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Books about
Polarity Therapy

  1. The Polarity Process: Energy as a Healing Art (2002)
  2. Polarity Therapy - Volume I (1999)
  3. The Ayurvedic Guide to Polarity Therapy : Hands-On Healing : A Self-Care Guide (2001)
  4. Esoteric Anatomy : The Body As Consciousness (1998)
  5. Guide to Polarity Therapy: The Gentle Art of Hands-On Healing (1999)
  6. Your Healing Hands : The Polarity Experience (1984)
  7. Health Building : The Conscious Art of Living Well (1999)
  8. The Art of Polarity Therapy : A Practitioner's Perspective (2000)
  9. Polarity Therapy : The Complete Collected Works 1 (1986)
  10. Polarity Therapy; The Complete Collected Works 2 (1988)
  11. Polarity Therapy Workbook (1994)

The Polarity Process: Energy as a Healing Art
by Franklyn Sills

Paperback - 191 pages (March 12, 2002)
North Atlantic Books; ISBN: 1556434103

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Polarity Therapy - Volume I
by Randolph Stone

Paperback - 330 pages Vol 1 (March 1999)
Book Pub Co; ISBN: 157067079X

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Book Description
Polarity Therapy is a healing science based on living energy fields which acknowledges and includes all dimensions of a human being: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Polarity Therapy is a way of working with the fundamental energies of life, a way of bringing these energies into a state of balance and free flow throughout the entire human energy field. Volume I includes the following major works by Dr. Stone and is reproduced from the original first editions: Energy: The Vital Polarity in the Healing Art, The Wireless Anatomy of Man and Polarity Therapy.

A Reader from Glendale, California, USA
A must for natural healers., December 31, 1998
Dr. Stone published these books back in the '50s, but his insights are still ahead of their time. His profound eclectic understanding of the human energy fields and their application in healing are holistic, indepth and dynamic.
Reading The Complete Collected Works is a lifelong labor of love. After almost 25 years I am still reading and researching the principles that Dr. Stone intertwines in these volumnes.
The illustrations and charts would be worth the price of the book by themselves. Each one can be studied like a tarot card. They will evoke from you nonconscious responses which will then translate into your healing work.
If you are looking for a light read; forget it. The Complete Works are not for bedtime reading. Have your highlighter and note cards handy.


The Ayurvedic Guide to Polarity Therapy : Hands-On Healing : A Self-Care Guide
by Amadea Morningstar

Paperback - 368 pages (September 2001)
Lotus Press; ISBN: 0914955942

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Esoteric Anatomy : The Body As Consciousness
by Bruce Burger

Paperback - 426 pages (August 1998)
North Atlantic Books; ISBN: 1556432240

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Editorial Reviews

The author, Bruce Burger, , October 17, 1998
Esoteric Anatomy offers a spiritual approach to somatics.
Esoteric Anatomy offers a spiritual approach to massage, bodywork, and somatic psychology, demystifies an ancient transpersonal model for understanding energy in nature and working with consciousness in the healing arts.

Richard Gordon, Author of Your Healing Hands : The Polarity Experience
"When I hold this text, I feel as though I am holding one of the more important documents of our time--an extremely comprehensive and extraordinary map of our subtle anatomy.... Bruce has mindfully woven insights from the wisdom of ancient India to create a unique approach for understanding and working with life force, the healing presence of the soul." "The first section of this book, "Loving Hands Are Healing Hands," contains a series of energy-balancing sessions based upon Polarity Therapy. While quite simple and easy to learn,.. [theyl are profoundly effective. Then, through a holistic approach to healing, Bruce presents a system of somatic psychology for cleaning trauma from the cellular memory of the body. "

John Chitty, R.PP, President, American Polarity Therapy Association
"Esoteric Anatomy is a thorough and scholarly exploration of "Energy in the Healing Arts." Bruce Burger's long experience in the field and sincere dedication to integrating spirit with physical and emotional health are reflected on every page. This book is a significant addition to holistic-health literature, and the Polarity Therapy community. "

Paul Pitchford, author of Healing with Whole Foods: Oriental Traditions and Modern Nutrition (see this book at )
"With Esoteric Anatomy, Bruce Burger integrates profound levels of Oriental wisdom and Ayurvedic theories of creation and transformation in a new and convincing way. The implications are completely transforming for every type of body therapy as well as the healing arts in general."

