Puree of Celery Soup

2 oz Butter
1 lb Celery
8 oz Potatoes
2 pts Vegetable Stock
1 Bouquet Garni
Salt & freshly ground Black Pepper
4 fl oz skimmed Milk
Parsley to garnish

Cut Celery into 1/2 inch pieces. Peel and cut Potatoes into 1 inch cubes. Heat the Butter in a large pan and toss the prepared vegetables in this. Add the Stock, Bouquet Garni, Salt and Pepper. Simmer for 30 minutes.
Remove the herbs and sieve the mixture or puree in a blender or food processor. Return to the pan with the milk and reheat. Garnish with the Parsley before serving.

Spicy Spanish Potatoes

1 lb. small new Potatoes
1/2 medium Onion
1 tblsp Virgin Olive Oil
1 tsp Paprika
1 tsp Cumin Seeds
1/4 Cayenne Pepper
1 pt Tomato Juice
Freshly chopped Parsley for garnish

Wash the Potatoes thoroughly and remove the skins if desired. Finely chop the Onion. Heat the oil over a medium heat in a shallow saucepan and add the Onion, Paprika, Cumin Seeds and Cayenne Pepper. Sauté for 5 minutes, until the Onion is transparent.
Add the Potatoes and stir well, then add the Tomato Juice, bring to the boil and simmer gently for about 20 minutes until the Potatoes are tender and the sauce has reduced. Spoon

into a dish, season with salt, sprinkle with Parsley and serve.

Carrot and Parsnip Puree

10 oz Carrots
10 oz Parsnips
4 tablespoons Semiskimmed Milk
3/4 teaspoons grated Nutmeg
2 teaspoons Caster Sugar
Salt and freshly ground Black Pepper
Sprigs of Rosemary, Thyme or Parsley to garnish

Bring a saucepan of water to the boil. Peel and trim the Carrots and Parsnips. Cut into similar- sized chunks and cook them in the boiling water for 10-12 minutes, or steam them for 12-14 minutes, until tender.
Drain the vegetables, reserving a little of the water, and put them in a liquidiser (or use a potato-masher). Add the Milk, Nutmeg and Sugar and puree the mixture. If the mixture is still very thick add a couple of tablespoons of the reserved water. Then season to taste with Salt and Pepper. Garnish with fresh herbs and serve.

Into A New Millennium | The Poem | The Menu | The Recipes pg. 1
| The Recipes pg.  2 | The Recipes pg. 3 | The Recipes pg. 4

Coming soon: The Quilt

Contact Address :

Ravensdale Guild I.C.A.
Community Hall
Co Louth