1st July |
High deforestation. Added identification (!) for the egg-laying Ichneumon on June 26. Overcast and humid. |
Two newly-opened white flowers. Eyebright - Euphrasia ?arctica - on the left and Fairy flax - Linum catharticum - on the right.
This is an interesting moth: it rests with its wings closed vertically like a butterfly. Usually seen high in Willows (this was a telephoto shot). Bupalus piniaria - Bordered White (female). |
The larva of the Orange Tip butterfly is almost mature. It's about 3cm. long at this point. |
This Common Spotted Orchid has more than a little Northern Marsh Orchid in its make-up. That bright purple decoration gives it a distinctive glow from some distance. |
Yet another new hoverfly for the site: Sericomyia lappona. This one is much quieter in flight than its close relative Sericomyia silentis. I think someone was having a little joke when the latin names were being created. This photo was taken on an Alder that always provides me with a photograph. It's the only Alder for perhaps quarter of a kilometre and it acts like a magnet for insects. The other nearby trees are Spruce and Willow. |
Yellow Rattle - Rhinanthus minor - has flowered. I must get a look at that black fungal attack when I have time. |
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