The cornerstone of Dr. Bach's philosophy is Simplicity. Nature is simple and provides us with all our needs - water, food, air, shelter etc. It also provides us with healing and cures through certain herbs, plants and trees.

Health is our natural state when there is harmony of Soul and Personality. Bach believed that "All we have to do is to preserve our personality, to live our own life, to be captain of our own ship, and all will be well". Each individual is unique, with their own path in life, and if he/she follows this path, "then disease cannot inflict itself upon him".

Imbalance leads to conflict, which is the "root cause of disease and unhappiness". "The greatest gift that you can give to others is to be happy and hopeful yourself; then you draw them up out of their despondency".

Bach identified two causes of imbalance: 1) Personality and Soul not being aligned or not following our path, so that conflict arises. "Our outlook on life depends on the nearness of the Personality to the Soul". The closer the two, the greater the peace of mind, and harmony with the Soul, which keeps us free from disease. 2) To go against Unity by treating others harshly or by judging them.

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