for the winners was the leg break suffered by Maurice Corridan - whose goal gave Lixnaw a second chance - on the eve of his planned departure to Australia for 12 months. There was a much better tempo to yesterday's replay, as Lixnaw raced into a 0-5 to 0-1 lead after just 13 minutes, with Fitzmaurice and Galvin driving their side forward. A succession of points from Enda Galvin (2), Cillian Fitzmaurice (2) and another from wing back Paudie Lyons had Lixnaw in the driving seat. Then when Lixnaw lost Maurice Corridan in the 16th minute, it seemed to halt their progress as Ivan mcCarthy and Ian Maunsell with two frees closed the gap to 0-7 to 0-4 at half-time. However, Lixnaw upped the tempo again in the second period with Eamon Fitzmaurice giving a powerful display at midfield and as Paul and Enda Galvin ran riot in the half forward line, they shredded a hapless Abbeydorney defence with a succession of magnificent points. Galvin, disappointed to be overlooked for the International Rules trip to Australia, took it out on the Abbeydorney rearguard, while Enda Galvin, Paudie Lyons, 16 year old James Flaherty and Fitzmaurice all added points as Lixnaw moved eight clear. They will now meet Tipperary champions Thurles Sarsfields in Semple Stadium on November 12th. Scorers for Lixnaw; P Galvin 0-5; E Galvin 0-3; J Flaherty 0-3 all frees, F Fitzmaurice 0-2 frees, P Lyons 0-2; E Fitzmaurice and C Fitzmaurice 0-1 each. Abbeydorney; I Maunsell 0-4 frees; M Hanafin and I McCarthy 0-1 each. Lixnaw; E Thornton; M Quilter; M Quilter, M McCarthy, P Corridan, P Lyons, T McKenna, M Corridan, E Fitzmaurice, J Griffin, P Galvin, E Galvin, F Fitzmaurice, J Flaherty, P O'Connell, C Fitzmaurice. Subs; C Allen for M Corridan (injured), K Dowling for P O'Connell, T Brosnan for J Flaherty. Abbeydorney; T O'Halloran, R Murphy, T Maunsell, N O'Connell, N Roche, A Healy, K O'Connell, K Dineen, B O'Donovan, D Ryall, M Hanafin, I Maunsell, K Hanafin, T O'Connell, I McCarthy. Subs;A Donovan for D Ryall, D Nolan for T O'Connell, B Sheehan for B O'Donovan, P Dineen for A Donovan Referee - M O'Connor (Limerick) 15/10/2005 |
County Final Replay Abbeydorney and Lixnaw Senior hurlers will meet again in the Replay of the A.I.B County Senior Championship final at Austin Stack’s Park, Tralee tomorrow, at 3.00 p.m.,the sides finished level on the score Abbeydorney 2—08 to Lixnaw 1-11 at Austin Stack’s Park on Sunday 2nd October. The curtain raiser will be the Credit Union County Senior Hurling League Div 1 final at 1 p.m. Best of luck lads. 14/10/2005 Lotto Parker’s Bar was the venue for The Crotta hurling club lotto draw on Monday night 3rd October. The Four numbers drawn were: 1,17,21, & 24. There were no winners of the €1,500 Jackpot. The lucky dip winners each receive €35: Oliver Nash, Lyre, Bill Maunsell, The Complex, O’Dorney and Claire Slattery, Ballyduff. The next draw takes place in Cronin’s Bar on Monday night 17th October with a €1,600. Tickets are available at €2 from Club tickets sellers or from Cronin’s Bar, Parker’s Bar and Kilflynn Post Office. Crotta GAA Minor Hurling Championship Semi Final: The Crotta/Lixnaw Minor hurlers advanced to the County Minor Championship “A” final, when they had victory over a gallant Abbeydorney/Ballyheigue side on Sunday morning played at Causeway in very blustery conditions. The Crotta\Lixnaw combinations played with the breeze in the first half and were down at half time 2-01 to 1-03. Crotta\lixnaw played better in the second half with great heart and determination and book their place in the final against