CDRWin Setup

Here is information on how to configure and use CDRWin. A fully working demo of CDRWin can be downloaded (550kb) from Goldenhawk. The demo version will only let you burn at 1x. CDRWin can be brought online from Goldenhawk and when will then become the full working version. Check at Goldenhawk that your CD Burner is supported to use CDRWin.
This is the software program most favoured by Psx games crackers. Indeed if you have to put a crack file onto the game that you are backing up CDRWin is the program that you must use. Why is that, it's because CDRWin was used to make the crack file. You must use CDRWin to make an 'Image' of the PSX game to your hard drive before applying the crack to the 'Image' and then copying the 'Image' to a CD-R disc. More on this in the How to use Cracks section. Also make sure that you have Windows Setup properly. All this will ensure that you won't get any 'Buffer Under Runs'.

Open CDRWin. Click on the 'Devices and Settings' Icon, second from right top row.

Startup Page

Click on the 'Caching Tab'

Devices and Settings Page

This is taken from the Help button on the 'Devices and Settings' page, and then on the Hi-Lighted 'File/Disc Caching Options'

The 'File/Disc Caching Options' page opens.

File/Disc Caching Description
File/Disc caching (also known as "cyclic buffering") is the most important performance feature that has been added to CDRWIN this year. It will greatly reduce the possibility of "buffer underruns" and also make more efficient use of your CPU and other system resources. On most systems, you will not be restricted from running other programs while a disc recording is in progress (even at 4x recording speed). Now you can use your word processor, Internet browser, or other favourite application while your disc records safely in the background…
Important Note: The performance of the cache is determined by the speed of your CPU, harddrives, SCSI adapters, and other critical system components. Don't expect miracles when using non-Pentium systems, old harddrives, or ISA based SCSI cards (especially when recording at 4x speed).

Cache Settings
Enable Caching - Enables the caching feature.
Enable Debug Log - Enables the debugging log file. This option should only be used if you are having major problems with the caching feature (the debug information will be written to the file C:\THREAD.LOG). Please contact Golden Hawk Technology before using this option.
Cache Size - Selects the size of the cache in megabytes (the minimum size is 1Mb and the maximum size is 32Mb).
Recommended cache- size based on the amount of memory on your system…
System Memory............Recommended Cache Size
32mb..............................1mb to 2mb
64mb..............................2mb to 4mb
128mb.............................4mb to 8mb
256mb.............................8mb to 16mb

Warning: Do not use a cache that is larger than the recommended sizes. This can cause performance problems that are worse than not using the cache at all.

Full to Empty Ratio - Selects the percentage of the cache that must be read before the cache is filled again. Example: If the ratio is set to 85% / 15%, then the cache will be filled to 100%, wait for 15% of the data to be read, and then be filled to 100% again (this cycle will repeat over and over again until there is no more data to be cached). This algorithm is much more efficient then trying to keep the cache completely full all of the time.

CPU Priority Level - Selects the CPU priority level of the caching thread. For 99% of all systems, the "Normal" setting is more than adequate.