Each January the combined forces of 5th and 1st year are directed towards the school opera. This year we began a new cycle of the "Murphy Ring" (Mr Gerry Murphy's set of five operas which were first performed in Gonzaga over 25 years ago) with A Spy in the Ointment.

It could be argued that once you have seen an opera you have seen it and there is nothing to be gained from seeing it again. Nothing could be further from the truth. This was my fourth viewing of A Spy in the Ointment and it included the strongest Fifth Year cast I have seen in this opera.

The production was carried by the remarkable strength of singing and acting by the leading players. While it is not possible to name all those who added so much to the occasion we must note the contribution of Eric McGrath as Alfred. In his solos and duets (with a talented Aoife Doyle from Our Lady's Templeogue) he was a revelation as singer and actor. Robert O'Connor also brought a sense of villainy to Warbeck, which rivalled that of the creator of the part some 26 years ago. The orchestra led by Cormac O'Cuilleanain with Mrs Patricia Murphy at the piano included boys from 2nd to 6th Year (and yes, that was the Young Scientist in the second violins) and was conducted by the composer, director and producer Gerry Murphy.

A magnificent production - as the audiences of over 900 will testify.

Gonzaga will have two teams in the FRENCH TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION TRANSITION YEAR TABLE QUIZ on Thursday, February 7. Bonne chance to Patrick Barrett, Patrick Keenan, John Curtin, Cillian Devlin, Thomas Kearney, Conor Mulvagh, Hugh Murphy and Nicholas Woods.


On Ash Wednesday, February 13th Mass will be celebrated for the whole school at 12 noon. Sadly, for reasons of space, it is not possible to accommodate parents at this Mass.

However, throughout Lent an opportunity is given to all boys and their families to attend morning Mass in the College Chapel. Mass begins each morning at 08.10 and is over before 08.40. During Lent classes will begin for all pupils at 08.40 to facilitate attendance at Mass. Please encourage your sons to attend and remember you are also most welcome.

As part of our Lenten arrangements a retreat for parents will be conducted in the College on Sunday 4th March. The retreat will be directed by Fr Frank Doyle SJ, the College Chaplain. Application forms will be distributed through the boys next week and, in view of the high demand for Dlaces on last year's retreat, we would encourage early booking.

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