general musicianship
Sight-Singing books:
Sight Singing books at Sheet Music Plus.
The AB Guide to Music Theory by Eric Taylor.
Part I covers all the rudiments thoroughly,
Part II covers basic harmony & counterpoint, instruments, modes & modern developments.
There are 8
by Taylor to accompany the AB Guides.
Preparatory Exercises in Score Reading

by R. O. Morris
100 Score-Reading Exercises by Philip G. Wilkinson
good luck finding this one.
An Introduction To Score Playing by Eric Taylor
theory tutorials and drills
Auburn University's theory department has provided several pages of traditional paper-based drills (and answers)
covering intervals and chords. Required knowledge for entry level college students.
The site recommends
Scales, Intervals, Keys, Triads, Rhythm, and Meter: (Third Edition)
A series of
podcast lectures on species counterpoint given by Dr. Thomas Bergeron
at Western Oregon University to his students.
lots of very nice free Java applet music drills, including one
for first species counterpoint.
Comprehensive set of music pages covering theory and more (a great deal about the Dolmetsch family), maintained by Dr. Brian Blood.
The site also sells recorders, early music instruments, & sheet music.
Ars Nova Software sells Counterpointer, a counterpoint training program, and other
music software.
(free) interactive Flash music theory applications.
has some nice simple music drills (Java applets).
Ricci Adams’
(free) interactive Flash music theory applications.
The O’Connor Music Studio
has some interesting links and articles, and it has a
free chord demonstrator application.
sites with some information about Fux
Brief (two paragraphs) biography of the man.
A few more paragraphs about his work.
Links to an essay on Fux, online MIDI renditions of some of his compositions, & links to other recordings of Fux's compositions.
University of Texas at Austin
some information for its counterpoint class contrasting Fux with other theorists.
links to Palestrina sites
Recordings of Palestrina compositions for sale at Amazon.
links to recordings, books, sheet music, pictures.
Two paragraph biography
Short biographical essay, and link to online .mp3 recordings.
A page with a half dozen short biographies of Palestrina, and links to books.
counterpoint books
The Study of Counterpoint

from Gradus Ad Parnassus.
The Study of Fugue by Alfred Mann.
In addition to the second part of Fux's text from Gradus Ad Parnassus, this book includes sections from other classic texts
on fugue, by Marpurg (who wrote the preface to the 2nd edition of J.S. Bach's Art of Fugue), Martini (who taught Mozart),
& Albrecthsberger (who taught Beethoven).
Preliminary Exercises in Counterpoint by Arnold Schoenberg (Faber & Faber Ltd)
Models for Beginners in Composition &
Structural Functions of Harmony
this book was developed by Schoenberg while teaching at the University of California.
Counterpoint, by Gordon Jacob: Part Two from
Harmony, Counterpoint & Improvisation Book 1, editor Sir George Dyson (Novello)
The Polyphonic Vocal Styles of the Sixteenth Century, by Knud Jeppesen, trans. Glen Haydon (Prentice-Hall Inc.)

Walter Piston
examines contrapuntal technique
in the 18th & 19th centuries.
A Treatise On Counterpoint And Fugue
by L. Cherubini.
published in 1833. In addition to being a successful composer Cherubini was
director of the Conservatoire of Music in Paris. This link brings you to a free download of the entire text.
more countepoint books at Amazon.
miscellaneous links
Inkscape is an excellent free open source vector graphics editor.
is an excellent free open source music typesetting program. A little
difficult to learn to use, but the results are professional.
is another free open source music notation editor. More limited than Lilypond
but much easier to learn since it's WYSIWYG.
Scribd has a huge library of documents and books available for free download.
Comprehensive article (set of pages) about the mathematical basis of Pythagorean tuning.
Good article on 13th century polyphony and its treatment of dissonance.
The Counterpoint Site - more counterpoint information.
Merlot is a collection of links to online learning materials for a variety of subjects; the links
are reviewed by Merlot's panel of academics.
my resume
I'm not sure why this link is here, I've given up looking for an employer...