Planing - Make sure your project/Homepage proceeds in an orderly and efficient manner


While formalizing the big picture of your Web strategy, you can begin staging the development of the project components in order to decide the sequence in which the parts should be built. Generally, the order in which project elements are built and implemented will depend first on time constraints and then on the relative value of individual components. For instance, if the product needs to launch in four weeks but the entire build time is two months, you'll have to decide which parts are absolutely necessary for the project to launch and which are secondary or tertiary and, thus, can be built later.

To return to our example of the coffee table company expanding into new markets, part of our Web strategy includes adding a new area on the site for bar stools. As part of our implementation on the front end of the site, we might specify a top-level directory, subdirectories for wooden and metal stools, and specific product pages. For the company's own administrative use, we'll also need to build a tool that will give us statistical data on sales as well as the ability to track orders, process payments by check, communicate with specific groups of customers, and perform a variety of other tasks.

First, list all of the individual components of the project:

  • Front-end site components
    top-level bar stool directory
    wood bar stool subdirectory
    wood bar stool product pages
    metal bar stool subdirectory
    metal bar stool product pages
    order-processing component
  • Administrative components
    statistics section
    order records
    payment processing
    order fulfillment
    customer communication center--batch and automated e-mail functionality
    Next, order the components based on the relative value of each element (this order will vary based on your own project analysis):
  • front-end product pages
    front-end order-processing component
    admin. order records
    admin. payment processing
    admin. order fulfillment
    front-end subdirectories and top-level directory
    admin. search functionality
    admin. customer communication elements
    admin. statistics section
    After staging the project to determine the build sequence, establish how much the project will cost and how long it will take to complete

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