40th Macaoimh > Recent Activities > Campfire '00 
18th October 2000
Shield Hike - Camelot (Kilcully)
On Wednesday 18th October, we had our first regional activity for the year, which was a campfire in Kilcully Campsite. There were over 150 at teh campfire and it was a geat night.

All macoimh had to wear a funny hat for the campfire and afterwards we had hotdogs and drinks.  

Spot the "jokers" from the 40th Macaoimh in the photographs. 


Campfire12.jpg (10605 bytes) Campfire13.jpg (17117 bytes) Campfire11.jpg (11755 bytes)
Campfire17.jpg (12605 bytes) Campfire10.jpg (13561 bytes) Campfire19.jpg (9966 bytes)


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