Ardfert or Causeway/Ballyduff. David Galvin played a captain role with excellent game at centre back. Final Score: Crotta/Lixnaw 1-7 Abbeydorney/Ballyheigue 2-3 12/10/2005 Crotta Hurling Indoor Hurling will commence on this Friday evening 14th October at Lixnaw Community Centre. Training is from 7p.m. To 8p.m. The Panel of players who took part in the recent under 8 game in Kilmoyley are asked to attend training. Some other players will also be invited. A charge of €2 per child will apply to cover the cost of hiring the hall. If more than one member of a family attends it will be €2 for the first child and €1 for each subsequent child. Looking forward to a good turning on Friday evening. Taekwon-Do Classes Pilsung School of Taekwon-Do Classes will commence in St. Columbas Centre, Kilflynn on Saturday 22nd October. Class times: 4p.m. - 5 p.m. for Juniors (6yrs to 11yrs) and 5 p.m. – 6 p.m. Seniors (11yrs and Over)Quickly learn hand and foot co-ordinations, discipline, and focus in a friendly environment. Both Male and Female, benefit both physically and mentally, perhaps lose a little weight, learn self-defence, from a well structured class that allows them to improve at their own pace. Beginners now are being accepted for all classes. The instructor for the classes will be Mr. Mike Murphy 4th Degree Black Belt and International Instructor/Examiner. Mike has over 17yrs of experience in Tae Kwon-Do. For any enquiries please phone 087 6554691. Football Abbeydorney Ladies Football Team qualified for Munster Football Final with a good win over favourites Gabriel Rangers in Kilworth, Co. Cork on Saturday morning last, on the final score line of Abbeydorney 4-8, Gabriel Rangers (Cork) 1-8 The Munster Final is down for Saturday Versus Gerald Griffins Limerick in Ballylongford at 2pm . Best of Luck ladies Adult Education There are few places remaining on the following courses; Computers, Art, Dog Grooming, Flower Arranging, Sugar Craft and Wood Turning, If you are interested please contact An Tochar Adult Education Centre, Causeway on 066 7131977 or 087 9109454 11/10/2005 Abbeydorney Golf Society On Saturday last we held our final singles outing of the year at Newcastle West Golf Club, P.P. Fr. Jack Fitzgerald showed a clean pair of heels to the rest of the field with an excellent 40pts.Many thanks to Newcastle West for their hospitality and Permanent TSB for their kind sponsorship. Results: 1st Fr. Jack Fitzgerald P.P (17) 40pts. 2nd Dan Brassil (14) 37pts. 3rd John Sexton (14) 36pts. 4th Pat Ruane (15) 33pts. Front Nine Cyril Lynch (24) 17pts. Back Nine Gerry Doyle (23) 17pts. Guest Eddie Sheehan (14) 39pts. Ladies Prize Dr Ursula Scullion (39) 36pts. Golfer Of the Year. 1st Pat Ruane. 2nd Tom O'Mahony. Next outing Christmas scramble on December 10th. €5000 Lotto Jackpot Abbeydorney Parish Hall & Community Centre Building Fund Members Lotto Draw Results 10 / 10 / 2005 Numbers Drawn 8 - 22 - 23 - 26 No Jackpot Winner. Consolation Prizes €25 - Jamie Fitzgerald, Deerpark, Lixnaw. €25 -Philip O’Regan,Fortwilliam, Abbeydorney. Spot Prizes Eileen O’Flaherty, Abbeydorney. Edward Sheehan, Abbeydorney. Names Drawn for €500 Mini Jackpot. John Donovan, Upper Droumcunnig, Abbeydorney . Nell McCarthy, 6 Walnut Grove, Ardfert . Julia O’Connor, Ballysheen, Abbeydorney . Next Draw Monday 17th October O’Connors Bar Jackpot €5000. Tickets at €2 available from O’Connors Bar, McElligotts Bar, Abbey Grill, David Power, Dillanes Supermarket, Sports Complex and Abbeydorney Post Office. Any outstanding Lucky 8s,€5, €10, €50 please returned