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Bird Tables & Nesting Boxes

Butterfly Garden

Wildflower Meadow

Photographs of Habitats

No-dig Mulch Bed

Wildlife Pond and Marsh area

Additional Information

European Green Flag

Schools Integration Project

Clonown National School

Wildlife Garden

"In 1992, we decided to make a wildlife garden so that we could study birds, insects and flowers in the school grounds. On Planting Day, May 5th, 1993, we didn't go inside the school but stayed outside all day planting."

Click below to read some of our Diary notes on various aspects of the project.

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ScoilNet is part of the Department of Education and Science IT2000 Programme.

Click here for more information:

The Eco-Schools Programme aims to raise students' awareness of environmental and sustainable development issues through classroom study, and provides an integrated system for environmental management of schools based on an ISO14001/EMAS approach, with water, waste and energy as priority areas in initial years.

Click here to find out more about the Eco-Schools Programme: