
10th April


Various locations, as mentioned.


Dull with light showers.

Original Hedgerow, leg 2. This Common Dog Violet shows the more usual cream spur. And on the right, Meadowsweet - Filipendula ulmaria - shoots have sprung up all along the verge.



Ribes sanguineum - Flowering Currant - is a major component of many hedgerows in this area. The colour is welcome, and the smell is all-pervading, especially when wet.

There were a few of these tiny (4mm.) leaf beetles wandering around down by the River Deele. Their instant response to any threat (such as an approaching camera) is to flip over backwards and feign death. I suspect they had just emerged, since no leaves showed any signs of having been munched. Shape and colour is reminiscent of the Dock Leaf Beetle - Gastrophysa viridula.

A shot of Melanostoma mellinum - a very common hoverfly.


Also down by the river, the buds of Ramsons - Allium ursinum.

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