

before I even start. If your going to make a web site have IE4.0,5.0 AND NETSCAPE 3.0,4.6 you need them

also have access to a PC and MAC with IE and Netscape

Step 1 . don't use code that work in IE but not in Netscape/work in Netscape but not in IE
Step 2 . don't use fonts that other may not have only use the following fonts when writing html

  • Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif
  • Times New Roman, Times, serif
  • Courier New, Courier, mono
  • Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif
  • Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif
  • Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif
  • Traditional Arabic

Step 3 . if you know someone who has all ready setup a web site ask for some tips
Step 4 . and if you need more help log on to the following web sites


all rights reserved © Getting Online 2001 / Denis Murphy