immediately for payment Soccer St Bernard's over 35,s played a scoreless draw with Asdee, who were led by former Kerry football John Kennedy in the semi final of the plate in Mounthawk Park on Thursday night, both teams had their chances to advance to the final but overall a draw was a fair result. On Saturday our under 12 team travelled to Dingle to play the home side and were most unlucky to lose, Dingle were very fortunate to score 2 early goals, but sustained pressure from our boys resulted in a great goal from a header by Stephen Egan, with Cian Hussey giving a man of the match performance, try as we might, we were unable to get the equalizer which we richly deserved. Considering this was their first game together the future looks very bright for these boys. Panel: Darren O’Sullivan, Daniel O’Leary, Tony Cunningham, Robert Colbert, Stephen McCarthy, David Ryan, Daniel Mackessy, Gary Neenan, Stephen Egan, Daniel Collins, John Godley, Brendan O’Leary, Alex O’Mahony, Cian Hussey, Paul Guerin, Stephen O’Connor, Shane Hayes. Fixtures:Saturday 15th. U11 V Park, U13 V Clanmmaurice. Membership and registration fees for all under 13, under 12, under 11 and under 10 are now due to Secretary Eileen O’Connor for the 2005/2006 season. Child €20, 2 children €30, 3 children and above €40. If you have not paid you registration fee by October 15th an extra €10 per player is charged. Membership is now closed for under10, and under 11, we still have a few vacencies for those born in 1992 and 1993. If you would like to play soccer and were born in the above years please contact Secretary, Eileen O,Connor at 0872221725. Membership, registration and insurance fees for senior and over 35,s are due before the next games if not paid you cannot play, payment to Mikey Leahy and Tim Fealy. We wish the best of luck to our fellow sportsmen and women in their championship games this weekend. 10/10/2005 Lotto The Four numbers drawn out of the drum by the Independent observer Bridget O'Connor, Kilflynn in the Crotta hurling club lotto draw at Cronin's bar, Kilflynn on Monday night 3rd October were: 2,11,16, & 18. There were no winners of the €1,400 Jackpot. The lucky dip winners each receive €35: Joan Lynn, Crotta, Mary Horgan, Half Way and Connor O'Keffee, Lixnaw. The next draw takes place in Parker's Bar on Monday night 10th October with a €1,500. Tickets are available at €2 from Club tickets sellers or from Cronin's Bar, Parker's Bar and Kilflynn Post Office. Keep Fit Classes now have been held in Abbeydorney on Tuesday nights and Kilflynn on Thursday nights from 7.30 to 8.30 p.m. Any queries Contact Caroline on 087 2823731. 08/10/2005 Star The Swashbuckling Sonny Egan is the latest John Wayne in the making. Last weekend Sonny Egan and Tom Costello jetted from Farranfore to Dublin airport from where they were whisked by 'Chevy Voyager' Taxi to the luxurious Radison Hotel in Belfast. They were guests of Failte Ireland in the making of a new advert promoting Ireland as a tourist destination. They were 'on set' at 10.30 am. On Saturday morning and shooting lasted for the whole day. There were four others in the cast with stunning 25-year-old female model of whom it is said that Sonny overwhelmed with his winking eye sitting by the fireplace. He has the pictures to prove it. When contacted by the producer that he was successful out of a total of 2,500 people from Ireland, the only conditions laid down was that to be sure to bring his Flat Cap and Tweed Jacket that he wore at the auditions and to pack enough for two overnights. The finished