About Us |
We have been working this land for the last nine years. Over that time we have adapted and developed various Vegan Organic Methods which are applicable both here and in other climates. We hope to share and spread knowledge of Vegan Organic and other Ecological Techniques. We open our home to people who want to come and learn more about the Biovegan way. We offer a theoretical grounding and practical knowledge of Veganic Horticulture through the direct experience of doing it yourself. We also provide an opportunity to experience other aspects of ecological living. For example we use only wood from local replanted forestry, make our own Tempeh, Soyamilk, bread, etc… We provide accommodation and mostly organic vegan wholefood.
We are 13km from the nearest town so it’s a good place for walking in the country and/or seeing stars instead of the streetlight haze. There is a village within walking distance, we have a spare bike and there are sometimes lifts available to town or into Cork City. We have a compost toilet so if there is the smallest chance that you might have some communicable diseases please don’t come. We are immigrants here so if you came to us looking to experience Irish Culture you could be disappointed Contact us at ballyroe@eircom.net.
We are also members of and are listed with the W.W.O.O.F.
(Willing Workers on Organic Farms) organization. Anyone interested in Woofing in Ireland could contact Christine Davis who stayed on our farm has said that you can contact her with any questions about her experiences here. (crdavis@cs.brown.edu).