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Ireland's first Wheelchair Rugby Club


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Squad profile of Garrett Culliton
Irish National Wheelchair Rugby Team

Garrett "Big Man" Culliton

Ireland/Gaelic Warriors
Wheelchair Rugby Team


Garrett Culliton
 Born:  Laois, Ireland  Classification:  2.0
 Residence:   Dublin, Ireland  Started playing in:  1997
 Birth Date:  29/04/1970  Nat. Team member since:  1997
 Height:  6'3''  Contact:  gculliton@hotmail.com
 Weight:  16st  Coaches:  Martin Baxter, Peter Barron
 Languages:  English and Irish  Occupation:  Sports Disability Officer for Laois Sports Partnerships
 Hobbies:  Rugby, Basketball, Athletics, Cinema, Web Design  Clubs:  Gaelic Warriors, Dublin Celts

Garrett hails from the County of Laois, doubling the Queen's County quota on the squad because John Finn is also from the Leinster county, but he has been living in Lucan, County Dublin for a few years. Garrett is in his second term as a member of the executive committee of the Irish Wheelchair Association - Sport. Were it not for the Big Man there is a possibility that Wheelchair Rugby would have passed us by here in Ireland. Coming from a dedicated Rugby family, his father and brothers played rugby at a high level, it was no wonder that Garrett wanted to see rugby flourish in Ireland. The fact that Garrett got his injury on the rugby field didn't put him off. He still goes to Landsdowne Road at every opportunity to cheer on the Irish rugby teams. The Big Man is a truely gifted athlete and he excels at whatever sport he tries his hand at. He has competed at numerous Paralympics, his first coming in Atlanta 1996. He has also competed at World Championships and at European Championships in the Field Events, where he has won championship medals. He was also a member of the Table Tennis squad and competed at European Championships in Class 2. Another love of Garrett's is the GAA and he supports the Laois county teams whether they play with the big ball or with the sliother. He is a selector on the senior football team for his parish in Clonaslee. A true all-rounder if ever there was one.