product will go out in Germany and America early in the New Year. Sonny was just back in time to take his place in the commentary at Austin Stack's Park, Tralee, for the county hurling final between Lixnaw and Abbeydorney on Sunday. Congratulations to Sonny and I am sure you carried out your film star role with aplomb and panache. Wedding Bells The wedding has taken place of Sinead Horgan and Frank Stafford, Cappa, Kilflynn in The Church of the Immaculate Conception, Rathass, Tralee on Saturday 24th September. Sinead is a daughter of Maura and Gerald Horgan of O'Raillys, Tralee and Frank is a son of Bella and TV Stafford of Carlow. Fr. Pat O'Donnell performed the marriage ceremony. The best man was Leo Stafford, brother of the groom and the groomsman was Ger O'Sullivan. The bridesmaids were Catriona Ryan and Amy Horgan, Flower girl was Caelainn Horgan and the Pageboy was Nathan Horgan. The reception was held at Ballyseedy Castle Hotel, Tralee. The wedding also took place on Saturday 24th September of Deirdre O'Flaherty, daughter of the late Mary and the late Simon O'Flaherty, Stacks Mountain, Kilflynn and Liam Clarke, son of Bernadette and Tony Clarke, Greaghlane, Shercock, Co. Cavan, in St. Mary's Church, Kilflynn. Fr Jack Fitzgerald performed the marriage ceremony; The best man was Kieran Clarke and the groomsmen were Colm and Anthony Clarke. The bridesmaids were Ide Mc Carthy, Trina O'Connell and Muireann Mc Carthy. The flowergirls were Una O'Connell and Kayleigh Mc Carthy and the Pageboy was Enda Clake. The reception was held at The Earl of Desmond Hotel, Tralee. The Couple will reside in Cavan. 06/10/2005 Music: Music classes for all ages will be held in Abbeydorney Community Centre every Friday night. Registration Friday October 7th at 7 p.m. Teacher - Mairead Curran.Phone 087 1220627 Golf: Abbeydorney Golf Society travel to Newcastle West Golf Club this Saturtday October 8th for the Permanent T S B sponsored outing. Tee time 9:00am to 10:30am. Presentation of prizes in the NCW Clubhouse immediately after play . Guests are welcome to play by contacting Dan Brassil 086-2610239 or Michael Barry 086-2571230. St Bernard's A.F.C: Membership and regristation fees for all under 14,under 13, under 12,under 11 and under 10 are now due to Secretary Eileen O’Connor for the 2005/2006 season. Child €20, 2 children €30, 3 children and above €40. If you have not paid you regristation fee by October 15th an extra €10 per player is charged. If you would like to play soccer and were born in the years 1992 or 1993 please contact Secretary, Eileen at 0872221725. Best of luck: St Bernards A F C wish the very best of luck to the Abbeydorney lady footballers in the Munster semi final against Cork Champions Gabrial Rangers on Saturday. Actively Retired: A Social Evening for the actively retired will be held in Abbeydorney Community Hall on Wednesday 12th October from 2.00 p.m to 4.30 p.m .Everyone welcome. 04/10/2005 Sympathy is extended to the family of Tim Coakley, New York and late of Abbeydorney and Scartaglin who died recently. Requiem Mass today Tuesday at 7.30 pm in St Bernard's church Abbeydorney. R.I.P. Abbeydorney Parish Hall & Community Centre Building Fund Members Lotto Draw Results 03/10/2005 Numbers Drawn 3 - 19 - 23 - 26 No Jackpot Winner. Consolation Prizes €25 - Elaine Fealy, Abbeydorney. €25 -Julia O’Connor,Ballysheen, Abbeydorney. Spot Prizes Bill Maunsell, Abbeydorney. Gerard Maunsell, Abbeydorney. Names Drawn for €500 Mini Jackpot. John Raggett,Tralee. Niamh McKenna, Abbeydorney. Anthony Glavin, Abbeydorney. Next Draw:Sunday 9th October in McElligotts Bar,Jackpot €4900 03/10/2005 The Irish Examiner 03/10/2005 Galvin Point Saves Lixnaw LIXNAW 1-11 ABBEYDORNEY 2-8 Kerry footballer Paul Galvin produced a late equaliser for Lixnaw in this thrilling Kerry SHC final at Austin Stacks Park, Tralee yesterday. It was an enthralling contest throughout, as underdogs Abbeydorney hurled with a fierce hunger that almost took them to victory. Abbeydorney led by four points against 14-man Lixnaw but they conceded a late goal and a point and may ultimately pay the penalty in the replay. With Robert Murphy, Aidan Healy and Brian Donovan inspirational for Abbeydorney, the sides retired on level terms at 0-6 apiece at the break. Michael Conway landed three frees for Lixnaw and 16-year-old James Flaherty had a goal bound shot tipped over by Tommy O’Halloran. Abbeydorney then upped the tempo as Kieran Hannafin goaled two minutes after the restart and Lixnaw introduced Galvin from the bench. In the 42nd minute Kerry star Michael Conway was red-carded by Clare referee Rory Hickey, although it appeared his follow-through on ‘keeper O’Halloran was accidental. Despite that setback Lixnaw, with Maurice Corridan and Galvin to the fore, drew level at 0-10 to 1-7 with 10 minutes to go. But Abbeydorney, whose last championship title came in 1974, struck for a goal from Kieran Hannifin. An Ivan McCarthy point in the 57th minute pushed them four clear with time running out for their opponents. Lixnaw, despite their numerical disadvantage, never panicked and a late goal from Maurice Corridan brought them within a point before Galvin held his nerve to land an injury-time equaliser. Scorers for Lixnaw: M Corridan 1-0, M Conway 0-4 frees, C Fitzmaurice 0-3, J Griffin, F Fitzmaurice, J Flaherty and P Galvin 0-1 each. O'Dorney: D Ryall 0-1, K Hannafin 2-0, I McCarthy 0-3, I Maunsell 0-3 (0-2 frees, 0-1 ’65), B Donovan 0-1. LIXNAW: M Ryall, M Quilter, M McCarthy, P Corridan, M Cronin, T McKenna, M Corrigan, P Lyons, F Fitzmaurice, J Griffin, K Dowling, K Dowling, P O’Connell, J Flaherty, M Conway, C Fitzmaurice. Subs: P Galvin for J Flaherty, R Thornton for K Dowling, E Galvin for P O’Connell. ABBEYDORNEY: T O’Halloran, R Murphy, T Maunsell, N O’Connell, N Roche, A Healy, K O’Connell, K Dineen, B O’Donovan, D Ryall, M Hannafin, I Maunsell, K Hannafin, T O’Connell, I McCarthy. Sub: D Nolan for Ryall. Referee: R Hickey (Clare) EMAIL YOUR BEST WISHES TO THE ABBEYDORNEY HURLING TEAM FOR SUNDAY'S HURLING FINAL Please email to abbeyandflynn@yahoo.co.uk |
Good luck to Abbeydorney in the County Final on Sunday! Best of luck from the Keane Family in Coventry! UP THE BLACK AND AMBER!!! BEST WISHES TO O DORNEY ON SUNDAY AND TO ALL INVOLVED GO FOR IT - ITS LONG OVERDUE. Ger McCarthy, Lissanerla Abbeydorney Best of luck to o dorney on sunday...Great to see all da support around the village looks very well.....Caroline, Tralee WWW.PARKERSPUB.COM WISHES THE BEST OF LUCK TO THE ABBEYDORNEY HURLING TEAM & THEIR MENTORS ON SUNDAY. Good luck to Abbeydorney on Sunday especially to Tom O'Connell. From all the Orwins in the Isle Of Man. We will be tuned into Radio Kerry over the internet. Best of luck to Abbeydorney on Sunday. Michael Sullivan and family, London Best of luck to the black and amber. Pat Conway Best of luck to Abbeydorney on Sunday. The Glavin family,Cork Comments: GOOD LUCK to all the boys on Sunday espeically to cousin Tommy in goals. Wish I could be there. Theresa McGrath Location: Bondi beach Sydney Best of luck to the boys in the hurling final! Go on