
10th January


Wall on the edge of town.


Dull and wet.

Two wall ferns. Rusty-back - Ceterach officinarum - on the left and Wall Rue - Asplenium ruta-muraria - on the right.


I was quite happy getting shots of the leaves of the Ivy-leaved Toadflax - Cymbalaria muralis - and then noticed that one or two plants had flowered.


I've been trying to get to grips with lichens in all of their stages and I reckoned this was a young Cladonia, pre-fruit-bodies. Then, when I got back to the office, I noticed these tiny purple dots, which I presume are new fruit-bodies just emerging. Sample on the left about 1 cm. across, making the dots less than 1mm., and invisible to my naked eye.


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