Rescue Remedy

Rescue Remedy is the best known of all the Bach Flower Remedies and according to The Mirror's magazine M Celebs, Liz Hurley, Jennifer Anniston and Posh Spice are among it's many fans.

It is a composite of five individual Remdies: Rock Rose (for terror), Cherry Plum (for fear of the mind giving way), Star of Bethlehem (for shock), Impatiens (for agitation) and Clematis (for grounding). Dr. Bach combined the five Remedies from the 38 as a Remedy for emergencies and the stress and upset that goes with them. He saved a fisherman's life with this preparation in 1930.


In his book The Twelve Healers, Dr. Bach says that the purpose of Rescue Remedy is to treat the pre or post emotional effects of shock, fear or terror, severe mental stress and tension, a feeling of desperation or a numbed, bemused state. Once shock and fear are neutralized, natural healing can take place, rather than allowing the shock and fear to manifest as tension in the mind and body. If this happens, according to the Bach philosophy, physical illness can eventually occur, as the emotions are often the first sign that all is not well.

Rescue Remedy can restore calm and balance to any stressful situation, and can be helpful for a range of diffiluclties from taking an exam, a driving test or a job interview to general feelings of being afraid, confused, or unable to cope. Try it for yourself.

Dosage: 4 drops taken either straight onto the tongue from the dropper bottle, or put into a glass of liquid, to be sipped regularly. Take as required, there is no danger of an overdose or side effects and it does not interfere with medication. Where the person is comatose or unable to swallow, then put the Remedy on the lips, behind the ears and the wrists and seek medical attention immediately.

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