This section of our website contains information relating to the school, closure dates, up-coming events, parent-teacher meetings etc.
Principal: Mr. Denis O' Sullivan
Address: Crab Lane, Ballintemple, Cork City, Ireland.
Tel: (021) 4293608
Cuairt an t-Ard Mhaora/ Lord Mayor's Day
The Lord Mayor will visit the school on Tuesday October 2nd,
at 10.50a.m. The children will be free to go home at the conclusion of the visit.
Céad Commaoineach/First Communion
The date of this year's First Holy Communion Ceremony has been fixed for Saturday
April 27th, 2002.
Rang a 5/6 will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Tuesday
February 26th, 2002.
Feisteas Scoile/School Uniform
The school uniform is available from Laura's Boutique, Douglas.
Peil-Sciath na Scol
We have two teams entered in the Sciath na Scol competition this year (boys
and girls) Please note the fixture details below. Scores will be posted on this
page of the website, and match reports will appear on
the News Page. Support and help with transport is always
welcome.Any parent who can help with transport to away matches should contact
me (Mr. O' Draighneáin) at the school.Go n-eirí linn i mbliana.
na Scol 2001
- Cailíní
Tuesday, September18th
G.S. Mhachan
Blackrock GAA
3 p.m.
Thursday, September 20th
Ballyphehane GNS
Blackrock GAA
3 p.m.
Wednesday, September 26th
Cloghroe NS
Blackrock GAA
2.00 p.m.
Thursday, September 27th
Brooklodge NS
Caherlag (Erins Own)
2.30 p.m.
Monday, October 1st
Glanmire NS
Blackrock GAA
3 p.m.
Thursday, October 4th
Midleton GNS
Blackrock GAA
3 p.m.
* Date yet to be confirmed.
na Scol 2001
- Buachaillí
Tuesday, September18th
G.S. Mhachan
Blackrock GAA
3 p.m.
Monday, September 24th
Goggins Hill N.S.
Ballinhassig GAA
2.30 p.m.
Thursday, September 27th
1. Lower Glanmire
2. Cork School Project
Glanmire G.A.A.
12.00 p.m.
Monday, October 1st
Coachford GAA
2.30 p.m.
Thursday, October 4th.
School Closures/Féilire na Scoile 2001/'02
The dates of school closures for the coming year are highlighted on the school
calendar. Go To Calendar
Rince/Irish Dancing
Mrs. Mc Donald conducts Irish-Dancing classes in the school on Tuesday afternoons
from 2.45-3.45.
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