a quick summary of some of the above events - check out below.
Club Draw Resuts
Final 300 Club Draw was held in the Scout Hall on Sunday 7th May after the
Shield Presentations. All the Scouts, Macaoimh & Parents
attended a party in the hall the final draw took place afterwards. For More
Details of Draw & Results
to Hall
The Unit are currently in the process of
building an extension to the existing hall in Ballinlough Community
Centre. Plan are currently being drawn up and fundraising has commenced. Details
of 300 Club Draw
for Leaders
number of vacancies for leaders currently exist within the Unit.
Potential leaders must be over 18 (preferably 21) and there is no upper
age limit. No previous involvement in scouting is required as full formal
training will be provided during the year. New leader will be
placed with experienced leaders and are not required to run sections by
themselves, but to act as part of a team. Click
Here for Further Information and Contact Details
year our anuual fundraising table quiz is being held on Tuesday 14th
November at 7.45pm sharp in Nemo Rangers HFC. Tables of
4. All Welcome
year our Unit Dinner was held in the RTochestown park Hotel to
celebrate the sucess of our Melvin team coming in 3rd place this
year and to make presentations to Tricia MacSweeney & Orla
Scannell (both former leaders in the 40th Macaoimh section).
For picture of the event - click
2000 Results
to the Scouts who came 2nd place over all in their Regional Shield
Competition and qualify from the Melvin in August. The 40th Macaoimh
narrowly missed the prizes this year comming 4th overall.
Quiz Sucess
year was again successful for the Ballinlough Unit. Both the 40th
Macoimh and the Scout troops both won their respective Regional Table
Quizes. The Macaoimh came 5th in their quiz held in Maynooth and the
Scouts came 4th in the National Scout Quiz in Leixlep, Co. Kildare. Details
of Macoimh Quiz
Further Information
If you
have any queries or would like any further information about the
Ballinlough Unit, please write to us at the Scout Hall, 87A Ballinlough
Road, Cork or -Click
here to e-mail