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The 2013 Astro Calendar

January 2014 preview

I've been producing a yearly Astro calendar for more than 20 years now.

Starting with a single page calendar in 1980 through A5 versions and on to Full size 14 page versions, then going on to print and distribute them in shops, I'm now offering them as a free download to print yourself. For 2014 I've had a limited amount printed. so I'm holding the download totill the middle od December.

Astro 353 is part of my main business Galway Gemstones, selling Rocks and Crystals and handmade jewellery

I'm online and at the Saturday Market in Galway. It's here you'll find a printed copies of the new calendar and some discounted copies of earlier years.

tune into the moon
cosmic fertility
celtic quarter daysgardening with the moonrocks and the zodiacbirthcharts & transitscalendars
your Moonsign