About the Author
Bruce Burger, M.A., R.P.P, is the founder of Heartwood Institute, one of the world's leading centers for professional training in massage and somatic psychology. Located on 240 acres outside Garberville, California, Heartwood is now in its twentieth year as both a utopian community and self actualizing educational institution.

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A Guide to Polarity Therapy 4 Ed: The Gentle Art of Hands-On Healing
by Maruti Seidman

Paperback - 180 pages 4 edition (November 28, 1999)
North Atlantic Books; ISBN: 1556433298

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Book Description
Now in an expanded edition, this book explains the polarity system of healing, which combines diet, exercise, hands-on techniques, and positive attitudes to tap into spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional energies. Twenty-one different healing treatments are described in detail.

Reader Review
Guide to Polarity Therapy, May 31, 2000
Reviewer: mbee (see more about me at from USA
This is an excellent book for the professional who has not yet had the opportunity to study this technique. Concise and practical, it is easy to teach oneself the applications of Polarity Therapy. My clients have benefited from the knowledge I gleaned from its pages and it enhanced my practice to be able to help them on another energetic level. This is a very readable and practical introduction to this work.


Your Healing Hands : The Polarity Experience
by Richard Gordon, Meg Studer (Illustrator)

Paperback - 142 pages (December 1984)
Wingbow Pr; ISBN: 0914728490

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A Reader Review
Great introduction to healing others with love, February 18, 1999
Reviewer: from oakland, california
Richard Gordon explains how one can go about healing others, with no special talent or skill. It is a matter of proper breathing, light or no touch, and a few minutes of time. Polarity is the art of changing your own electic field to a calm, radiating positive field. Then your patien, or "friend"'s field naturally attunes to your vibe. Its lovely really. The pictures are wonderful too.


Health Building : The Conscious Art of Living Well
by Randolph Stone

Paperback - 240 pages (June 1999)
Book Pub Co; ISBN: 1570670811

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Book Description
Dr. Stone's health concepts are all based on the living energy currents that can b e directly experienced through the diets and exercises described in this book. Includes full instructions on vegetarian purifying diets, energizing exercises for vitality & beauty, and living the basic principles of health & happiness.

A Reader Review
Practical Natural Healing, March 3, 2000
Reviewer: A reader from Glendale, CA
This little book by Dr. Stone is a gem. It is filled with practical knowledge that anyone can use to enhance their health, self-healing capabilities, and clarity about natural healing. As a practitioner of Polarity Therapy for over 25 years I find that I am still suggesting this book to my new students and clients. The writing is simple and to the point. But Dr. Stone is not afraid to go discuss the subtle aspects of healing and how our thoughts effect our lives. When you consider that he wrote this and his collected works in the late '40s and '50s it is even more impressive. This book also is a good one for people who have no background at all about natural healing and the bodies ability to heal itself. Dr. Stone uses his rich background as a Doctor of Naturopathy, Chiropractic and Osteopathy along with his training in Chinese and Ayurvedic Medicine to bring together the basic principles of natural healing beyond cultural bias. And finally, this book is a good introduction to Dr. Stone's Collected Works (written for professionals). Enjoy.


The Art of Polarity Therapy : A Practitioner's Perspective
by Phil Young

Paperback (July 2000)
Prism Pr Ltd; ISBN: 1853270571

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Book Description
This clear concise and well-illustrated guide traces the practice of polarity therapy from first contact with the client to the natural ending of therapy. It describes the art of structuring, balancing, and the realigning of the physical body in relation to gravity and explores the theory of energy fields. Teachers practitioners and students of polarity therapy will find this an invaluable guide and also a profound personal statement concerning the more subtle aspects of the art.


Polarity Therapy : The Complete Collected Works - Volume 1
by Randolph Stone

Paperback - 112 pages ( 1 October, 1986)
CRCS Publications; ISBN: 0916360482

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Polarity Therapy : The Complete Collected Works - Volume 2
by Randolph Stone

Paperback - 250 pages ( 1 October, 1988)
CRCS Publications; ISBN: 0916360253

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Polarity Therapy Workbook
John Beaulieu

Paperback - 228 pages (September 1994)
BioSonic Enterprises; ISBN: 096406040X

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