The Quay |
The Deep-Water Quay
This is a working quay with vessels liable to tying up alongside and loading at any time. However, early morning and late evening tides, or a tide in full darkness can be very productive when boat activity is quieter and you won't interfere by getting in the way.
You can fish straight off the quay on to a bottom of mainly clean sand and mud, but there is the odd snag, possibly lost commercial gear. The tide run is noticeable but easily fished without having to resort to leads heavier than 5ozs.
Summer catches consist of dabs, flounders, rays, dogfish, small coalfish, pouting, eels, pollack, specimen three bearded rockling, and some good conger which live around the quay structures. Float fishing with mackerel strip takes big garfish and mackerel, and if you suspend bags of mashed bread and fish from the quay, there are some monster mullet cruising in the quay shadows. There are stories of big bass being hooked from the quay and also plaice from June to September.
In winter, codling come in close and run up to about 3lbs or so. They are joined by fat whiting, thick dabs and quality flounders to over 2lbs. From December to March, coalfish to 3lbs are also taken.
Tide size is not important, but high water fishes best for most species.
For bottom fishing a standard beachcaster and multiplier with 20lb line is fine. The 20lb line allows you a little lifting power if a decent fish of 3lbs or so needs to be hauled up by hand. A two or three hook rig is best with size 1 Aberdeen's.
For the conger, change to a tough uptider and a reel like a 7000 or 9000 loading it with 30lb line. Fish a 6/0 hook to a short 100lb mono trace on a running ledger for these.
A float rod or light spinning rod is useful for the garfish, mackerel and mullet. A dropnet is a good idea to aid landing mullet and any bigger fish.
Worm baits take the bulk of the fish, but peeler crab is excellent for the flounders, eels and codling. Peeler also takes the plaice, but ragworm is also effective. Use whole pout or whiting for the conger. A whole dead pout, maybe injected with air, would be killer bait for the bigger bass left to float on the surface around the quay structure at night.
Take the main N25 through Waterford, Dungarvan and Youghal heading for Cork. Stay on the N25 through Midleton and then look for a left turn on to the R624 sign-posted for Cobh. There is roadside parking on the main street in front of the quay.
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