the black and Amber!!!!! Martina McGrath 30/09/2005 County Final Abbeydorney and Lixnaw Seniors hurlers will contest this year's A.I.B County Senior Championship final at Austin Stack's Park, Tralee on Sunday 2nd October. Abbeydorney last won the County title in 1974 (also their last appearance in a final) when they beat Austin Stack's in the final and they will be looking to bridge that 31 year gap when they face near neighbours Lixnaw in the final. Undoubtedly the hero of the hour for Abbeydorney in the '74 final was quick - silver Jack Condon whose hat-trick of goals will forever be associated with his team's memorable triumph. Lixnaw are seeking their first championship title since 1999, when they defeated Crotta after a replay. The last time Abbeydorney and Lixnaw met in a County final was in 1954 with victory going to Lixnaw on the 5-04 to 1-01 score line. Ladybirds The Shanow LadyBirds are recommencing tonight 30th September in St. Columba's Centre, Kilflynn from 7 to 8 p.m. Any Girls wishing to enrol must be age 5 on or before September 05. Birthday’s In the Grand Hotel, Tralee on Friday night 23rd September Four members of the Daughton Family of Upper Tullig, Kilflynn celebrated their Birthday's. Congratulations to Patsy who celebrated his 60th Birthday also to Margaret who celebrated her 30th Birthday and to Twins Elaine and Johnny who celebrated their 21st Birthday's. 28/09/2005 Abbeydorney Parish Hall & Community Centre Building Fund Members Lotto Draw Results 26 / 09 / 2005 Numbers Drawn 4 - 9 - 10 - 25 No Jackpot Winner. Consolation Prizes €25 - Aine McCarthy, Garrynagnore, Lixnaw. €25 -Eily Ann O’Sullivan, Clounametigh, Abbeydorney. Spot Prizes Lil Lenihan, Spa. Mike McKenna, Killahan, Abbeydorney. Names Drawn for €500 Mini Jackpot. Kathleen Burrows, Clash,Tralee . Bill Maunsell, Abbeydorney . Muriel Curran, Abbeydorney . Next Draw:Monday 3rd Sept in Sports Complex,Jackpot €4800. The committe would like to wish the best of luck to the O’Dorney hurling team in the County Hurling Final on Sunday. Abbeydorney Ploughing Society: wish the best of luck to Frank and Ger and the Abbeydorney team in the County hurling Final on Sunday. Abbeydorney Golf Society: wish the best of luck to our President Gerard Doyle and the Abbeydorney hurling team in the County Final in Tralee on Sunday. Best Of Luck Boys: All at Abbeydorney Post Office wish the best of luck to the O’Dorney hurlers in the County Final on Sunday. 26/09/2005 St Bernard's A.F.C: On Thursday evening last we fielded our first ever under age team when our under elevens played Kingdom Boys.In what was a most exciting game with some outstanding performance we took the lead early on with a magnificent strike from Gary Neehan, followed soon after with another great goal fron Brendan O’Leary, as the first half progessed the Tralee side came more into the game and recorded two goals besides the best efforts of goalkeeper Barry Horgan who had an outstanding game. The second half was less than a minute old when Kingdom Boys got a third goal, and try as we might we could not get the equalizer which on the overall team performance, and a man of the match performance from Daniel Collins we richly deserved.
