Band Locations
The band practises in two locations on two separate nights of the week, in
swords and Donaghmede. Swords practise on a Wednesday between 7pm and 8:15pm,
and Donaghmede practise on a Friday at the same times.
Swords Practice
The Swords branch of the band practises on a Wednesday in Tigin Montessori
school. This is an excellent purpose built building and is an ideal place for us
to practise. It is located in the swords business campus. If you are travelling
from the airport the directions are as follows:
Take the N1 from the airport towards Swords
Continue out the N1 past the Pavilions shopping centre
The next roundabout is at Woodies DIY
Continue to the next roundabout and take a left
Take that road up to the traffic lights and take a
Then take the next right, past the park area on your
immediate right, into the business campus.
Follow the road to the very back of the campus and we are
in the red roofed building.
See the map for extra assistance. Follow the red arrows for

Donaghmede Practise
The Donaghmede branch of the band practises on a Friday in the Grange Community
College. By day this is a secondary school but it provides good classroom space
for us to practise in. The directions from the M50 are as follows:
Coming Northbound on the M50, at the M1 interchange
continue straight on the N32.
Follow that road straight out and continue through to
Clare Hall at the Junction beside the Airport Hilton
Go straight through the next roundabout.
Then take a left turn at the second roundabout.
Immediately take a right turn down the small road parallel
to the main road.
Take this road to the second left, into the school to your
We practise here!!
See the map for extra assistance. Follow the red arrows for

Website designed by Niall Sweeney and
hosted by Shane Sweeney
Thanks to everyone for their support.