Tribute to my Nikon D100

A few of the shots caught on my D100 that were good, made waves or just a few that I like.

The replica of the HMS Endeavour visited us in October and this shot was an early success for the D100.

It was not a commission but a spec shot, taken quickly and printed on the cover of Inside Cork.

My editor said he was "Blown Away!"

After this picture was published I was known as "Oh! You're the man who shot the Endeavour picture!"

We must get that shot!

Out for an early evening assignment we spotted the Endeavour for the first time. It was coming on evening and it promised to make a shot but we had a time sensitive presentation to catch so we had to pass.

As we left the hotel we saw the sky and we knew we just had to get that shot. We raced around in rush hour traffic and abandoned our van in the near lane with hazards flashing amid a few hoots and shouts form angry motorists.

What most people don't realize at all is these scenes last only a few seconds, arguably we are past the peak for this shot already but we worked fast resting the D100 against the railings and then on a tripod and used flash at full manual to get a little detail in the shadow but programmed spot metering otherwise for the highlights.

This picture has been very successful, it's been commissioned for three magazine covers, three corporate reports, one calendar and a local artist is making a painting of it and a Christmas card. Individual prints also sold well and is on a few T-Shirt, the UK historical society want to use the files as well.

Later on at another assignement we met the Endeavour crew and got a fantastic reception. We were invited to visit at any time but pressure of work and just plain bad, bad weather conspired against us. Maybe next time.

Officers and staff of the Endeavour; Reg Brooke, practical navigator; Lord Mayor, Cllr. John Kelleher, Bob Lamoureux, chief officer; Liz and Donal O’Boyle, Craig Chad, Gerald Collins and Julian Hicks press officer at the ‘welcome home to Cork’ for the US Airforce Band in the Rochestown Park Hotel

Pics: Gerard Bonus/B Photo

Tech Box

A tripod, Polariser filter and flash were used for this shot.

1/60 @F4.5 Program Spot Meter

WB = Flash

17~35mm (might be a Sigma)

Contrast = soft

ICS = normal

Tone = normal

ISO = 200



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