bread and roses
Bread and Roses Productions
Helena Sheehan at launch of CD Songs of Irish Labour

about the project

about the CD: songs

about the CD: sales

SONGS pages:

(including text, photos, mp2 sound files and soon video)

The Red Flag:
the song,
the man,
the monument

Bread & Roses

Talk to Me of Freedom

(home pages)

Helena Sheehan

Martin Whelan

Sam Nolan

Eoin Sweeney

John Flood


H Sheehan

M Whelan

S Nolan

J Flood

E Sweeney

Webeditor:  H Sheehan

Bread and Roses Productions is a multimedia production unit. 

Its first production, a CD  

was launched on the 1st of December 1998 in Liberty Hall in Dublin.

There is also an elaborate labour songs website  and a multimedia slide show as part of the same project.

There will be future multimedia productions in the coming years.

The address of  Bread and Roses Productions is:

      194 Ballymun Road
      Dublin 9, Ireland
      Tel/fax: 00-353-1-8421926

All profits are invested in future productions.

The directors are:

managing director: Dr. Helena Sheehan
secretary: Sam Nolan
directors: Martin Whelan
                 John Flood
                 Eoin Sweeney

At a production meeting: Eoin Sweeney. Micheal Rourke, Colin Patterson, Johnny Flood, Martin Whelan

Ruairi Quinn speaking at launch of cd

Proinsias De Rossa speaking at launch of cd

Alan Soughley interviewing Helena Sheehan at launch of cd

Colin Patterson and Sam Nolan at launch of cd


Labour 1999
Bread and Roses Productions is hosting websites for the following Labour candiadates:
Sean Butler    Joe Costello     Declan Bree     Tommy Grimes
Labour Party      Dublin Central Constituency