5th July |
Drumboe Wood.
Warm and humid, with some brief showers. |
A nice comparison of two closely related hoverflies. Leucozona laternaria (left) and Leucozona glaucia (right).
I spotted this exuvia (empty pupal skin) of a hoverfly.
I was having a closer look at the Hogweed and spotted this spinning inside the flowerhead. A gentle bit of 'coaxing' and I flushed the larva of the Parsnip Moth - Depressaria pastinacella - another micromoth.
The leaves of many Birch trees are showing leaf mines. This is the micromoth Stigmella betulicola.
Another new Ladybird for the site. This is Halyzia sedecimguttata - the Orange Ladybird. |
Epilobium ciliatum is a widespread introduction - American Willowherb.
A close-up of the Capsid Calocoris stysi. Note the long thin proboscis. |
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