Let's start with the headline maker, Irish Examiner back cover 10x8 in inches, D100 and 17~35mm AF-S.
Was commissioned to do a CD launch for the Cork duo 'Metisse'. The launch was in the wharehous/showrooms of Flor Griffin, a big mover of all things electrical.
We arrive early, as we always do and the band were rehearsing, "take a few snaps while they are trying the sound" So we did, The D100 was first choice for a close up wide angle image, my wife was to my right firing a slaved SB26 unit whilst my mounted SB unit was bouncing in matrix.
The rehearsal ended all too soon for us and we were disappointed with both the D100 and the D1x's performance in the changing lighting situation, it was not bright enough for available yet too bright to stop movement.
It'll be alright on the night!
We were looking over our files when the picture editor from the Irish Examiner was on the blower looking for pictures. This was 8.30 in the evening but the show was not actually scheduled until 9.30pm; he wanted them straight away as they were bedding the paper they had a totally different back cover shot lined up, if I could make it in the next few minutes it would be in the morning's paper. "O Darn!" We were not expecting this, the Examiner usually cover these things themselves, but we were promised a shift if we made it ~ problem #1 the band had left the building, must use rehearsal files.
Mad scramble in the PC bag dragged out the leads for the mobile ~ great! Relief as we had not thought of bringing the lead but I try and have everything packed anyway ~ it worked this time. Drats! My configured Zoc terminal is not yet setup after my laptop upgrade ~ sinking feeling and on a new SW (XP) as well. So I find and load the Windows Hyper Terminal and have to phone the paper for their modem numbers, embarrassingly.
Four agonizing minutes later the Hyper Terminal stops working. Has it sent the file or failed. With my usual SW I can track the file on the remote terminal and know if it arrived safely. Phoning picture desk, no answer, sweat, more sweat. "No the editor has left" came the voice eventually, "No the paper is gone to bed, it's closed, you have missed it now!" Hearts sink! "Forget the paper" I said, "ask him if the file arrived at all!" "Yes! it was sent to print!"
So what did that mean? Well we had picture receipt confirmation ~ no more to do now but shoot a few stage shots when the band arrived back, the crowd was arriving now anyway so we had to get some socials.
"Metisse" launching their CD "My Fault" Aida is singing whilst Skully is on the keyboard in the background.