
25th April


Wasteland in town centre.


Sunny and hot.

Further research shows that the Coltsfoot doesn't shrink on one side, it actually tightens on one side but continues to grow on the other. This still results in a downward turn of the dead flower head. Once the seeds have formed, the tightened side is released and it catches up with the other side and the seedhead returns to a vertical position. All 3 states are shown in the picture. Notice that the bend is always to the same side, usually facing east. Fascinating.

A couple of shots of the first Peacock I've seen in town this year.


And a not bad picture of a queen Bumble Bee - Bombus lucorum - foraging in Gorse.

I noticed that she was taking roughly the same amount of time in each flower, so I counted when she was inside and pressed before she emerged. This was the fourth shot.

I notice a tiny piece of black in the yellow collar. I wonder if it's actually Bombus cryptarum.

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