24/09/2005 Kerry v Tyrone - All Ireland Final Kerry Team Diarmuid Murphy (Dingle) _ Marc Ó Sé (An Ghaeltacht), Michael McCarthy (Kilcummin), Tom O'Sullivan (Rathmore) _ Tomas Ó Sé (An Ghaeltacht), Seamus Moynihan (Glenflesk), Aidan O’Mahony (Rathmore) _ Darragh Ó Sé (An Ghaeltacht), William Kirby (Austin Stacks) _ Paul Galvin (Finuge), Eoin Brosnan (Dr. Crokes), Liam Hassett (Laune Rangers) _ Colm Cooper (Dr. Crokes), Declan O'Sullivan (Capt) (Dromid Pearses), Dara Ó Cinnéide (An Ghaeltacht) Subs: Kieran Cremin (Dr. Crokes), Mike Frank Russell (Laune Rangers), Eamon Fitzmaurice (Finuge), Bryan Sheehan (St. Marys), Brendan Guiney (Listowel Emmets), Darren O'Sullivan (Glenbeigh/Glencar), Declan Quill (Kerins O'Rahillys), Ronan O'Connor (St. Michaels/Foilmore), Paddy Kelly (Ballylongford), Kieran Donaghy (Austin Stacks), Mossie Lyons (Desmonds), Micheal Quirke (Kerins O'Rahillys), Padraig Reidy (Scartaglin), Tommy Griffin (Dingle) Golf Results Abbeydorney Golf Society held there President Gerry Doyle’s Prize day at Castleisland Golf Club last Saturday. The weather conditions were good and the course was in excellent condition, which was reflected in the scoring. The outing was sponsored by Bank of Ireland and the presentation of prizes was held in McElligott’s bar. Results as follows 1st Pat Ruane(15) 38 pts, 2nd Mike Fuller (19) 36 pts, 3rd John Raggett (12) 35pts, 4th Tom McNeice (14) 35pts, Front Nine James McGrath (13) 20pts, Back Nine Declan Raggett (12) 20pts Nearest the pin and long drive were both won by Declan Raggett Guest Prizes 1st Joe McCarthy (14) 33 pts 2nd Denis Lynch (24) 31pts. Our next outing is to Newcastlewest Golf Club on the 8th October with the tee reserved from 9:00 to 10:30 (please note change of time). 23/09/2005 Wedding Bells Congratulations and best wishes to Crotta Senior hurler Padraig Cronin, Irrebeg and Sandra Corkery, Ballyduff and who were married on Saturday at Ballyduff. Keepfit Classes now have been held in Abbeydorney on Tuesday nights and Kilflynn on Thursday nights from 7.30 to 8.30 p.m. Any queries Contact Caroline on 087 2823731. Church Youth Group A Group of local young people has joined together with the objective of actively participating in the liturgy of the mass. We invite all young people to come and join with us. If interested please give your name to Ann Mahony, Fr, O’Donnell, and Fr. Fitzgerald or leave it into Kilflynn Church Sacristy. 22/09/2005 Bus To Ploughing Match North Kerry Together are running a daily bus service to the All Ireland Ploughing Championships, €15 return including breakfast. Senior Citizens free. Phone Hilary 087 90 96 916. Lotto The Four numbers drawn in the Crotta hurling club lotto draw at Cronin’s bar, Kilflynn on Monday night 19th September were: 5,17,23, & 25. There were no winners of the €1,200 Jackpot. The lucky dip winners each receive €35: Mary Cronin, Keel Barry Mahony, Ballyrehan Tom Thring, Canada/Kilflynn. The next draw takes place in Parker’s Bar on Monday night 26th September with a €1,200 Jackpot. Tickets are available at €2 from Club tickets sellers or from Cronin’s Bar, Parker’s Bar and Kilflynn Post Office. 21/09/2005 Congratulations to Mary and David Clifford, Rathscannell, Abbeydorney on the birth of a baby girl Siobhain. Unsung Hero of Kerry G.A.A Congratulations to Sonny Egan, Garrynagore on reaching the top five in the recent Radio Kerry Bank of Ireland sponsored competition. This honour was richly deserved as he has been the dynamo that has kept underage hurling alive and thriving in Crotta for many years. Long before the mobile phone Sonny could be seen travelling the highways and byways on his trusted Honda 50 bringing news of games and Fixtures to the youth of the area. His balancing act of carrying twenty Hurleys and fifteen helmets on the same machine bewildered and puzzled many. One of his proudest moments was when he led the 12 pioneering team to the Glens of Antrim to win the Tipperary Shield in the Feis Na Gleann competition. He has attended hundreds of meetings down through the years and the information he brought back was always factual and correct. He has given many years of enjoyment and happiness to the vast numbers who have visited his Rambling House He has been most generous with his time and efforts in helping to make our area a better place to live for both young and old. Long may he continue. 