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Electronic Recycling

Electronic Recycling

Some home owners and organisations in Ireland may not be aware that it is unlawful to dispose of computers, monitors and other electronic waste in any landfill. This increases the importance in selecting the correct vendor to recycle your e-waste. A vendor that can and will, perform the job in an ethical, efficient, and professional manner. Computerlynx demanufactures all electronic waste. We fully understand a business wishing to liquidate surplus property to increase revenue, but when it comes to liquidating e-waste, certain environmental issues may come into play.
Here is the short list of what we take to recycle:

* Any type of Computers
* Hard Drives, Keyboards, Mice
* Computer Monitors
* Mainframe and Mini Computers
* Printers, Scanners, Modems
* Computer Accessories
* Electronic Calculators
* Radios and Stereos
* Photocopiers
* Electronic Pagers
* Electronic Games
* Any type of cameras

We shield you or your company from liability

From privacy issues to the EPA, when a computer leaves your premises it can become a serious risk. Here's how Computerlynx insulates you or your company from these risks.
- We take title to your equipment. That is, your equipment becomes our equipment and it's no longer your responsibility.
- Hard drives are sanitized or destroyed.
- Asset tags are removed that may identify the original equipment's owner.
- Worthless computer equipment is disposed of in accordance with Irish environmental laws.
- Services are HIPAA compliant.

We can save you or your company a bundle

Computerlynx can properly dispose of your computer hardware for a fraction of what it would cost to do it yourself.

We do more than just computer recycling

Maybe you'd prefer to refurbish your equipment and redeploy it to another company department. We can provide these services and more for a fraction of what it would cost you to do it yourself.

The entire process will be effortless to you

You already have enough work to do. Do you really want to spend your time erasing hard drives and upgrading outdated systems? Why worry about risk management, software licenses and environmental compliance? We can pickup your equipment, provide the requested services and send you a detailed record of what was accomplished. It's that easy.

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