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It is indeed a privilege to represent the people of Cork  as Councillor in a City that is emerging since 1979 from a derelict parochial dirty City to a prosperous European City of Culture 2005.
It is an exciting era seeing Cork develop into a modern industrial culturally vibrant City. It is particularly gratifying to be apart of this development.
Citizens treat the Role of the Councillor with much importance despite the sometimes-bad press received.

The Role of the councillor includes

bullet Meeting with Individuals, Residents, Community Associations and other groups on a variety of issues.
bullet Responding to requests of all descriptions. It is very important to keep in touch with constituencies in your ward and beyond, to RESPOND with good or bad news but RESPOND.
bullet Attending preparing, and participating in Cork City Council Public, Statutory & other committee meetings.
bullet Attending to external Council business on various bodies down the years - City Development Board / South West Regional Authority, City Enterprise Boards. City of Cork Vocational educational Committee.
bullet Attending Political Party Branch and national meetings***
bullet Attending Training Courses, Seminars and Conferences
bullet Reading volumes of Information from Cork Corporation, Government Departments, City Development board and many other sources.
bullet Communication with the Local authorities and Government departments and dealing with frustration due to a lack of response from some officials.
bullet Membership of Cope Foundation