19/09/2005 Abbeydorney Reach First Decider In 31 Years ABBEYDORNEY 2-13 BALLYDUFF 1-8 Abbeydorney caused a major upset in yesterday's semi-final of the AIB Kerry SHC, beating hot favourites Ballyduff at Austin Stack Park Tralee to reach their first final since 1974. It was fully deserved as Ballyduff failed to hit the heights reached in beating four-in-a-row champions Kilmoyley at the quarterfinal stage. Abbeydorney were quickly out of the traps and once a 65 from sharpshooter Ian Maunsell went all the way to the net as early as the eighth minute, Ballyduff never recovered. It was an amazing reversal in form: Ballyduff looked so good against Kilmoyley it was difficult to imagine that they could perform so badly against an Abbeydorney side which didn't set the hurling world alight with wins over Crotta and St. Brendan's. However, full credit to the underdogs, who hurled with a determination and hunger Ballyduff just could not match. Abbeydorney had a team of heroes but their spine was so strong that they made Ballyduff look very ordinary. Tony Maunsell was a colossus at full back, while Aidan Healy was magnificent at centre back while Kieran Dineen and Brian O'Donovan dominated midfield. Ian Maunsell was deadly accurate in the half forward line while the experienced Tom O'Connell won lots of ball at full forward as Ballyduff laboured all over the field. After Ian Maunsell's goal Abbeydorney led 1-4 to 0-2 as they punished Ballyduff's indiscipline. Ballyduff rallied briefly as Mickey Boyle found the Abbeydorney net in the 13th minute but with Thomas O'Rourke missing vital frees, Abbeydorney lad 1-6 to 1-4 at the interval. Ballyduff were guilty of some bad shooting but Abbeydorney had the bit between the teeth and were not about to let go; it was a question of whether they had the self belief to finish the job, and the game was over as a contest when Kiernan Dineen finished to the Ballyduff net in the 42nd minute following a goalmouth scramble, giving Abbeydorney a 2-10 to 1-6 lead at the three-quarter stage. The traditional figthback that Ballyduff are renowned for never materialised as they only managed to add two more points in a frantic final quarter. Abbeydorney refused to wilt and at the final whistle they celebrated reaching their first county final in 31 years in some style. Scorers for Abbeydorney: I Maunsell 1-8 (1-7 frees), K Dineen 1-1, I McCarthy 0-2, K Hannifin and B Donovan 0-1 each. Scorers for Ballyduff: M Boyle 1-0, A Boyle 0-2, T O'Rourke 0-2 (0-1 free), B O'Sullivan 0-2 (0-1'65) M Hennessy and J Bunyan 0-1 each. BALLYDUFF: PJ Gorman, C Boyle, P Donegan, D Slattery, B O'Sullivan, D O'Grady, D Bowler, A Boyle, G O'Grady, J Bunyan, G O'Brien, B ~O'Grady, M Boyle, T O'Rourke, L Boyle. Subs: A O'Connor for D Bowler, M Bowler for G O'Grady, M Hennessy for J Bunyan. ABBEYDORNEY: T O'Halloran, R Murphy, T Maunsell, N O'Connell, N Roche, A Healy, K O'Connell, I McCarthy, K Dineen, D Ryall, M Hannafin, I Maunsell, K Hannafin, T O'Connell, B O'Donovan. Sub: E Egan for D Ryall. Referee: R Hickey (Clare).
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